26 (edited by lockdude 2009-06-15 01:12:36)

Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

I think it's time I re-watched DS9 in it's entirety. I don't usually watch stuff more than once but I haven't seen DS9 since it's original airing. I probably missed a few episodes back then and it's been long enough to forget.
I did B5 a couple of years ago.

Besides I can't find anything new to watch that's worth the time.



Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

Alrighty SCI FI Geeks, this debate has been around for a while but we have to be sure what each station has.  I read up on the wikis of each station and this is what i've come up with if these two space stations went head to head.

DS9:  Phaser Banks, Photon Torpedos and Defensive Shields.  Runabouts and the Defiant will be at the ready as well.  Should be stated that runabouts are not military vehicles they're merely transport shuttles with shields and phasers.  The Defiant is a military ship and its equip with rapid fire phaser pulse cannons and quantum torpedoes.

B5:  Particle Lasers, Pulse Cannons and Plasma Cannons with 8-12 meters of armored hull plating for defense.  Babylon 5 also houses 48 starfury fighter class ships that carry Pulse Discharge cannons. 

  Now we all know how massive these stations are on our TV but how do they compare with each other?  The diameter of DS9 is 1.4km which is about 0.9 miles.  Babylon 5 is 8.06km long and is roughly .84km in diameter.  This is about 5 miles long and with 8 to 12 meters of armor around it makes Babylon 5 a very big tank. 

  Now the offensive capabilities of both ships are very impressive.  I have to state that phasers in the star trek universe are a little more advanced then the B5 weapons.  Not that there's a lack of power at all, in comparison but just that phasers are more efficient. 

  Now the real battle between the station will take place between the Defiant & Runabouts versus the 48 starfury fighters that are docked in B5.  Now i've never seen more then a few runabouts in a combat situation.  DS9 relies heavily on the defiant and its own weapons systems.  Yes the runabout has shields but energy shields and a single phaser turret will do little against an attack from a military fighter squadron.  The shields will only give them enough time to jump to warp before the shields fail.  The Defiant on the other hand is definitely a war ship.  It will be able to punch thru the fighter squadron and hold its own for a little while against the Starfury fighters.  Even though the Defiant has Quantum torpedoes there will be fighters to intercept them along with lasers to shoot them down.  Even though the Defiant is a tough little ship, it still comes down to one ship against a battle station.  Yes it has shields and yes it has superior fire power, but the Defiant wont last long against the fighters and the cannons that come bearing down from B5.  The only ace that the Defiant has would be with their warp drive which will let them run, but battles aren't won by running away.

  Now being a big DS9 fan myself, its hard for me to say this.  Even with the Federation weaponry on this Cardassian built space station, their photon torpedoes against B5's outer hull will be like throwing hand grenades at a castle wall.  Sure the grenades will do damage but they wont hurt anyone inside the walls.  Yes DS9 and the Defiant will be able to inflict significant damage onto B5, but not before the squadrons of Starfury fighters and B5's own weapons systems take down its shields and weapons turrets.  Babylon 5 is ultimately too massive for Deep Space 9 to handle in a station versus station battle.

  B5 was meant to be a battle station after all while DS9 is a retrofitted Cardassian out post.  DS9 will do more than just hold its own in the battle, but B5 was built for combat.  Even without a shield generator the station will overwhelm DS9 and its defenses.  The Earthforce squadron of star fighters will be sure to keep the Defiant and her weapons in check until B5 gets into position to fire down onto DS9. 
  To me this all came down to numbers, B5 is almost five times bigger then DS9, it has more guns and more ships to aide in a combat situation.  What won me over though was the fact that B5 is a military vessel meant for combat while the only true military vessel DS9 has is the Defiant.


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

poncherello wrote:

Babylon 5 is ultimately too massive for Deep Space 9 to handle in a station versus station battle.


...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves.

29 (edited by marco1475 2009-06-15 13:10:28)

Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

poncherello wrote:

... long-ass post stating the obvious wink ...

