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- Robcore
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Topic: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Religion & Spirituality...usually they're good subjects for starting a fight (also politics, but they're less touchy than religion and spirituality since left wingers and right wingers mostly agree that politics is a messed up sphere where nobody has got it entirely right). I propose that those who are interested (and who are not easily offended) should to share and defend their thoughts on spirituality and/or religion here, in a civil manner... Generally, my favourite religions are Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity (more aligned with them in terms of essence than practice though). I only recently read the Bhagavad Gita...and it's pretty sweet. I think one day I might make it into a screenplay (it's more exciting and educative than the Passion of the Christ was). I tend to be more an inclusive believer than an excluding one too...since in believing everything, I definitely believe the right thing, and in believing only a strict and exclusive set of things, there's a greater chance that I'd be mistaken. With regard to atheism though, I have some hesitations. As a philosophical position, it is understandable. As a spiritual position though (as in being anti-God), atheism seems to arise out of some sort of error, where the existence of God is considered a negative possibility and not just an impossibility(as held according to the philosophical position). Agnostics are cool too. With regard to theism vs. deism...I tend to sit on the fence there....since on the one hand, I understand God to be omnipresent and omnipotent and interactive with its Creation...then on the other hand, I don't think God, being God, would suffer one way or the other if humanity destroyed itself or became totally in that sense, I see God as the source of existence, but not as an entity with a vested interest in what it gives rise to...not subject to whims or changing moods or any of the other trappings of the human ego. So, what do you all think? What is the nature of your subjective experience of life and its origins? -Rob

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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Yeah. I've changed my life philosophy so many times I can't even remember. The most recent thing I've changed is losing my faith in objectivity when it comes to anything human. Like morality and value. So I dont believe in any objective meaning for human life or anything else, just subjective meaning. In the same vein, I used to care what other people believed and did, because I somehow thought that the world could be a better place if people were proven wrong and people listened to reason. But since I no longer care about the fate of humanity I don't care what people think or do. And I also realise that even if I could change the world it wouldn't matter, because we are all different. and what I would consider a better world, might not be everyone elses view of a better world. I didn't have to venture far to realise that most people don't have the same value system that I did. So I've basically stopped caring about anyone else, and pretty much only act out of self interest. Obviously that was what I did before as well, but I'm just self aware about only acting out of self interest now. It also helps that I don't have to consider morality when making decisions because I only need consider my own personal benefit. I also realise that this makes me what a lot of people would consider maybe a bad person among other things. And that's not really a problem, because I don't have a problem keeping up a fake front when dealing with most people. I also definately think that if the world where filled with only people like me that it would be worse off by most peoples standards (including mine) so im glad that people have belief in religion and things like that to make them feel good about doing society's good. Regarding the origin of the universe It's probably not going to be explained anytime soon. But I obviously believe the big bang theory. (I think most people who think the world is alligned just too perfect for it to have happened by chance need to study astronomy a little better) And regarding what happened before that I am perfectly content with not having a clue, because there is no clear cut theory that the science community agrees on right now. But if you had to push me Id stick with Stephen Hawking's boiling bubble theory, but there are plenty of other fine theories as well. Pretty much after that the origin of life doesn't have an agreeable theory about it either, it seems like we might find an answer to this one day, but regardless I dont know, and im fine with that right now. After that however evolution explains pretty much anything and everything in my opinion. Religion, morality, society, psychology and everything else is pretty much explained by it. All things being equal evolution is definately the simplest explenation in my opinion. I feel my post needs a third paragraph so Ill write some more. I definately think you've got some interesting ideas robcore. it certainly would be interesting to see what made to reach all these conclusions. My sister actually has a similar view on life that is much more organic and human-centric, that I interepret are a few of the things you believe. But I could be wrong. Anyways I think im done with this post. No im not. Regarding agnosticism. Isn't that just the stance that we can never know or not know wether god is real? so you could be theist and still agnostic and atheist and agnostic. I just find it weird that people consider atheism, agnosticism and theism three exclusive viewpoints. Im not saying that you do. Its just a lot of people seem to look at it like that. Also I guess if you wanted to put a label on my viewpoint I think nihilist comes the closest.
3 Reply by hometimenow 2008-12-02 07:08:07 (edited by hometimenow 2008-12-02 07:08:24)

