Topic: 5x08: The Foot in the Foreclosure

Did anyone else notice that Booths Grandpa Hank is also Gibbs' father in NCIS?

I thought there were too many similarities between the two characters before... both former snipers and both are government agents... but the whole father/grandfather thing is a bit too much.


Re: 5x08: The Foot in the Foreclosure

Also it makes Gibbs the brother of Frank Farmer (The Bodyguard) a former government agent and crack shot.

"To be born English is to win the lottery of life." Cecil Rhodes 1853-1902
"The man was right." Maccool111 1955-20**


Re: 5x08: The Foot in the Foreclosure

I didn’t notice it at all. I think that Gibbs himself look like a father.