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- scorpius074
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Topic: Watchmen

Watchmen is an American superhero drama television series, inspired by some characters from the DC Comics limited series of the same name created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. The TV show is created and developed by Damon Lindelof for HBO, with Lindelof serving as executive producer and writer. There will be nine episodes in the first season. The series takes place in an alternate contemporary reality in the United States, in which superheroes and masked vigilantes were outlawed due to their violent methods, but some of them gather around to start a revolution while others attempt to stop it. According to Lindelof, the TV series will not be a direct adaptation of the original source material, instead, being "remixed"; aiming to tell an entirely new story set in the world where the events of the original storyline took place. The series will also showcase different points of view, with the only characters from the original storyline confirmed to appear in the series being Doctor Manhattan, the former Silk Spectre, and former hero Ozymandias. The series will also focus on a detective named Angela Abar who becomes a vigilante called Sister Night. The series premiered on October 20, 2019. —Source
Check it out here I hope I didn't repost the same topic because I did several searches within this forum and was amazed not to find a topic on this series. I've been waiting for this series since HBO entered into preliminary talks with Zack Snyder, and I've finally decided to watch the premiere sometime later today. Initially, I was going to wait until its conclusion and binge all nine episodes, but damn that, I'm not waiting. I've read nothing but high praises so far regarding the series premiere, and I have a feeling I will be in the same boat at some point later today. 

- graybags
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Re: Watchmen
I'm a big fan of the book, and all I keep reading is that it has nothing to do with the original story or characters, just that it's set in the same universe and vigilantes are illegal. I'll watch it, but I'm very skeptical.
2020. Meh.

- lighton
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Re: Watchmen
Back then I gave Watchmen (2009) a 8/10 rating, so I'll check this out for sure.  I'll approach this with zero expectations, like I did with The Boys, and I'm hoping for another positive surprise. 

- Orlando
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Re: Watchmen
graybags wrote:I'm a big fan of the book, and all I keep reading is that it has nothing to do with the original story or characters, just that it's set in the same universe and vigilantes are illegal. I'll watch it, but I'm very skeptical.
It's an unnoficial sequel to the comic book, telling a new story.

- graybags
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Re: Watchmen
Orlando wrote:graybags wrote:I'm a big fan of the book, and all I keep reading is that it has nothing to do with the original story or characters, just that it's set in the same universe and vigilantes are illegal. I'll watch it, but I'm very skeptical.
It's an unnoficial sequel to the comic book, telling a new story.
I know, but with Alan Moore have zero input... Hmmm.
2020. Meh.

- Orlando
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Re: Watchmen
Oh ye, that. I mean, Moore, for the brilliant writer that he is, is a bit of a looney and "purist". I would never bet on him having anything to do with any adaptation/sequel since he's extremely vocal about it. So Moore's lack of involvement is nothing to be suprised about.

- Orlando
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Re: Watchmen
It was okay, nothing special tho.

- lighton
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Re: Watchmen
1x1 was an interesting - albeit confusing (I'm not familiar with the comics) - start, with a nice amount of WTF added on top of it. Will continue watching it. The castle scene felt a bit weird... hope it will make sense in the following episodes.

- scorpius074
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Re: Watchmen
The one thing I took instantly from the series premiere was that this is clearly not a carbon copy, rehash, or recap of, well, Watchmen, but rather a mixed version of the world and characters from the comics by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. Lindelof & Co. are clearly indebted to Moore and Gibbons approach and style, but they're also clearly trying to accomplish their own thing. The pilot had some exceptional frameworks, robust world-building; intense, fluid action scenes, badass choreography with convincing hand-to-hand fights, slick-looking production, and attention to detail in the cinematography and production design that lets you know this is a top tier, big-budget series. There is style and proficiency reflected in the quality of the shots, the world-building experience, and the A-grade cast enlisted to bring it all to life. Furthermore, the icing that makes the premiere so delicious IMO are those references and remembrances (with a twist) that reminds you of what came before, while also focusing on what's happening now. There's a ton of them in this episode alone. Speaking of which, the opening to It's Summer and We're Running Out of Ice really set the tone as commemoration, and as a precursor that ties into the original comics. This episode basically ended the same way as the first issue of Watchmen started. And in a nutshell, therein lies the difference (not to mention what's to come) that makes Lindelof's version so stimulating and admirable. I thoroughly enjoyed the series premiere, and actually had to watch it twice in order to pick up on a few things; it's been a while since I read the graphic novel. And judging by the 1x02 preview, it looks to be even better its second time around. I think HBO might have a winner here. ▼Spoiler @lighton: Nice assist with the squid rain.  This should also be of interest... Watchmen Episode 1 Easter Eggs Explained

- lighton
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Re: Watchmen
Thanks, learned something new. 

