Topic: New Series [contains casting spoilers]
The BBC are now saying that the series runs for 13 episodes and starts in March Rose will also be returning at some point for three episodes.
You are not logged in. Please login or register. New Series [contains casting spoilers]Forums - Next Episode → Doctor Who → New Series [contains casting spoilers] Posts: 15Topic: New Series [contains casting spoilers]The BBC are now saying that the series runs for 13 episodes and starts in March Rose will also be returning at some point for three episodes. Re: New Series [contains casting spoilers]There's a rumor going aroud that there will be a four-part storyline about the Last Great Timewar. Should be good, if the rumor turns out to be true. Re: New Series [contains casting spoilers]ROSE !!!!!!!!! Can't wait. Re: New Series [contains casting spoilers]Deacon Caine wrote:
Have heard that one but also a few others, when showing the timewar they do a five doctors style episode with Christopher Eclestone and a few other recent doctors returning. Also series four is Tennant's last (there may be a special he is in between 4 & 5) and he will be replaced by John Simm as the Doctor. Now I hope the last one is true that would be great since his time as the master was so short. Re: New Series [contains casting spoilers]omg John Simm! This is immensely great news. I wonder how they will pull it off with him having played the Master as well. Re: New Series [contains casting spoilers]on one hand... i liked that the Time War was this 'only spoken of in hushed tones' kind of invisible presence throughout the new series... on the other hand... it would be awful cool to see the Time War, and a gaggle of Doctors... on one hand... re-casting an actor in another role on the same show is a fine line... on the other hand... it's JOHN SIMM... i hate days like this i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...
Re: New Series [contains casting spoilers]John Simm..? Really..? no, no, no. Keep him coming back as the Master, but leave the Doctor for someone else. Preferably keep Mr. Tennant... I mean, it wouldn't make sense. (because regeneration in general is so logical and real ) Why would the Doctor end up regenerating to look like the Master's latest regeneration? I mean what are the odds? I just hope they're not going to "fuse" the Doctor and the Master somehow and thus end up with the Master's looks. They wouldn't dare... At least I hope not. Re: New Series [contains casting spoilers]Doctor Who has repeatedly proved that it can do things that would make other shows jump schools of sharks, so I'm sure this one will work out just fine, too (-: Re: New Series [contains casting spoilers]Yeah.. well, I'm not to keen on the idea of Simm as the Doctor, but then again.. I didn't feel to well about trading away Eccleston after the first season. And that proved me wrong, sense Tennant's been a wonderful Doctor! My point is, I don't like it, but apparently I'm not an expert... and the experts on doctor who have a neck of making things, that I don't like, work! Re: New Series [contains casting spoilers]Aren't we running out of regenerations for the good Doctor soon? There are only a finite number of times a Time Lord can regenerate after all. He should only have 3 or 4 left shouldn't he? Assuming that the first doctor we saw was the first of him, and at the end Patrick Troughton's time as he was forced into a change of appearance the comment was made that he'd done it several times before. There's a precedent for the copying of another anyhow - Romana. -=-=-
6000 years ago, God made the Earth exactly as it is now: flat and in the center of the solar system. 13 2007-12-26 12:22:04 (edited by unfettered one 2007-12-26 12:46:18)Re: New Series [contains casting spoilers]John Simm worked so well as The Master, it would be a damned shame to use the actor to play The Doctor. Honest. Creating truly diabolical villains is a much harder task than finding heroes. And finding actors who can truly sell a diabolical villain, is even harder. Simm's did for The Master what Eccleston/Tennant have done for The Doctor. It's rare in a television program when you can get lightening to strike so often. Keep him as The Master, and run with that. Anyway, caught Voyage of the Damned. Damned good episode, but that is to be expected from the Xmas specials. Also caught the bit of Series 30 spoiler at the end. Lot of good stuff, some real potential spoilers there, including something that looked like the return of Davros (or maybe that was a Sontaran, either way its about time). Bits and pieces of The Rani and some other niceties for Whovians, new and old. All in all, series 30 looks to be shaping up to be fantastic. And if it is to be the final full season with Tennent, Russell T. Davies (and crew), then it would appear they are looking to go out on a bang. Always leave'm wanting more. Oh, and just to answer the question. A Timelord gets 12 regenerations for a total of 13 incarnations. David Tennent is Doctor #10, so when he wraps up his tenure as The Doctor in 2009 (2008 gets a full season and 2009 gets a series of Doctor Who television specials, but not a full season), there will only be 3 Doctors left. If you factor in three to four years per Doctor after that, you are looking at another nine to twelve years of the program. I would expect another decade of hiatus following that, and then for the BBC to either reset the entire Doctor Who universe and start over again, or finally get the right people together to launch a worthy and successful series of Doctor Who feature films. The property is too embedded into UK culture to let it go permanently off the air. As for the return of past Doctors, it's about time (pun intended). One of the nice things about the series has been the time to time return of past incarnations and how they play off each other. So I guess it'll be The Four Doctors this time around: David Tennant, Christopher Eccleston, Paul McGann and (one of my favs) Sylvester McCoy. That should be a hoot. PS - The new theme arrangement rocks. PPS - Mentioning episodes with past Doctors. If you get the chance to catch Time Crash, the Children in Need special that bridges series 29 with the Christmas special, I think that you are in for a very special treat. Enjoy! 14 2007-12-26 12:54:05 (edited by theConundrumm 2007-12-26 13:40:51)Re: New Series [contains casting spoilers]The Voyage Of The Damned was pretty awesome... and as UFO has just stated above... the chunked up new theme arrangement is nothing short of brilliant... and make sure you check out the commentary at [though that stream only thing is a bitch... anyone gets/makes an mp3, be sure to post a link i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...
Re: New Series [contains casting spoilers]Bringing the thread back from the dead but been reading a bit on outpost galifrey and also Tom Bakers website looks as if the three series episode special at the end of the series will pretty much include everyone seen so far, Rose Martha & Donna Captain Jack & what remains of Torchwood as well as Sarah Jane, K9 & Mickey + Pete Tyler. Tennant should be the Doctor for the three specials next year and Robert Carlyle is in talks to replace him with Jennifer Saunders taking the role for one episode (probably children in need) due to an accident during regeneration. Would have preferred John Simm as the next doctor but from what I can find online it sounds as if he may be back anyway the final episode ark of the series is a plot involving Davro's & the Daleks as well as the Sontarons but supposedly the Master is pulling the strings from behind the scenes. If Carlyle is to be the next Doctor then I'll be happy about that as they could have made a worse choice and he is a very versatile actor. Posts: 15Forums - Next Episode → Doctor Who → New Series [contains casting spoilers] |