You also forget that as of season 3 (which is when DS9 got the Defiant) B5 also had Whitestars. While the whole Ranger army wasn't always at or near the station, there was always at least one Whitestar (Sheridan's) present. So the fighter squadrons wouldn't have to deal with the Defiant - the Whitestar would make it a ship-to-ship battle. Now we can argue which ship is better, but I'd say they are evenly matched, which tips the battle again in favor of B5, because it would be Whitestar + fighter squadron vs. Defiant.

However, you haven't taken into consideration the surrounding space of both stations. B5 had the Great Machine on Epsilon III, which could aid the planet's (and by proxy the station's) defense. DS9 on the other hand had the Worhole and the Wormhole Aliens/Prophets. Unfortunately, B5 emerges victorious yet again, because the Great Machine has been shown to defend the station directly ("A Voice in the Wilderness," episodes 1x18 and 19), while the Wormhole Aliens protected DS9 only indirectly by either shutting the Wormhole down or destroying armadas within it ("Sacrifice of Angels," episode 6x06). So unless B5 or any of its ships would have to go through the Wormhole to reach DS9 the Wormhole Aliens would be powerless to help.

P.S.: I love "scientifically" supporting my arguments by citing episode names and numbers!

P.P.S.: I think not having seen any of the shows in the poll is necessarily something to brag about. If sci-fi's not your thing, fine, but why advertise it on the forums? And if you haven't seen them because you are ignorant, then why advertise that as well? *flame* wink The shows are apparently important enough for people to create exclusive polls about and write meaningless, long postings about, so get off your ass, watch them, and then come back to discuss two of the best sci-fi shows ever made.

"We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go."
-- Colonel Tigh



Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

and there you have it...

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

Wow, you guys are definitely earning your geek cred with this one.  big_smile

32 (edited by poncherello 2009-06-15 06:11:12)

Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

Yes i apologize for the long post but i had a lot of info to sift through. 

I wanted to put the White Stars into the fight but they would've made the battle too one sided.  The White Star has a Bio-armour, Vorlon shields and a Minbari stealth device.  It was made to fight the Shadows while Defiant was styled to take on the Dominion.

Also if i gave B5 an allied ship id have to give DS9 the Enterprise-E.  The Enterprise-E and the Defiant could take on B5 with superior fire power but they already had that to begin with.

Here's what makes the Whitestar cheap.  All it would have to do is draw the Federation ships away from DS9 and then activate a jump gate to bring the Whitestar to DS9.  It would take them minutes in hyperspace to get what would take warp vessels hours to travel. 

One Whitestar alone would be a close fight with a space station but each Whitestar has 4 Windstar heavy fighters.  With the Whitestars stealth tech and the Windstars jamming capabilities to prevent target lock DS9 doesn't have much of a chance. 

but then it wouldn't be a station vs. station battle =p


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

Never seen DS9..
And a little B5 a saw like million years ago and don't even remember anything about that..
But thanks to poncherello, i know now who will win.
and got really good explanation for my question.


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

Haven't seen either of them, are they any good?  I love sci-fi, but it's so bad so often that lately I haven't even been giving things chances.  The last sci-fi show I watched that was actually good was farscape, and since then nothing has compared.


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

and neither of these two shows will compare to Farscape... quit while y'r ahead...

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

B5 has NO weapons only little fighter type ships as it basically is the UN of space while DS9 is armed to the teeth (see episode Way of the Warrior).

"To be born English is to win the lottery of life." Cecil Rhodes 1853-1902
"The man was right." Maccool111 1955-20**

37 (edited by marco1475 2009-06-16 03:20:50)

Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

Wow, so many people talk out of their asses, it's unbelievable ... yes, I am looking at you maccool111 wink

Seriously, "DS9 is armed to the teeth" while "B5 has NO weapons"? Have you seen any episodes of Babylon 5 or bothered to read poncherello's well-researched post? Were you taking a leaking or getting a beer any time these babies were on screen?


theConundrumm wrote:

and neither of these two shows will compare to Farscape... quit while y'r ahead...

Wow, way to compare apples and oranges. Other then being under the huge umbrella of "sci-fi shows" the series have absolutely nothing you can compare. Deep Space 9 and Babylon 5 are shows about space stations with strong, over-arching, thickly-plotted stories, while Farscape is Homer's "Odyssey" in space. I agree that Farscape is one hell of a show with great characters and a great story, but you are doing a disservice to both of those with baseless claims like that.