- Orlando
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Re: Watchmen
Do yourself a favor and read the comic - it's absolutely fantastic.

- lighton
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Re: Watchmen
Orlando wrote:Do yourself a favor and read the comic - it's absolutely fantastic.
I believe you, it's just that the amount of time I'm willing to spend on entertainment is limited, and there are soooo many good shows (and some good movies) these days!  Choices, man, choices... 

- Orlando
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Re: Watchmen
I get ya, but I still believe Watchmen is worth it. It's just 12 issues of a complete story. Try one to see if you like it. And remember to read the small snippets at the end of each issue.

- lighton
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Re: Watchmen
Orlando Pronunciation (US): ôr-lănʹ-dō Noun Orlando (uncountable) 1. A person skillfully in the act of trying to get somebody to read the Watchmen comics. Synonyms tempter enticer

- Orlando
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- proteinnerd
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Re: Watchmen
I'll preface this by saying I haven't watched it yet, I've never read the comic but did enjoy the movie (understanding that apparently the comic is much better and I do plan on grabbing it at some stage.) With a new young child, I'm so far behind shows atm its crazy but I have grabbed watchmen and was planning on probably binging it once its all out....then I had a quick look at the viewer reviews (I've learnt to pretty much ignore critic reviews these days.) They range from saying how amazing it is to something like the below, which appears to be written by someone that can at least put a decent sentance talk about divisive. I'm completely over identity politics and PC agenda being shoved down my throat in my entertainment so this turns me off the show completely, just wondering if any of the fans fo the comic here agree with this guys opinion of the show? Here it is "The source material should never have been attached to the show. If you wanted to create a show about race relations which is primarily what the show is poorly depicting then simply create a show about race relations. I bet thats hard to do though because there would be no acclaimed name attached to your culturally divisive messages therefore rendering your audience far to sparse to convince any hbo executive you are worthy. The mere idea that if a person does not like this show may connect them with being racist I find abhorrent. The content of the show should win an audience based on the merit of all its moving parts. The shots and cinematography are great (par for the course for a show that has been given a massive budget). The music some will most likely praise but harkens back to that of Mr. Robot retro soundtrack. The writing is sub par along with the logical consistency and storytelling. The tone is nearly unreadable and often leaves one wondering if they are inept when it comes to their powers of perception or if the writers and directors simply enjoyed the fine scent of pretentious anal gasses. The sprinkling in of watchmen lore is also quite panderous to the primary demographic of comic fans who will be watching this show. To the legions of morbidly curious lonely mothers and bored middle aged bipeds they will soon be delighted with a show they will be sadly remiss for criticizing due to the touchy subject matter. A true gift to no one but maybe the victims of Tulsa who deserve recognition for the outright evil actions committed there and in many other neighboring states at the time. To which only the redundant act of recognition will never truly satisfy a tread upon peoples. Strip away the watchmen title and what is the result? A confusing action based political and special effects spectacular reveals itself in its distorted reflection of present day discord amongst black and white human beings. The show is functionally average at its absolute best as both an artistic statement/product and so called "reimagining"." Is he right?

- lighton
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Re: Watchmen
proteinnerd wrote:"Strip away the watchmen title and what is the result? A confusing action based political and special effects spectacular reveals itself in its distorted reflection of present day discord amongst black and white human beings." Is he right?
Nope! But, as always... your mileage may vary.  Don't overthink it, just watch the first (two/ three) episodes when you find the time, then either continue or drop it. 

- scorpius074
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Re: Watchmen
@proteinnerd Yeah, basically what lighton said. You will need to judge for yourself eventually, whenever you find the time. Sadly, for us mere mortals, we're only two episodes in. This person, on the other hand, sounds like they just finished completing the entire first season. Maybe I'll revisit this comment at the end of the season, but right now I don't see any reason to. Even with only two episodes under my belt, I don't agree with the majority of that comment. I would suggest you read the comics at some point (before or after) even if you decide not to watch the television series. BTW, congrats on your new bundle of joy. 