- hometimenow
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
I was born into catholicism, so essentially I had no say in it. Brainwashed is another word for it. I was about 15 when I saw the "light" or should I say told my parents sleeping in was a better way to spend my Sunday morning  I now have a similar view to NaS
Also I guess if you wanted to put a label on my viewpoint I think nihilist comes the closest.
BUT the remnant brainwashed part of me still cringes a tad if I use the lords name in vein.
I sleep through most or all of these  

- karenbear
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
hometimenow wrote:BUT the remnant brainwashed part of me still cringes a tad if I use the lords name in vein.
Ach, Jesus Christ, really? Sorry, I couldn't help myself.  But I'm with NaS on the viewpoint that you can be both agnostic and atheist at the same time - that was how I used to think of myself. I didn't believe there was a god, but I didn't think it could be proved one way or the other. These days if anyone asks I just say I'm an atheist. Fuck proof! 

- Insuborden
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Lol NaS  I've had so many discussions about faith, no wait about religion, that I've completely had it with religion... I grew up in a very strict Reformed Christian community and since our house wasn't religious and the rest of the family was, we still don't and will never get along. This is btw not our fault, since we think everybody should do as they please, but don't try and make me believe something just because you've been indoctrinated since birth... (I think it also didn't help that when I was 3 my grandmother started reading from the bible and even if I didn't know how to speak quite yet, I was still able the say 'fairytales, fairytales!' ) I Want to believe there is a God (started watching all X-files last week ), but I refuse to believe that there is 1 religion on this planet that has all the correct information and isn't 80-95% fairytale/myth. Still things in the Bible (and prolly in other religious books) do have good morale, but so do fairytales! You might think I'm using the word fairytales too much in combination with religion... Well I think people should use the combo more often! At least then the perspective on the subject will be much more easy going, and fanaticism might just diminish... In college I followed a course Evolution Theory, which totally made sense to me! This didn't cover the Big Bang Theory, but I tend to lean towards that theory as well, until proven otherwise! So my final conclusion is that religion is a lie, but faith may be just.
No kitty that's a bad kitty!  
6 Reply by z1rra 2008-12-02 08:05:55 (edited by z1rra 2008-12-02 08:06:09)

- z1rra
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Aah, I hope i can stop myself before it gets too long  I've grown up in a relatively nonreligious country, my parents aren't religious (mother is agnostic, rest of the family is in my boat I think) so I was free to make up my own mind. We still get Christian benefits such as Christmas and stuff but I've never made a prayer or gone to church to be closer to God  Why? Because having faith in something you have no proof to is stupid. The chances of something backfiring that way are huge. I like to keep an open mind to things, not blindly thinking that something is true. That way I can actually learn something. One might argue from my posts in that origin of life thread that I believe in what I say. That is true, but if you gave me compelling evidence against it I would be converted in a jiffy. Same does not apply to faith, you cannot have science and God for they contradict on too many levels. I remember reading about a scientist called Kurt Wise who had been brought up religious and when he was already very educated, he compared the Bible and science and decided that he had to throw one out, he went for religion and world lost a brilliant mind. So religion is useless on almost all levels. It gives some moral codes but I have them and I'm not religious, there is such a thing called empathy and reasoning from which I can operate. I think that man could be kind to another man far before religion came along. In the end all I can say is that religion is business and a serious one at that. No other business project has claimed so many lives, had so much influence or committed so many atrocities and been so beneficial at the same time.
7 Reply by hometimenow 2008-12-02 08:16:45 (edited by hometimenow 2008-12-02 08:23:31)