Just out of curiosity, did you actually see Deep Space 9 and Babylon 5 in their entirety or are you just talking out of your ass? Because god knows there hasn't been much sci-fi around in the last decade or so and picking the good sci-fi out of a very slim base is even worse, but anyone who has seen all three shows knows that together with Battlestar Galactica they are the creme-de-la-creme of sci-fi on TV. You might prefer Farscape and that is perfectly okay, but both those shows very much compare, nay even give Farscape a run for its money. So please, don't scare the n00bs away smile

NimbleRabit wrote:

Haven't seen either of them, are they any good?

Uhm, there's a poll about these shows on the main page and we keep discussing them on a regular basis, so yeah, they are awesome. However, there is a caveat or two: it depends on what you expect from a sci-fi show. Deep Space 9 is great when it gets going with its overarching storyline (about season 3 onwards) and has some annoying elements (Ferengi stories, anyone?). Babylon 5 is pretty much balls-to-the-wall awesome, thought-through sci-fi on a grand scale that hasn't been done before or ever since (and IMHO with the way the TV business is going, never will be again), but suffers from sometimes god-awful dialog and very bad, 90's SFX. Having said that, both shows have terrific writing, characters, settings, and big, sometimes philosophical stories that you won't find anywhere else.

So do not go in expecting anything like Farscape. As I said above, Farscape is a very unique show (with its own flaws), but you won't find the amount of craziness and weirdness (in a good way) anywhere else. So if you liked the characters and the story of Farscape, you should enjoy Deep Space 9 and Babylon 5 as well, even though they are a different breed of sci-fi. If, however, you got off on the total whacked-out-ness of the universe (pregnant ships, etc.), you might find Deep Space 9 and Babylon 5 very safe and "classic."

"We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go."
-- Colonel Tigh


38 (edited by theConundrumm 2009-06-16 04:23:11)

Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

yawn... i kinda giggle at this whacked preconceived notion that because a show has some "deep" "well plotted" story arc that we're supposed to instantly be convinced that they are "good"... so no... mostly talking out of my arse it seems... deal with it, because neither of these shows were in any way engaging or interesting... and i gave them both a chance... b5 i was mostly turned off the horrible acting and poor production values [hell ST:TOS looked more convincing tongue]... DS9 i gave more of a chance, but it just didn't take... i've got the first two seasons sitting here and never do i feel compelled to watch.... and it comes down to the whole problem i have with most scifi... annoying, lame characters...

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

hehe hey now... the ferengi episodes were funny for fillers.. but the Jake and Nog treasure hunt episodes were the best smile

now i'm saying a station to station battle.. you have to picture one mile of ds9's photon torpedos and phaser arrays.  now picture that against 5 miles of plasma cannons and phase cannons lined up against it.  It'll be like the Spartans and Thermopylae. 

Now DS9 could be cheap and just transport a Quantum Torpedo over to the station... but then B5 could also just open a Jump Gate on the DS9's promenade (Whitestars have their own jump gate capability).

Me being a huge DS9 fan i had to find out if it could stand up to B5, but with all that fire power and all that armor.... the out come is bleak.  But my calculations didn't take Ben Sisko's connection w/ the Prophets into account, or Mile's O'Briens uncanny ability to boost shield power to a mythic level.  All i did was run the numbers ;-)


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

theConundrumm wrote:

yawn... i kinda giggle at this whacked preconceived notion that because a show has some "deep" "well plotted" story arc that we're supposed to instantly be convinced that they are "good"... so no... mostly talking out of my arse it seems... deal with it, because neither of these shows were in any way engaging or interesting... and i gave them both a chance...

You see, wasn't that better than a generalizing, all-out comment that ridiculed two shows at once? You not liking either of the shows is perfectly fine - and you even have valid points - but I would argue that since you have no idea what these shows are about (after all, you didn't see enough of either and seem to mock their story arcs without knowing them), you cannot compare them (overall) to Farscape. It's like saying that Farscape has cardboard, wooden, extremely unlikeable characters after seeing only the first few episodes - that is not true as soon as you watch a little bit more, in fact they actually become the essence of the show. It's the same with Babylon 5 and Deep Space Nine - once the real story gets going, you discover the essence of those shows, which then not only elevates the characters and acting, but makes you forget the other shortcomings of the shows.

