Topic: Dead Like Me
A follow up movie called Life After Death is out there.
I got it from a private tracker but it should be generally available.
You are not logged in. Please login or register. Dead Like MeForums - Next Episode → TV Show Discussions → Dead Like Me Posts: 181 2009-02-03 04:23:23 (edited by maccool111 2009-02-03 12:24:45)Topic: Dead Like MeA follow up movie called Life After Death is out there. Re: Dead Like MeSaw it a few hours ago.. didn't know that it was a follow up until I started watching though... and the release that I found, the movie was called Dead Like Me... Re: Dead Like MeDead Like Me: Life After Death... back of the class with both of you... about to sit down and watch it... huge fan of the series... not to sure on a different actress playing Daisy tho... you can count on the fact that i will probably have a lot to say after watching it... i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...
Re: Dead Like Me55 minutes in and i'm thinking this is the biggest steaming pile i've seen in a long time... they completely overlooked the existing relationship between 'other' george and her mother, they ignored the fact that they look different to everybody else... and the 'new' daisy 1/ can't act for shit, and 2/ has none of the appeal that made Daisy so sweet and endearing in the series [and 3/ is nowhere near as cute]... i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...
Re: Dead Like MeTotally agree with you, the movie didn't meet my expectations at all. The new Daisy was a completely different character, the existing relationships were ignored, even Delores was weird. And I had the hardest time watching it because Ellen Muth looked really dead in it. Something has happened to her body and her face, and it doesn't look good at all. Re: Dead Like MeBlackBox wrote:
? i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...
Re: Dead Like Mewell... come back in two weeks and we'll tell you how shit it is then, oki... i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...
Re: Dead Like MeOK - my bad The Release Date I mentioned was for the US only. It apparently aired 01/01 in Canada. Anyway - nice! 10 2009-02-03 19:04:48 (edited by theConundrumm 2009-02-03 20:55:28)Re: Dead Like Meno... it wasn't nice at all... not in the slightest... edit: and i've purged it from my mind .grapes already, but i'm pretty sure the release was a dvd rip... i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...
Re: Dead Like Meand it's just dawned on me... who was responsible for this travesty? brian fuller was doing pushing daisies, and is now off trying to save heroes, so i'm assuming he's been too busy, and someone else was 'driving' this train wreck... i'm going to console myself by rewatching wonderfalls... i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...
Re: Dead Like Mei still need to watch the last season first Re: Dead Like Mei wouldn't say you'd have to watch the second season before watching this, though i'd highly recommend watching it instead of... my above whining aside, the whole "spirit" of the show was diluted, the sentimentality felt forced... i mean i'm all for sentimental bullshit, but the scene with george talking to her sister in the car was so poorly staged i wanted to gag... ...and a pox on the producers for not using the serie's awesome intro... i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...
Re: Dead Like MeWell, at least they used an awesome song at the end of the movie. I believe it was the one who played when George found all the toilet seats hanging on that tree in the show. And yeah, Wonderfalls was a great show as well. I should really re-watch both of them soon. Re: Dead Like MeJohn Locke wrote:
yea, awesome shows. Will probably rewatch Dead like me only tho (before I watch the movie) Re: Dead Like Meseconded... i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...
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