Topic: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game


The Walking Dead: The Game focuses on Lee Everett, and takes place during the events of the comics. Episode 1 starts with Lee in the back of a cop car -- we don't know why, or if he's guilty of a crime. Things spiral out of control when the car collides with a "man," who turns out to be a zombie. This is the start of the outbreak -- if you're a Walking Dead fan, this happens while Rick is in a coma.

From there, Vanaman said it's all about problems on a microscopic level. How do you get out of the police car? How do you get the handcuffs off? How do you get 50 feet without being zombie food? "Those are the problems we want you to experience moment to moment," Vanaman said.

But decisions in the Walking Dead won't be that small all the time. The Walking Dead: The game is set to introduce something new to Telltale's games: consequences. You'll answer people's questions and -- bam -- that's your final answer; you won't be able to go back and investigate other conversation options, as in Back to the Future and what have you. On a grander scale, there are going to be major moments you can't take back. Zombies are going to start pulling people out windows, and you're going to choose one person to save and then live with that character.

Even after you make a choice and redefine your game for the five-episode run, you're going to have to answer for your decisions. Vanaman told me characters are going to ask you "Why did you do this to me?"

That's awesome. Story's what the Walking Dead is all about to me -- yes, you will kill zombies in the game and get in fights with other survivors -- so the idea that I'm going to have multiple saves that have different survivors and different story threads makes me very excited. This is a world I've read for so long, and I'm pumped to be a part of it.

Key to this experience will be Clementine, an 8 to 10-year-old girl we'll meet and team up with in the first episode. I got to see a whole bunch of concept art of Clementine's home and tree house (where she'll live for four days when the babysitter turns zombie) on the outskirts of Atlanta, and Vanaman talked about all the little things going on. The stool pushed up to the counter so Clem could get food, the toys in her yard that tell stories about what kind of kid she is.

Apparently, that's not going to be just for show. Vanaman said that Telltale has a new gameplay mechanic that's going to allow us to get up close and personal with the objects in the environment. I don't know what that means, but it sounds interesting and if it means Telltale keeps these little storytelling devices in levels, I'm all for it.

The worst news I heard today was simply that there's no release date yet for The Walking Dead: The Game. Everything Vanaman told me today sounded great -- and the one screenshot he had that featured dark outlines on the characters, a realistic look and color seemed perfect for the mood.

I sure would like this game to be good, but unfortunately most Telltale Games are only decent (or worse).

First pics:



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

OK let's hope for the best.



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

Telltale Games started a podcast with the devs and writers of the game.


Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

Here's the same on youtube (telltale's player doesn't allow to fast-forward on my PC):




Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

And a video showing the first few minutes of the game:


Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

Well it has more potential than the Lost Video game. I'm thinking this could be pretty awsome and ive just started reading the Comics so it will tie in with that.


Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

I've played Episode 1 a bit yesterday and, well, it's not good. It's kinda like an interactive movie, similiar to Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain in concept. Only worse. wink The graphics look shit (even for a game which relies on cel-shading and emulates comic graphics), the dialogues are recorded in horrible quality and the game is very linear. Well, to be fair it gives a chance to choose how to respond and how to react in a critical situations, but so far I didn't notice any major changes in the storyline. For example, I was  hostile towards some dude and he still offered me a ride to another town. My recommendation - buy it when it's going to be on some -80% sale, because the story and character interactions ain't that bad. smile

Oh, and in case you're wondering about the connections with the comics and the TV series... it's a new story in this universe set just after the outbreak, however in Episode 1 you...


visit Hershel's farm and meet Glenn smile



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

My statistics for episode 1 in case anyone else is playing:
they contain spoilers and they're


not that accurate because I didn't save neither Duck nor Shawn... just waited for the time limit to expire

And an update on my thoughts on the game... it really picks up in the second part of the episode in terms of the characters. Most of them are interesting and the interactions between them and the main character are good. Too bad the game offers very limited gameplay and has awful graphics.



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

Just finished episode one and it was fantastic, exactly what the show should've been.



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

While the second episode was very predictable with some good features, the third one left me an emotional wreck. I want to crawl up in bed and die.



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

is it the same game that is available on iOS?


Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

I think so. Screenshot it and I'll tell you.



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

The third was took almost everything I cared about and grilled it into a pile of ashes, along with my emotions. The fourth episode only made it worse. Ugh.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ePFxuu9 … ature=plcp



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

i liked the third episode .... the fourth not so much...

but i would preffer to have the option to kill some people of my group myself... specially this idiot with the footballjacket



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

When the credits for the fifth episode of game rolled it, I cried. A fullblown cry attack.



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

i could fight it wink

didn`t liked the stuff after the credits  sad


17 (edited by xrnzaaas 2012-11-26 01:55:07)

Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

Walking Dead marathon is a go. big_smile I've finished episode 2. It was good even though the word



was screaming in my head from the minute they arrived at the farm. Still, it had some great character relations and some reeeeally great scenes


Larry and Clementine witnessing his death

Here are the statistics for my killer version of Lee big_smile



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

Episode 3. yikes yikes yikes

Btw, I'm curious that only 42% of the players left



behind after what happened. And the other deaths... woooww. Not so sure about the newcomers - the female is already annoying and the male is rather bland.




Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

xrnzaaas wrote:

Here are the statistics for my killer version of Lee big_smile

Jesus man..... Are there any feelings inside u ?  neutral

I ended the last episode some time ago. Man... Telltale sure can do that kind of games. Best ingame relationship i've ever seen. And the ending itself ? I dunno what to say.... I'm waiting for the second season, but i'm not sure i want the next part of this painful story.

I do drugs.


Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

Just trying to stay alive, brother. big_smile Also I like to pretend I'm a vengeful sob. wink

Finished episode 4 today so I've gut one more left. I liked the episode and the new characters, but it was the ending that was really surprising. Btw, I like that the game only gives you a few seconds to make a decision. For example, I always hated when characters in zombie movies


decided to hide their fatal bites

and still I chose the same thing (another unpopular choice by the looks at the statistics). Hopefully tomorrow I'll find some time to play the last chapter. smile




Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

Normally I'd complain that the last episode was much shorter and less interactive than the previous ones, but the BRILLIANT ending made me forget all of it. Overall I'm very pleasantly surprised by this game and I hope that the second season will also be good. The scene after the credits IMO suggests that they


might be trying to continue the current storyline, but honestly I'd be more interested in a fresh start with an equally interesting bunch of people. smile




Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

Most probably they'll continue, because


when you give Clem your last advice, in the mode in which you get tips, it says "Clem will remember that."



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

Orlando wrote:

Most probably they'll continue, because


when you give Clem your last advice, in the mode in which you get tips, it says "Clem will remember that."

hope so i realy want to know where she ends up .... even if she is only a "gueststar"



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

anyone played the new dlc?

bought and finshed it yesterday smile



Re: The Walking Dead PC/360/PS3 game

Ah, yes! Forgot that there is thread here.

I liked it. Individual stories were tense, well written and memorable for the most part. Yes, it was really short and some decisions were mostly meaningless (not gameplay wise, but morality wise), but I enjoyed it and I can't wait for season 2. smile



Who left for the camp and who stayed? For me Bonnie, Russel Wyatt left, while Vince and Shel stayed.
