Topic: Moonlight



anyone else out there, who likes, despite the bad critics, this show .... ? i get totally psyched each week, but i have to admit, this may be due to a certain actor. ...  http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e010.gif


Re: Moonlight

yes... and yes...

but seriously, i cannae put my finger on exactly what it is with this show... it is easy to be critical of it... it does make a bit of a target of itself, yet i do look forward to it each week...

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: Moonlight

The show is a thumbs up if your a vampire fan like blood ties, it started out pretty slow at first tho and then it sure got better as it went, simple story line but a good one...

Never Go To Bed Angry, Stay Awake And Plot Your Revenge!

There are 3 certainties in life, death, taxes, and idiots!


Re: Moonlight

hm... what's interesting is that I stopped watching blood ties kinda fast. something was missing for me and I got really bored. yet with moonlight no such thing happens. weird because these shows are really alike in so many ways.

"The hammer - is my penis."


Re: Moonlight

thank god i'm not alone. but it seems, that mostly girls like this show .... hmmmm.... i sooo wonder why ..... smile

but i really think it's getting better by every episode. the writing gets stronger, the characters develope nicely, and the next episode is going to be reeeaaaaly interesting ....


Re: Moonlight

I liked the pilot and pile up the eps for later screening wink
If you like this show after the season has finished I will definitely start this show big_smile



Re: Moonlight

i'll keep you posted .... smile


Re: Moonlight

im downloading all 5 episodes now. ill try it, se if i like it. ill get back to you all on the subject smile

Hi my name is Ina and I have an addiction... To tv shows <3 Also add me on snapchat at inav4e


Re: Moonlight

great!!! but be careful ... it can be addictive .... smile


Re: Moonlight

WOW i just finished watching the first ep. and i must say its amazing. i love shows like dexter so this is perfect. one ting, we can all se where this is going. they are going to fall in love tongue a little obvious for my taste, but im so looking forward to the next, witch im going to se now big_smile

Hi my name is Ina and I have an addiction... To tv shows <3 Also add me on snapchat at inav4e


Re: Moonlight

i didn't even like the pilot that much. wait until you get to episode 4. smile and what's to come tomorrow is really interesting. smile


Re: Moonlight

shit! frickin' intense episode. At the end I was like: I knew it! I KNEW it!
aaaaah, can't wait for next week's.

"The hammer - is my penis."


Re: Moonlight

i have come to e 6 now. realy like it big_smile

Hi my name is Ina and I have an addiction... To tv shows <3 Also add me on snapchat at inav4e


Re: Moonlight

uuhh girls, i read lots of spoilers, and what's to come is going to be freaking awesome!!!!

glad you both like it too! smile


Re: Moonlight

see, I don't do that anymore. I pride myself not having read a single spoiler for any of "my" shows this season smile

"The hammer - is my penis."


Re: Moonlight

Hmm it must just be a lust factor for the girls...... its not a bad show by any means, its just not new, and they aren't really exploring anything different!

Its just a mix of Angel (I mean, Vampire Detective that helps people!!...come on! So its Angel without the Joss Whedon humour!) and big surprise with the whole Love Triangle (just like  <insert ANY current american drama show title here> )

Now don't get me wrong girls, I've watched my fair share of crappy TV just cause the girl in it was really hot, and there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about but is that guy really that hot?? That really surprises me, but then again I'm a guy and womens taste in men rarely makes sense ;P

Anyway, I guess I was just a little disappointed with the show after all the positive messages in this thread... can't win em all i guess.

enjoy your perve fest ladies, you'll be doing it without me ;D


Re: Moonlight

see, and to me it's all new, because i've never watched a vampire show before. i wasn't really much into the genre. scifi in general. i'm exploring it step by step since battlestar galactica.

so i can't compare it to angel or knight something or any other show. so it works for me.

and well, men can never understand women, but i gotta tell you, alex o'loughlin is incredible. it's not his looks, it's how he is, the whole package, he is just cute!  http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/liebe/a015.gif


Re: Moonlight

_mccutcheon wrote:

see, I don't do that anymore. I pride myself not having read a single spoiler for any of "my" shows this season smile

whow, i'm impressed. really. i am way to curious to behave myself ... hehe big_smile

19 (edited by _mccutcheon 2007-11-14 08:42:53)

Re: Moonlight

proteinnerd wrote:

Hmm it must just be a lust factor for the girls...... its not a bad show by any means, its just not new, and they aren't really exploring anything different!

Its just a mix of Angel (I mean, Vampire Detective that helps people!!...come on! So its Angel without the Joss Whedon humour!) and big surprise with the whole Love Triangle (just like  <insert ANY current american drama show title here> )

Now don't get me wrong girls, I've watched my fair share of crappy TV just cause the girl in it was really hot, and there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about but is that guy really that hot?? That really surprises me, but then again I'm a guy and womens taste in men rarely makes sense ;P

Anyway, I guess I was just a little disappointed with the show after all the positive messages in this thread... can't win em all i guess.

enjoy your perve fest ladies, you'll be doing it without me ;D

I'll worship Whedon just like the next gal, and needless to say no vampire show is like a Whedon (vampire) show. But something about Moonlight got me hooked and I couldn't tell you what it is. It's just definitely not an actor or an actress.

"The hammer - is my penis."


Re: Moonlight

i diddnt know vampires could turn me on, but they do big_smile he is so hot, but thats not why i love the show.. i just love it, like i love dexter. its dark and myserious big_smile

Hi my name is Ina and I have an addiction... To tv shows <3 Also add me on snapchat at inav4e


Re: Moonlight

wow the ratio of man:women in this thread should show you the target demographic of the show tongue

I tried it for a bit. Didn't like it.



Re: Moonlight


"The hammer - is my penis."


Re: Moonlight

men get out of here! let the grownups talk ..... big_smile


Re: Moonlight

oh, you're going to be like that are you?

I'm not letting you into Heroes threads anymore girls, you brought this on yourselves!



Re: Moonlight

uh uh talking of heroes. have you read todays interview with adrian pasdar at tv-guide .... http://www.tvguide.com/news/heroes-adri … /071112-01