- scorpius074
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Re: Watchmen
For those wondering... ▼Spoiler [...] Already mentioned on a few different occasions throughout the first three installments of Watchmen, Lady Trieu enters the world of the HBO drama as a fantastically rich futurist, one capable of creating a newborn baby from what was previously considered a failed attempt at procreation. She's the architect of "the first wonder of the new world," the mysterious "Millennium Clock," built on the outskirts of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Trieu bought Adrian Veidt's company some time after the man's presumed death; whether or not she's responsible for his current captivity in parts unknown remains to be seen, but feels likely. Indeed, there are reasons to feel Lady Trieu's connections to the Watchmen source material are greater than they appear at first glance, even though the character herself does not exist in Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' original tale. Those possible theories are explored in greater detail in the latest edition of the Series Regular: Watchmen podcast, which you can hear below: [...]
'Watchmen': How a New Enigmatic Force Plans to "Save the World" She’s an obscenely wealthy 0.00001-percenter who literally lives in the clouds. If she wasn’t able to lie to your face at the same time she’s offering the deal of a lifetime, what kind of corporate titan would she be?  Watchmen has never been about answers or action. Thankfully, Lindelof understands that. It's been a little slow at times but a real treat to watch so far, IMO.

- lighton
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Re: Watchmen
Yeah, Lady Trieu was interesting. I wonder what fell from the sky in 1x4. Guess we'll learn about that soon.  Just finished 1x5. The storytelling, acting and filming was... great! Loved the combination of retro and futuristic stuff. Jean Smart adds some Legion flavor, the character here fits her even better than the Legion character.

- lighton
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22 Reply by scorpius074 2019-12-03 09:40:42 (edited by scorpius074 2019-12-03 20:27:12)

- scorpius074
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Re: Watchmen
Welcome to the world of Damon Lindelof's Watchmen. Guaranteed, you're going to have at least a couple of insane WTF moments per episode. The theories that originated on Reddit are proving true each week, and this week's episode was no different. Fans found several clues layered in previous episodes that pointed to the late reveal. Dayum indeed. Even the episode title, "An Almost Religious Awe", is taken from "You know who's" own recollections in the original comic book series. The most interesting theory I've stumbled upon that relates back to the comics is that Lady Trieu was actually introduced back in Moore’s story. ▼Spoiler rbonaime wrote:In the book, the Comedian kills a Vietnamese woman who is pregnant with his child. Dr. Manhattan stands by and watches, and the Comedian says how Manhattan could’ve intervened. My theory is that after what we saw in the book, Manhattan did intervene, and the baby is Lady Trieu. —Source
There’s a panel during the book’s Vietnam War flashback where Doctor Manhattan is staring at the pregnant woman lying on the floor, right after the Comedian shoots her. 
Without the context of the show, there was never much reason to believe that Doctor Manhattan would intervene to save the baby since the moment is just a memory that Manhattan has of the Comedian while he’s standing at his funeral years later. Given the ways that Watchmen has subtly rewritten the comic's lore thus far, there's a chance that within the world of the show, Manhattan did intervene and save the woman. The woman would have ultimately been Bian, and her daughter—possibly from Manhattan, as opposed to The Comedian, would have been given the chance to grow up and become the most powerful woman in the Watchmen universe—Lady Trieu. Considering all of the context clues thus far—and the fact that next week's episode is literally called "A God Walks Into a Bar"—that could very well end up being the case. Spoiler tags for those who plan on reading the comics one day. This show has turned out to be one of my favs for the 2019-20 Fall Season, and it's the perfect breeding ground for Reddit theories, like Mr. Robot, Westworld, Game of Thrones, and many shows before it. Between Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’s original story, HBO’s ever-expanding Peteypedia, and the series’ slow-paced, meticulous storytelling, Watchmen has been a real treat to watch week after week. The anonymous critic who tried to shoot this gem down earlier isn't looking too hot right about now, or back then for that matter. Well, at least in my eyes. 

- lighton
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Re: Watchmen
scorpius074 wrote:This show has turned out to be one of my favs for the 2019-20 Fall Season
YES! Unexpected surprise. And it looks like there are only 2 episodes left (this season). 
- Registered: 2014-08-12
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Re: Watchmen
scorpius074 wrote:Watchmen has been a real treat to watch week after week.
and what a treat it is, "Counterpart" quality at least.

- lighton
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Re: Watchmen
pyrron wrote:scorpius074 wrote:Watchmen has been a real treat to watch week after week.
and what a treat it is, "Counterpart" quality at least.
Counterpart is really good, but it's not as multi-faceted and has less WTF moments for sure!  Counterpart is a solid steak, Watchmen a full 4 course dinner from an adventurous and creative chef. 
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