- hometimenow
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
KB no need to be sorry I do it a lot I actually stopped going because we got a "fire and brimstone style priest" he actually came out with a ...."An there will be a great rending of flesh." (hound of hell or something like that) in a sermon, jowls flappin an spittle flyin. It was at this stage I lost respect. Insubordens' Fairytale bit fits quite nice we me too. You know like old wives tales, stories to stop your kids from pickin there nose and the likes 
I sleep through most or all of these  

- hometimenow
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
z1rra I'm sure that wasn't there on the last post I did. IM REALLY PISSED AT HE MOMENT but what you said dude that's COOL.
I sleep through most or all of these  

- Mxyzptlk
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
To quote House: -Religious people do not listen to reason, if they did, there would be no religious people.

- breaker
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
I see myself as agnostic Agnosticism is the philosophical view that the truth value of certain claims — particularly metaphysical claims regarding theology, afterlife or the existence of deities, ghosts, or even ultimate reality — is unknown or, depending on the form of agnosticism, inherently impossible to prove or disprove.
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Mxyzptlk wrote:To quote House: -Religious people do not listen to reason, if they did, there would be no religious people.
First off, love that quote. I come from a pretty religious backround myself. My parent are both orthodox jews so I was raised in a very religious community, going to a religious high school and all that... I never really bought into all of it, but didn't have much choice up until I got older. I don't know exactly what category I would fall into... I very much understand many aspects of religion. As someone mentioned before, there are plenty of lessons and sound morals that can be taught through religion, however these lessons and morals can be taught through other means as well. Truthfully though, I find that there are too many negative aspects derived from religion. Also, with so many different religions, its hard to understand why anyone would honestly believe that their own personal religion (which they were most likely born and raised into) is ultimately the correct religion. I am in general a very open-minded person and respect everyones personal decisions, however coming from such a religious background and not being so religious myself, I was treated very poorly by my family as well as many of my friends. I have witnessed extreme resentment from the religious community towards those who chose not to be so observant, and to me that is simply sad... I find that observant religious people tend to be very closed minded, and have no room for any intellectual discussion about religion or life. I don't mean to say all religious people are like that, but many are and it can be pretty frustrating... I don't even want to touch the subject of belief in god, because that is a tough one for me... buttttt... I think in all honsetly I have simply chosen to believe in a god because it is easier... either way you look at it, there is no simple explanation for why we are here. Whether it be some unproven theory or the belief in some higher being...

- Robcore
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
With regard to Christianity, I was raised Catholic...but in a home where we weren't forced to be Catholic... So, my church attendance was on and off throughout my whole life growing up. Currently I'm a regular attendee of United Church services...mostly because my girlfriend is the Sunday School teacher there, lol (I prefer Catholic services). In any case, I definitely agree with those who think that there's a lot of bogus stuff in the Bible. I wouldn't call it all fairytales...more just subjective interpretation by people without the faculties to understand what they were interpreting. For example, the Book of Revelation (written by a different John than the John who wrote the Gospel of John)'s more of an astral vision than a celestial one...not reflective of the God of whom Jesus spoke... Basically, I'd toss out all of the Old Testament, except Genesis, Psalms, and Proverbs, as well as the Book of Revelation from the New Testament...then you'd have a good Bible with only a minimum of flaws (There are redeemable passages in some of the books that I'd exclude...but too few to warrant picking them all apart). With regard to me, evolution and creation are one and the same. I suppose that this view is best comprehended from a Deist sort of perspective, although it can be much deeper than that as well. It just seems obvious that they're the same thing to me. With regards to a complete religion...I think there are so many parallels that to dismiss one religion in favour of another is to dismiss a favourable context within which one can understand things in greater depth. Also, with most religions, the founders all taught their followers to devotedly serve and worship God - NOT to devotedly serve and worship religions. Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, etc. all taught that people should be passionate for God/Truth(Which they don't really differentiate), not for belief systems....that Ignorance is the only real sin. This reminds me of Mytzlptlk's House reference...since House is always interested in the Truth and not in belief systems. He's more enlightened than the writers will ever let on, lol. -Rob

- Robcore
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Ooh, with regard to nihilism...the denial of the existence of an objective basis for truth is an assertion of some objective condition, so nihilism is self-defeating. i'm surprised that nobody has taken the position of Hedonism, where they think that everyone is just seeking self-pleasure as the highest good. -Rob

- z1rra
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
You cannot look at evolution from deist point. Evolution completely excludes any involvement from a higher power. Creationist view on the other hand tells that everything sort of popped into existence.

