Re: Season 3

Don't think the caliber will matter much if you aim straight in front of you and you miss by a mile to the right. lol

Myka : You slept with her didn't you ?
Pete : Well... you... you told me to investigate ok ? So... she's unarmed.


Re: Season 3

Well that constitutes a good episode, if not you can color me surprised you don't think so  cool
(And yeah, not read the books don't care too at this point)

They Call Me The "Jax Lovah!" Machine!


Re: Season 3

Funny how they can headshot zombies at 100 metres while running with handguns, but can barely hit bad guys 20 metres away with assault rifles.


Re: Season 3

Stop nitpicking and you might enjoy it more, ALL shows has its defects!

They Call Me The "Jax Lovah!" Machine!


Re: Season 3

It sort of IS nitpicking, but I can't help but notice it too.
They REALLY need to get someone in to sort out the gun fights scenes, as whoever is doing it isn't good enough  yikes


Re: Season 3

I do enjoy the show, and for the most part they have adapted nicely. No longer running from zombies etc, just playing it cool and killing them after they realized they are basically retarded. But for some reason the shooting just isn't done right and when guns and violence is such a big part of the world it does take something away from it all.


Re: Season 3

I was sooooo bored with this show at the end of season 2, but for me this season has really stepped up a few gears and the show has totally redeemed itself.

I'm seriously thinking about reading the books, but do I get each one individually, or the compendiums?


2020.  Meh.

58 (edited by xrnzaaas 2012-12-06 19:32:53)

Re: Season 3

graybags wrote:

I was sooooo bored with this show at the end of season 2, but for me this season has really stepped up a few gears and the show has totally redeemed itself.

I'm seriously thinking about reading the books, but do I get each one individually, or the compendiums?


Each compendium has over thousand pages so they're bricks. big_smile Plus they don't have separate issue covers. If you don't mind then it's the best way to go. Each compendium is 48 issues and you can acquire them rather cheap (comparing to buying each issue separately).

As for the fall finale of the TV show, it was okay, but still not nearly as good as the comics. wink I liked most of the season 3 (part 1) and the only thing I truly hated was Michonne's character. They made an epic fail the way how they showed her distrust towards the Governor, how she was hunted (why? what for?) and the revenge angle was also totally out of the blue (entirely different thing in the comics).



Re: Season 3





Re: Season 3


...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves.


Re: Season 3

nice episode back, hoping it kicks the story on next few weeks


Re: Season 3




Re: Season 3

xrnzaaas wrote:


well you could always drop the show and that would solve your predicament???  hmm


Re: Season 3

But I love zombies and there are no other zombie shows out there. tongue



Re: Season 3

well thinking about the material i expect them to use over the next 1.5 season there will be a lot of development time in episodes where you might say nothing happens, just giving you a heads up!  smile


Re: Season 3

kmorrisuk wrote:

well you could always drop the show and that would solve your predicament???  hmm

It is getting tiresome reading the same complaints by people that say nothing happens week after week, yet they keep watching and complaining...surely you have more going on in your life to either not watch it or not have to post every week how boring you think it is?

We are in mid season of the third year....if you don't like the direction of the show by now, I really doubt its going to change to something you will like anytime in the future.

Plus, how is it different to any zombie movie ever made? They all have the same structure you posted above anyway, excitement, then it calms down, then someone does something stupid and lets the zombies in... thats pretty much every zombie movie and pretty much every episode of walking dead.


Re: Season 3

proteinnerd wrote:
kmorrisuk wrote:

well you could always drop the show and that would solve your predicament???  hmm

It is getting tiresome reading the same complaints by people that say nothing happens week after week, yet they keep watching and complaining...surely you have more going on in your life to either not watch it or not have to post every week how boring you think it is?

We are in mid season of the third year....if you don't like the direction of the show by now, I really doubt its going to change to something you will like anytime in the future.

Pretty much sums up my feelings towards these episode breakdown drawings  big_smile


Re: Season 3

proteinnerd wrote:

We are in mid season of the third year....if you don't like the direction of the show by now, I really doubt its going to change to something you will like anytime in the future.

Hm, have you seen seasons 1 and 2? They're "slightly" different. wink And I assume that you watch only shows that are perfect? You have no guilty pleasures, no favorite themes and no favorite actors? smile



Re: Season 3

xrnzaaas wrote:

And I assume that you watch only shows that are perfect? You have no guilty pleasures, no favorite themes and no favorite actors? smile

Nice straw-man argument there.

If by series 3...actually usually 4-5 episodes into series 1, if I'm not enjoying the direction of the show, I drop it, why would you waste your time on something you don't enjoy?

I've got better things to do than watch crap I don't like, but to then also spend time complaining about it and posting on forums...life is too short


Re: Season 3

Some people like to "waste" their lives on mediocre shows. Hell, some watch nothing else but soap operas and reality programs. Everyone's different. smile



Re: Season 3

The 3rd season is about 50 million times better than the first 2. I complained a lot about the first 2 seasons...and amazingly, having stuck with it, for whatever reason, I found that the show actually did improve.

That said, it still isn't perfect...it's just a decent show at this point, and it doesn't begrudge me that anyone may have something to say about its shortcomings.

The people who say you're wasting your time complaining are actually complaining about you as they waste time reading an Internet forum, so as far as I'm concerned they're certainly not as sophisticated in their approach to things as they'd have themselves believe.

"Derr, it's okay when I complain about stupid stuff, because I don't have the option to not read the stupid stuff, durr"



Re: Season 3

Robcore wrote:

so as far as I'm concerned they're certainly not as sophisticated in their approach to things as they'd have themselves believe.


ROFL, you insulting someone else for having a self inflated sense of sophistication...funniest thing I've heard all week...thanks for the laugh


Re: Season 3

It's not inflated. I watch The Walking Dead, man. There's definitely a ceiling on how sophisticated I could possibly be whilst remaining a viewer of this stuff.
That said, my ability to write is generally more sophisticated than average, which may give a false impression.



Re: Season 3

Walking dead sophistication



Myka : You slept with her didn't you ?
Pete : Well... you... you told me to investigate ok ? So... she's unarmed.


Re: Season 3

http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u641/l240l2/WRONGEYEBRO_zps85e102ec.jpg    : cool  cool  cool  cool  cool  cool  cool  cool  cool  cool  cool  cool  cool  cool  cool  cool  cool