Re: Finale
proteinnerd wrote:From what I understand the series is based on a book series, so if you really want to know what happens next, I guess you'll go read it.
really? that may help.
BIG EVENT series have a neck of ruining themselves due to lack of patience from the public. Truth is, people really only have brains for one of these a time, and Lost was still running. When networks realise that, they may be able to concentrate a bit more. Only hardcore scifi fans have the ability to follow multiple complex stories ate the same time, most regular people have jobs, families and whatnot to care (or are just too lazy). Same thig occurred with Jericho end The 4400 (though this last one almost got a decent ending) nd, of course, before them, Twin Peaks.It is a risky bet yo count on the genereal public to embrace strangeness, of course, when they do, it pays of big time.
i just have to say that FF was just boring and predictible. the basic american drama, nothing more, and the same was for jericho and 4400... Paskaa, like we say in finland... that's why it got cancelled, the "complex" plot wasn't very complex at all (well not in my oppinion), just predictably dissappointing...
and about the book, i thought it was just one book written in 1999 by Robert J. Sawyerin. and i'm just guessing, but i think the book is a whole lot better, 'couse the show was just loosly based on the book. for example the flashforward that happens shows things 30 years in the fututre not just 6 months.
PS. Twin Peaks is the best show ever... it was sad that Lynch and Frost didn't focus on it more than the first season....