All in all, I'm satisfied with season 3. It had some weak points, but it was 'streets ahead' of seasons 1 and 2. The season finale was decent. Nothing surprising, but nevertheless well-told.
I don't mind that the characters that died are gone...none of them was especially charismatic. Some folks seem disappointed to lose a strong female lead though. Fair enough. Hopefully the girl with Tyreese will step up and be a good character.
I'm not sure why people want to see Carl get killed...he's actually developing into a strong character. Rick, on the other hand, is tough to have sympathy for...he's a bad leader, and his character is so flat and lacking in dynamism that I sort of loathe seeing him on screen. Maggie and Glenn, and Hershel, and Carl, and Michonne, and Tyreese, and even the Governor...all interesting characters...
...and right now, I'd miss any of them more than I'd miss Rick if he were offed.