Topic: Rick Grimes
This world needs Rick Grimes.
Seriously though it's been like 6+ years in the TWD universe, where the heck is he? Judith is twice her age, Michonne is AWOL, the community has all but fallen apart. Everything he helped build is going to rot and there is no sign of him. I can only imagine he's imprisoned, brainwashed or suffering amnesia, because what else would keep you from your child especially in this post-apocalyptical hell. It's not like he's a dead-beat dad so where the heck is he?
More seriously though, am I going to even care when he comes back? The entire vibe of the show is completely different compared to what it was when Rick was around. People since Rick left have been timid first and knifey second (until very recently, I'm looking at you Maggie), I feel like old Rick woulda started wearing skins a lot sooner against the whisperers and would have probably ended Alpha sooner rather than later. I guess all I'm saying is it's been a while, people have changed and a lot has happened. Will Rick still be Rick?
Possible spoiler if you haven't been watching all the shows: