Re: Favourite high contrast friendship on TV? (from Oriel)

happy hanuka everyone!


Re: Favourite high contrast friendship on TV? (from Oriel)

Scrubs, its always scrubs, old predictable scrubs. its the most overrated show ever.


Re: Favourite high contrast friendship on TV? (from Oriel)

mr_fuzzer wrote:

Scrubs, its always scrubs, old predictable scrubs. its the most overrated show ever.

I agree. The writers of scrubs need to get some aides so they can do a better job.


Re: Favourite high contrast friendship on TV? (from Oriel)

youre pretty hardcore, wishing somebody aids. I agree theres a correlation to better work quality tho


Re: Favourite high contrast friendship on TV? (from Oriel)

no, i wish aides upon them. like assistants. if I were to wish disease on someone I would go with super-aids. you know one teaspoon of superaids and your dead as a cat.


Re: Favourite high contrast friendship on TV? (from Oriel)

yea, Ive heard they were workin on smth like that ... amazing. Im pretty sure the next thing those crazy guysll come up with is wireless superaids.


Re: Favourite high contrast friendship on TV? (from Oriel)

actually stalking is one of the only ways to make sure you don't get aids. unless your hand has one. in which case you already have it too tongue