Topic: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

Frank Dillane and Alycia Debnam Carey have been cast in the pilot, created by Robert Kirkman, on whose graphic novel “The Walking Dead” was based, and Dave Erickson.

Adam Davidson will direct the pilot, known as “Cobalt,” which takes place during the same zombie apocalypse depicted on “The Walking Dead” but in a different location.

It revolves around a male divorced teacher and a female guidance counselor. Dillane (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) plays the woman’s son, who has battled a drug problem. Aussie Debnam Carey (Into the Storm) plays the woman’s ambitious daughter.

Edit by Santah - official thread for this show, here: https://forum.next-episode.net/viewtopic.php?id=8973



Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

I thinks it's a great idea! It's a clever way to both cash in on the popularity of the show and genre yet explore different ideas and stories without all the fanboys whining about it not being faithful to the comics.

I wonder "when" it's set? At the beginning of the outbreak or in the current twd timeline.

Any news on when it's starting to air? Plus I hope this doesn't mean they are finishing up TWD and this is to take its place...

3 (edited by xrnzaaas 2014-12-05 07:28:36)

Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

And here's the actor casted for the main role in the new show:


Don't worry about the original TWD. It's the biggest show on the air so it'll have at least 10 seasons. wink They'll probably air it next fall and on a different night than TWD since the original already has a Talking Dead sidekick show.



Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

So is the title for this "Spread the Dead" or was that just a rumour?  This is the title I saw last year when it was first announced but pretty much all recent coverage just refers to it as the Walking Dead spin off.


Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

There isn't an official title yet. It may be named Cobalt, The Walking Dead: Cobalt or it may get a different title.



Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

busby wrote:

"Spread the Dead"

Sounds like a porn parody.



Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff


"Fear The Walking Dead"

http://screenrant.com/walking-dead-spin … -2-images/

http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainmen … -1.2143084



Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

Stupid title... like from a Romero movie.



Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

here is the trailer


looking pretty dam awesome!


Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

Probably a great pilot and a shitty series, just like TWD.



Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

Easy solution for you Orlando, don't watch it.


Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

how about renaming the thread and moving it to correct forums, no need to create new 1 smile


Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

I'll give it a chance. At least they can create brand new characters this time, not base the most important ones on the comic series.



Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

Thread renamed! smile


Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

http://www.tv.com/shows/fear-the-walkin … 984157602/

What did you like about what you saw?

(...)[The] paranoid atmosphere really comes through in the second episode, and some of the acting is strong, too, particularly Dickens and Dillane. And the music is pretty good. It's more of a throbbing, electro-pulse score than the eerie strings of Bear McCreary's score for The Walking Dead.

What didn't you like about what you saw?

The first episode is steeped in bad family melodrama (...), and there's a bit of a disconnect in watching everyone wonder what is going on when we all know very well what's going on. (...) Overall, it's a pretty dry approach to the start of a zombie apocalypse and doesn't offer anything you wouldn't expect.

Well, should I watch it?

I liked the second episode a lot more than I liked the first episode, but if you really like The Walking Dead, there's no reason you shouldn't like both. It is, for better and worse, very similar to The Walking Dead in its effectiveness. If you don't like The Walking Dead, then I would stay away because there's nothing that different. People are scared and are trying not to get eaten, basically.



Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

I stopped watching this crap after the first episode of Season 2 Part 2.
This stuff is simply too stupid. It's a pure waste of time and not only that.
Having to watch the characters and seeing how they act upset me so much that
I decided it's too unhealthy to keep torturing me with this worthless series.
I hope that it won't be renewed for a 3rd season.

Neagan's got nothing on her.


Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

its better than walking dead atleast.


Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

I might start watching it again if they kill off Frank and Alycia.

Neagan's got nothing on her.


Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

sacsky wrote:

I stopped watching this crap after the first episode of Season 2 Part 2.
This stuff is simply too stupid. It's a pure waste of time and not only that.
Having to watch the characters and seeing how they act upset me so much that
I decided it's too unhealthy to keep torturing me with this worthless series.
I hope that it won't be renewed for a 3rd season.

Dropped the show at the same time and for the same reasons as you. What a huge waste of time.


Re: Fear The Walking Dead aka Walking Dead spinoff

I gotta say that episode 6 sucked just as much as FTWD. I am really pissed about wasting 50 minutes of my time
watching this filth. I'd really like the see TWD punished. I hope people stop watching alltogether and they have the cancel
the show. They really deserved this after having the nerves to offend the audience with episodes which consist of 95% filler
material. The whole trivial shit could have been told much faster in order to bring the real story fowards but obviously they
don't want this.

Neagan's got nothing on her.