Topic: Season 4 finale sweepstakes (Potential spoilers if we are right!)

Spotted this on EW and thought it would be interesting to see who everyone thinks will bite the dust this season!
*Note the show has moved away from the graphic novels so don't see an advantage for the readers amongst us

It would be crude to place odds on which character doesn’t survive Sunday’s finale. Soooo… let’s get right to it:

Major character most likely to crave brains:

Glenn: Even
Maggie: 7-5
Carol: 2-1
Beth: 5-1
Bob: 7-1
Michonne: 7-1
Carl: 10-1
Sasha: 12-1
Tyreese: 15-1
Daryl: 25-1
Rick: 250-1

Shall we say pick 2 each and see who gets the best odds big_smile
Good luck to everyone


Re: Season 4 finale sweepstakes (Potential spoilers if we are right!)

Carol and Tyreese (as long as Michonne isn't killed off I'll be happy, it would be a shock to kill her but nobody is safe they have said)


Re: Season 4 finale sweepstakes (Potential spoilers if we are right!)

As long as the kid gets eaten, I'm good.




Re: Season 4 finale sweepstakes (Potential spoilers if we are right!)

I'd vote for everyone except Daryl.


5 (edited by Katy 2014-03-28 22:31:54)

Re: Season 4 finale sweepstakes (Potential spoilers if we are right!)

Spyder23 wrote:

As long as the kid gets eaten, I'm good.

Lots of people are going for Karl on WD forum, leaving Rick with just Judy.  I don't love the guy but not sure they kill another kid off so soon?