- Robcore
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Evolution is creation ongoing....they're the same thing. -Rob

- z1rra
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
No no no...The start is entirely different. The creationist clearly states that the beginning was made by god. Why make imperfect start? Creationist is often equaled with intelligent design. None of the early organism designs were successful or intelligent compared to today's organisms.
17 Reply by Mxyzptlk 2008-12-02 19:11:28 (edited by Mxyzptlk 2008-12-02 19:12:47)

- Mxyzptlk
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
zero122 wrote:Mxyzptlk wrote:To quote House: -Religious people do not listen to reason, if they did, there would be no religious people.
First off, love that quote. I come from a pretty religious backround myself. My parent are both orthodox jews so I was raised in a very religious community, going to a religious high school and all that... I never really bought into all of it, but didn't have much choice up until I got older. I don't know exactly what category I would fall into... I very much understand many aspects of religion. As someone mentioned before, there are plenty of lessons and sound morals that can be taught through religion, however these lessons and morals can be taught through other means as well. Truthfully though, I find that there are too many negative aspects derived from religion. Also, with so many different religions, its hard to understand why anyone would honestly believe that their own personal religion (which they were most likely born and raised into) is ultimately the correct religion. I am in general a very open-minded person and respect everyones personal decisions, however coming from such a religious background and not being so religious myself, I was treated very poorly by my family as well as many of my friends. I have witnessed extreme resentment from the religious community towards those who chose not to be so observant, and to me that is simply sad... I find that observant religious people tend to be very closed minded, and have no room for any intellectual discussion about religion or life. I don't mean to say all religious people are like that, but many are and it can be pretty frustrating... I don't even want to touch the subject of belief in god, because that is a tough one for me... buttttt... I think in all honsetly I have simply chosen to believe in a god because it is easier... either way you look at it, there is no simple explanation for why we are here. Whether it be some unproven theory or the belief in some higher being...
I agree with almost all your views... I don't have the same background though. I'm not sure if my parents believe in any higher power and if they do, they have never tried to make their believes mine. But that is very normal in Sweden. We are, in general, not religious. In my age, I might know of two religious people. If I go back to my grandparents generation, there might be a few more. How is everyone else's surroundings about the hole religion-thing? Where are there most believers and where are there least?

- Robcore
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
No no no...The start is entirely different. The creationist clearly states that the beginning was made by god. Why make imperfect start? Creationist is often equaled with intelligent design. None of the early organism designs were successful or intelligent compared to today's organisms.
If that were true there would be no conflict between creationists and evolutionists since evolutionists have no idea where things came from originally, only how they have transformed since they first appeared. Creationism merely recognizes God(whatever that may be) as the origin of existence. Evolution is the expression of that existence. There is no conflict. I'm not talking about 'Creationism' though. I'm talking about Creation. Creation is to get something from nothing (making something into something else is just transformation). Evolution is also getting something from nothing. For example, you can have a hundred generations of white pheasants, and suddenly there will appear a generation of brown pheasants. The evolution of the pheasant is creation...something (brown-ness) coming from no-thing (the absence of brown-ness). Creation and evolution are one and the same. As for intelligent design...paranoid atheists have equated it with creationism. Intelligent Design does not propose that there is or is not a designer, only that the design of existence is intelligent (Protoplasm reacts positively to positive stimuli and negatively to negative stimuli, suggesting that it is designed according to a higher principle than 'randomness' since randomness would have the protoplasm react positively in negative conditions, and negatively in positive conditions, at least on occasion). Creationism recognizes the divine essence of nature. Evolutionism recognizes nature at the exclusion of any inference of essence. Intelligent Design recognizes that nature has an essence that is intelligent. Thus, intelligent design rests somewhere between Creationism and Evolutionism. Nevertheless, Creation and evolution are one and the same. -Rob

