Re: Season 4
The Walking Dead Season 4 Comic Con Trailer!
Re: Season 4
Anyone know how many episodes series four will consist of? So far we have had six, thirteen and sixteen episode seasons and I'm curious how many this time but couldn't find the answer.
Re: Season 4
Look! A new The Walking Dead poster!
Re: Season 4
Finsihed season 3 yesterday, season 4 can't come soon enough.
I wonder this as well....?
Can't wait. Is it october yet?
New dimension to your October-fest eh??
Re: Season 4
HomerS wrote:Finsihed season 3 yesterday, season 4 can't come soon enough.
I wonder this as well....?
I'm late to the party but now i'm a fan.
HomerS wrote:Can't wait. Is it october yet?
New dimension to your October-fest eh??
Zombies at the Octoberfest, now that would be an idea.
Re: Season 4
I misquoted sorry - I wanted to quote this first:
Anyone know how many episodes series four will consist of? So far we have had six, thirteen and sixteen episode seasons and I'm curious how many this time but couldn't find the answer.
and reply: "I wonder this as well....? "
Re: Season 4
So after not having watching this show since season 2 episode 1, i saw this video
The Idiot's Guide to The Walking Dead
i though i'd give season 4 a chance. Well no more. This show is still shit as hell. nuff said.
To sum all this up - Honest Trailers - The Walking Dead
Re: Season 4
So after not having watching this show since season 2 episode 1, i saw this video
The Idiot's Guide to The Walking Dead
i though i'd give season 4 a chance. Well no more. This show is still shit as hell. nuff said.To sum all this up - Honest Trailers - The Walking Dead
Re: Season 4
GodZionu wrote:So after not having watching this show since season 2 episode 1, i saw this video
The Idiot's Guide to The Walking Dead
i though i'd give season 4 a chance. Well no more. This show is still shit as hell. nuff said.To sum all this up - Honest Trailers - The Walking Dead
So don't watch it. Simple as that. Lots of other people like it, so why take time out of your life to tell people you don't like it? Haters. You gotta love 'em.
15 2013-10-16 23:20:40 (edited by latitude75 2013-10-16 23:25:55)
Re: Season 4
Yeap, it's very important to them that theire own personal opinions after watching a youtube compilation about a show, is spread to as many people as possible - cause then and only then can they feel good about themself, as that makes them into a very good & important critic (in theire own minds)!
Show is great still on many levels allthough it as many other shows has it flaws, hate it or love it though - your choice. But not even watching it and basing opinions on youtube compilations I'd say is a flaw in itself.

Re: Season 4
I love Walking Dead, but that honest trailer thing was quite funny.
Re: Season 4
I love Walking Dead, but that honest trailer thing was quite funny.
The best part was Shane rubbing his head.... so funny! Even funnier was that I noticed it whilst watching the show and always wondering "hmmm, thats strange - Why does he keep rubbing his head!?"
I like the show, quite entertaining, plus I have a soft spot for Zombie - although, I think we can all agree that the acting is quite crap.
Re: Season 4
in my opinion that "honest trailers " are just a bunch of haters , i enjoy TWD by the way the rubbing head thing was because he was disturbed by the decisions he made :\
Re: Season 4
I like how I have fans who religiously follow my every post, comment them and interpret my posts on their point of view. Keep up the good work guys!
Re: Season 4
HomerS wrote:GodZionu wrote:So after not having watching this show since season 2 episode 1, i saw this video
The Idiot's Guide to The Walking Dead
i though i'd give season 4 a chance. Well no more. This show is still shit as hell. nuff said.To sum all this up - Honest Trailers - The Walking Dead
So don't watch it. Simple as that. Lots of other people like it, so why take time out of your life to tell people you don't like it? Haters. You gotta love 'em.
Some people don't like the show and watch it at the same time, because they like the cast, the genre, they're a fan of the original concept (in this case the comic series) or they got attached when it was good and now they can't drop it. Just saying... (and I'm not one of them in case you're curious).
Re: Season 4
In this case Zionu isn't even watching the show but only by watching a youtube compilation made a decision to not see it but still complain about it - anything and any shows can be made to look stupid at youtube. It's not the best reference...

Re: Season 4
in case you do not know latitude i did watch season 1 and first 10 minutes of season 2.
Re: Season 4
in case you do not know latitude i did watch season 1 and first 10 minutes of season 2.
So what?

Re: Season 4
season 3 was far superior to seasons 1 and 2...which doesn't say much since seasons 1 and 2 set the bar pretty low.
I'm happy to see that they're actually killing the zombies at the fence this season.
I didn't like the whole escapade with Rick and the woman in the forest was pretty stupid.
25 2013-10-20 22:27:24 (edited by HomerS 2013-10-20 22:27:55)
Re: Season 4
season 3 was far superior to seasons 1 and 2...which doesn't say much since seasons 1 and 2 set the bar pretty low.
Not to me, i thought season 1 was okish and after that i put TWD to my backup shows in case nothing else was on. So season 2 and 3 collected dust for 2 years.
When i finally started to watch season 2 a few months ago, i thought it was just awesome and changed my mind completely about TWD. And now after season 3 TWD is one of my favourite shows at the moment. Haven't started season 4 yet tho coz i like to watch more eps at a time of TWD.