Topic: The Walking Dead: Endgame

Anyone else think everything is going to end with these 3 movies and it will bring them all together? Have I missed an article where they have already said this? I just feel they will. And I hope they do. Mostly so I don't feel the need to watch things I just want to find out the endings to.

"city morgue, you kill em, we chill em"


Re: The Walking Dead: Endgame

3 movies?


Re: The Walking Dead: Endgame

Yeah. There are going to be 3 movies bringing Rick back. They were going to be TV movies, but they are actually being released into cinemas now. I forget when the first is scheduled. I think next year after the final season of the original series.

"city morgue, you kill em, we chill em"


Re: The Walking Dead: Endgame

Yeah, the show isn't as great as back when it started, but I'm still looking forward to watching 'the rest' of it, including the movies. smile