Topic: New Costume
Did you guys see the new Doctor's outfit:
It might grow on me, but I'm not loving it at the moment.
You are not logged in. Please login or register. New CostumeForums - Next Episode → Doctor Who → New Costume Posts: 19Topic: New CostumeDid you guys see the new Doctor's outfit: It might grow on me, but I'm not loving it at the moment. Re: New CostumeI'll probably survive the costume.. Smith and Gillian really looks like a couple.. I wonder if she's going to be more like Rose, Martha or Donna... Re: New Costumemeh 4 2009-07-21 01:21:28 (edited by marco1475 2009-07-21 01:21:54)Re: New CostumeThis probably isn't what they are going for, but from my limited view of the series (I haven't seen any of the original episodes, i.e. nothing prior to 2005) it seems like they go for a Doctor that is with each regeneration physically younger but mentally older. Eccleston (born 1964, age 41 when playing the Doctor) was running around in slacks and a leather jacket, Tennant (born 1971, age 35-38 when playing the Doctor) runs around in a suit - admittedly not one you would take to the theater, but a suit nonetheless - and finally Smith (born 1982, age 28-? when playing the Doctor) seems to be wearing something a 60-year-old university professor would put on. Coincidence? Re: New Costumenot to sure about the bow tie but im sure it will grow on me. Re: New CostumeI can deal with the new dig's but what concerns me is the new TARDIS design, Warning Spoiler Pics … 2A904845CB I don't think I like what they did with the windows and is it just me or does it look a tad bit newer?..... Re: New CostumeI'm an old git and I've been a fan of Doctor Who since the Tom Baker era. I've never been a huge fan of the 2005 plus series, but this new bloke is just... wrong. Why on Earth are they insisting on making him look "cool"? The Doctor is NOT supposed to wear shoes from Prada! He isn't supposed to be setting clothes trends for next year. It's just all doing my head in and I think the longer it's going on the more of the spirit of Doctor Who is being lost. ( 2020. Meh.
Re: New Costumegraybags wrote:
Uhm, do you really think somebody's going to be wearing what he has on (aka the dress code of a 60+ year old university professor) because it's "cool" or "in"? Doctor Who never set fashion trends - maybe you get a few people dressing up like the Doctor, but that automatically outs them as geeks/nerds, not as fashion-relevant people. Eccleston looked the most normal, Tennant had a strange combination of clothes on which would garner you more than a fair share of attention on the street, and Smith has a terrible, awkward costume on that is everything but cool or trendy. No, Smith's Doctor is as far away from setting clothing trends as you can possibly be. Unless you of course talk about nerd fests like Comic Con - then of course he is setting the trends, together with Klingons, Storm Troopers and Browncoats ... Re: New CostumeThey just unveiled the new logo for 2010 here it is: … _091005_01 What are your thoughts? I'm not sure... but then again I don't like change, lol! Re: New CostumeYeah, I saw that yesterday. I'm not sure either - I'm like you: change=bad. But it's not horrible or anything. Re: New CostumeDont mind the logo, but the clothes......terrible, just terrible ..don't know what else to say.....terrible I know we havent seen the new Dr at all yet but my gut feeling is they screwed this one up ..and to think, I used to belong to the official Dr Who fan club when I was a kid...I'm a very worried fan at this stage Re: New CostumeThere's no doubt they are going very very classic with the new Doctor Who. We'll see. In Moffat I trust. I was worried about how he'll fare as a show runner, but the consistent greatness of both Coupling and Jekyll alleviated these fears. However, let's not forget that even as a show runner he won't be the only writer, and while he will guide each and every story, the people who were responsible for the less-than-stellar episodes of seasons past are still there ... So I am not expecting every new episode now to be Blink I do think the quality will stay the same, hopefully even a bit higher. Re: New CostumeI for one think the next doctor who series will be as spectacular as usual. Give it a chance to actually air before you decide it's bad just because it is different. If the show has shown anything, it has shown it can change and still be great. Re: New CostumeThis is a good show but I don't have any idea about new doctor in Doctor Who TV Show. I have watch its many episodes but Right now I have no option for watch it. Re: New Costumeeztv wrote:
Re: New CostumeI'll be very sad to see Mr. Tennant go. I'm a bit uneasy about young master Smith taking over, but I suppose Moffat will deliver a good show as he has been responsible for the best episodes so far and I did feel uneasy with Tennant at first, too. But I soon got over that silly doubt. It's just.. They did go very young with the 11th Doctor, didn't they.. I'm getting a bad Twilight-wibe.. Re: New CostumeDeacon Caine wrote:
It's been bothering me how many people are automatically scared by a young actor playing the Doctor, so I did some research. I had a theory that maybe the actors were getting younger all the way through the regenerations as a "reverse aging" process aimed at the final, 13th regeneration. But alas, it wasn't so. (Well, there is a trend, very definitely in the new 2005 version of Doctor Who, and with a few statistical anomalies one could make the argument, but I won't ) William Hartnell (The First Doctor) from 23 November 1963 to 29 October 1966, born 1908, aged 55 when first played the Doctor, So Smith is the youngest Doctor, but he is only two years younger than Peter Davison was when he became the Doctor in 1981. Tennant was the second youngest Doctor when he started in 2005 and now will be the third youngest. There was a five year difference between Eccleston and Tennant and there is only a six year difference between Tennant's age when he started and Smith's age. Plus the overall trend is generally for the Doctor to become younger with each regeneration ... Posts: 19Forums - Next Episode → Doctor Who → New Costume |