thatguy2001 wrote:I agree. This whole strike thing is out of control. Just when we have some of the best shows on TV in a long time and some of the best seasons and cliffhangers, this strike comes along and ruins everything. It's bad enough that Studios cancel alot of top shows without giving them a chance. This is a joke.
I can understand the reasons behind the strike, the only problem I have is it has come at the worst time and ruined alot of good shows. This sux.
BlackBox wrote:And I agree that the strike came at the complete wrong time. There are simply too many good shows on air right now.
honestly, i'll be the first one to put the boot in when any kind of 'union' action is concerned [but that comes down to personal experience rather than a 'for the greater good' sensibility], but the thing is... if it were this time last year, or this time next year, the response would be the same... and the gods honest truth is... put it this way... i had 10-15 shows on my 'watchlist', and looking at things now, having had these shows ripped out from under me, I don't miss them.. when this shit is all over and done with, i guarantee you that only 3-4 of them will be put back on there... I have some concerns as to how this strike may affect Lost in the bigger picture... losing Supernatural & Journeyman [read: intelligent, well scripted, not taking your mentality for granted tv] was a bitch... but sheet... there is still a fairly strong represent going on from UK tv, The Wire has just started up, and i could riff a list of a dozen other shows that have more than enough episodes under the belt to sustain any 'viewing pleasure' that might be deemed necessary... so my advice is this peoples, take this as an opportunity differentiate what really means someting to you, and what was merely entertaining you... more than 95% of american productions are, at a stretch, playing to the lowest common denominator, an i for one, am pretty happy at the way things are playing out... but for all the wrong reasons 
i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...