And as far as the "preconceived notion" of arcs being good - sure, there are examples of bad stories being told over several seasons; however, I think that arcs is what makes TV shows great, they are the reason I watch them, because I cannot get that anywhere else. They allow the stories to be epic in scope and carry far more weight (emotional and philosophical) than a mere single episode could. Unfortunately story arcs are becoming rarer and rarer in today's TV because of the stupid notion that "retarded audience members need to be able to pick up a TV show in midseason and still not feel left out." This is being forced by way too many TV stations nowadays, hence I cherish any show that has a story arc that is well done. And trust me - you won't find any show out there that has a better, more tightly-plotted and interwoven story arc than Babylon 5.

"We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go."
-- Colonel Tigh



Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

As I never really got into either DS9 (eastenders in space)or B5(sorry FX are just too bad..guess I'm spoilt) I can contribute nothing to this deiscussion except try and sway it to a different tangent.

Lets get a real question:

Death Star vs Lexx


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

there's that episode of Sunny in Philadelphia where the sex offender that looks like Dennis gets released from jail... and the woman comes to Charlie's door to tell them about him... and Charlie gets all frustrated and agitated at her... that's how that post made me feel tongue... yeah... tfl; dr...

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

Good thing this isn't a discussion forum or something similar, where one might expect you to actually discuss your baseless comments, support them with arguments, or god forbid read somebody's reply. But you are right, tfl;dr is a much better retort ... wink

"We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go."
-- Colonel Tigh



Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

paisley1 wrote:

Ya, I so don't care which space station would win that I refuse to vote.  Meh.

But you care enough to tell us that you don't care tongue

...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves.


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

Hmmm.... it does say who "should" win. I didn't even notice the exact wording. I guess generally both are what I would think of as good guys. Hard to imagine a battle between DS9 and B5 really, unless one station had knowledge of the future and thought it would serve the greater good to prevent the other station from existing. In such a situation I think DS9 would still try to find some other way while for some reason my gut tells me that B5 might be willing to sacrifice DS9. Oh say to save the known universe from total obliteration. Just a feeling. So I guess I vote for B5



Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

deep space nine always reminds me of porn big_smile


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

z1rra wrote:

deep space nine always reminds me of porn big_smile


...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves.


Re: Battle of the Space Stations - who should win?

marco1475 wrote:
NimbleRabit wrote:

Haven't seen either of them, are they any good?

Uhm, there's a poll about these shows on the main page and we keep discussing them on a regular basis, so yeah, they are awesome. However, there is a caveat or two: it depends on what you expect from a sci-fi show. Deep Space 9 is great when it gets going with its overarching storyline (about season 3 onwards) and has some annoying elements (Ferengi stories, anyone?). Babylon 5 is pretty much balls-to-the-wall awesome, thought-through sci-fi on a grand scale that hasn't been done before or ever since (and IMHO with the way the TV business is going, never will be again), but suffers from sometimes god-awful dialog and very bad, 90's SFX. Having said that, both shows have terrific writing, characters, settings, and big, sometimes philosophical stories that you won't find anywhere else.

So do not go in expecting anything like Farscape. As I said above, Farscape is a very unique show (with its own flaws), but you won't find the amount of craziness and weirdness (in a good way) anywhere else. So if you liked the characters and the story of Farscape, you should enjoy Deep Space 9 and Babylon 5 as well, even though they are a different breed of sci-fi. If, however, you got off on the total whacked-out-ness of the universe (pregnant ships, etc.), you might find Deep Space 9 and Babylon 5 very safe and "classic."

Thanks for the great response; it was far more thought out, intricate, and informational than I was expecting.  While I loved the unique craziness of farscape, it's definitely not the only thing that turned me on to the show, and frankly if somebody as intelligent (seemingly) as you thinks all 3 shows are good I'm more than willing to try both Deep Space 9 and Babylon 5.  Great TV is about characters and grand stories and it sounds like both shows have more than enough of both.