- z1rra
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
I am not paranoid atheist  I can grasp something like that the creation is beginning of evolution and evolution is the designer of sorts. But still, intelligent design requires a designer. Wouldn't be a design otherwise. Evolution doesn't state the reason of creation. It could be god of course but it's very improbable. Best if you'd read Richard Dawkins "The God Delusion". It would be extremely unreasonable to rewrite the book to you although i have used it as a reference since i have it right next to me atm 

- Robcore
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Intelligent design does not require a designer. If you saw a rube goldberg-esque contraption that resulted from a tornado blowing through a junk-yard, you would not have to infer that the tornado designed the contraption intentionally in order to consider the design of the contraption to be of an intelligent essence. And fyi Dawkins' work is ripe with philosophical error. Most of his arguments against God simply attempt to undermine sociological and anthropological conditions which would have falsely inflated the significance of beliefs. So what? Freud figured that the God that people believed in was simply a projection of an angry unconscious mind. Carl Jung agreed with Freud that most people believed in a God that was merely a projection of their unconscious minds, though Jung was more advanced philosophically and he recognized that just because people have delusions of God doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. It's like inferring that water doesn't exist since everyone experiences the illusion of mirages. Also, Dawkins' view of God is extremely juvenile and limited to the pop-culturized judeo-christian interpretation of God. He is completely ignorant to authoritative views on the divine such as Christ or Krishna or any of the famed mystics throughout history. I reccommend watching Rupert Sheldrake's presentation with Googletalks for some real insight into the nature of reality and into the integrity of such persons as Dawkins. -Rob
21 Reply by z1rra 2008-12-02 20:17:08 (edited by z1rra 2008-12-02 20:41:06)

- z1rra
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
I will watch when I get the chance...At the moment my listening devices are somewhat occupied. Ok, that tornado thing was the assembling of a Boeing airplane if i recall correctly. But the chance of that happening is incredibly small. And would you call it intelligent if it happens. I mean, for every Boeing that is assembled there are is a huge amount of other, perhaps not so useful things. If you give a monkey enough time and a typewriter he might write "War and Peace" but is it accidental or did the monkey mean it. I am not saying God does not exist, neither is Dawkins, he is stating that God almost certainly does not exist. Can't say anything on last paragraph yet, will have to watch the Sheldrake video. E: 30 minutes into the video. If it persists, I disagree. Why place everything unexplained in religious or higher power sector? Sheldrake hasn't so far even mentioned that it is God created.

- Mxyzptlk
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Robcore wrote:Creationism merely recognizes God(whatever that may be) as the origin of existence. Evolution is the expression of that existence. There is no conflict. I'm not talking about 'Creationism' though. I'm talking about Creation. -Rob
Just a thought: If we could just make up an answer to something we do not know, we would all be all knowing. Thus, either there's no god, or every person with imagination is god.

- Robcore
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Well, if God is Omnipresent as per the classical definition of God as omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, then yeah, Everything that exists is God. However, a drop in the ocean isn't the an individual person, apart from the totality of existence is as much God as a drop is the ocean. -Rob

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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
yeah. definately a big difference in what people believe to make sense of the world. I think the biggest problem when discussing something like religion is the lack of understanding of different subjective viewpoints on the same matter. people draw completly different conclusions when met with the same information. and all this is just based on who they are. your opinion on nihilism and atheism is really easy to see is colored with your own pre conditioned biases. much like my opinions on nihilism and atheism are colored with my biases.

- Robcore
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
would you care to elaborate on the bias that you've identified in my views of nihilism and atheism? -Rob
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