Topic: Season 3 finale

Bit disappointing to be honest, much preferred last seasons finale! Was hoping for a proper showdown, not a mini showdown, kill everyone on your side cos they ran away then disappear finale! Instead of Andrea, why didn't Carl just get killed off instead... I hope next season doesn't just consist of the Governor trying to kill them all every episode, I'd rather he get put down in the first episode!



Re: Season 3 finale

what a "meh" ending...


Re: Season 3 finale

I for one kinda liked the ending, solid & good episode all the way through! Did expect the governator to drop, he's kinda powerless now though and not that much of a threat. He will surely be dealt with soon enough - unless they plan for him to just fade away and reappear in a finale somehow.

They Call Me The "Jax Lovah!" Machine!


Re: Season 3 finale

I am sure the Gov will be back if only long enough to kill all the extras so the main gang can move on.


Re: Season 3 finale

he's signed on as a regular cast member for next season.
i didn't think much of the ending, too far from the graphic novel now.
i didn't think they would have kept it close, but i thought at least, rick would have killed the governor.
i realise they wont kill off Judith, at least not yet maybe. and that they wouldn't end up in washington. but just to stay put and the governor to disappear into the wood pile? bit poor.

"city morgue, you kill em, we chill em"


Re: Season 3 finale

Whoa whoa, yeah they didn't follow the graphic novel but no need to blab. There's another thread around somewhere for that do it there. That was made so this doesn't happen neutral People haven't read the graphic novels...



Re: Season 3 finale

This was my favourite episode of the season. Nicely paced and nothing crazy.


Re: Season 3 finale

As usual, not knowing it's the finale, I'm a bit disappointed but the episode itself but it was still a good episode. The character going away is a bit of a disappointment too since it has a bigger role in the comic but in some way, Daryl is sort of the replacement.

Anyway... another year to wait I suppose.

Myka : You slept with her didn't you ?
Pete : Well... you... you told me to investigate ok ? So... she's unarmed.


Re: Season 3 finale

All in all, I'm satisfied with season 3. It had some weak points, but it was 'streets ahead' of seasons 1 and 2. The season finale was decent. Nothing surprising, but nevertheless well-told.

I don't mind that the characters that died are gone...none of them was especially charismatic. Some folks seem disappointed to lose a strong female lead though. Fair enough. Hopefully the girl with Tyreese will step up and be a good character.

I'm not sure why people want to see Carl get killed...he's actually developing into a strong character. Rick, on the other hand, is tough to have sympathy for...he's a bad leader, and his character is so flat and lacking in dynamism that I sort of loathe seeing him on screen. Maggie and Glenn, and Hershel, and Carl, and Michonne, and Tyreese, and even the Governor...all interesting characters...
...and right now, I'd miss any of them more than I'd miss Rick if he were offed.



Re: Season 3 finale

... what Rob said big_smile



Re: Season 3 finale

Robcore wrote:

I'm not sure why people want to see Carl get killed...he's actually developing into a strong character.

For some reason I don't always get (sometimes I do though), kids characters are always hated. 90% of shows having that kind of characters always have their own hating mob.

Myka : You slept with her didn't you ?
Pete : Well... you... you told me to investigate ok ? So... she's unarmed.