Topic: Star Trek Section 31


Emperor Philippa Georgiou joins a secret division of Starfleet tasked with protecting the United Federation of Planets and faces the sins of her past.

Official Trailer

The imdb rating is accurate I gave up on this one after about 15 minutes. As an avid Star Trek viewer I was very disappointed. YMMV


Re: Star Trek Section 31

Ouch 3.8/10 from almost 10k people.

Glad I skipped it

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Star Trek Section 31

This is the Star Wars Holiday Special of the Star Trek universe.


Re: Star Trek Section 31

Bad... even didn't feel a star trek movie!
A mini series would be better than this ....

5 (edited by inkblot 2025-02-04 18:02:12)

Re: Star Trek Section 31

It was truly horrible. Wish I had have watched the Youtube reviews there. Man is this getting a pounding there.
I watched an interview with Michelle Yeoh and she talked as if the movie was great and she was awesome in it. I guess she has no clue what Star Trek is really about.

A lot of people are saying that this is ruining the franchise, I tend to believe them.

I really tried to hold out, but was unable to. This is the first ever, that I could not watch a Star Trek show or movie. And I have seen them all. Well except this horrible montage of crap.

I bet we would be hard pressed to find anyone who actually loves Star Trek that liked this abomination of a movie.

And the money wasted on this smacks of Mafia Money Laundering.

Wonder if a fatty of some good stuff would improve this at all? I was kinda expecting a Section 31, like in DS9 or a secretive spy type organization. Not an over the top like clown show.

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Re: Star Trek Section 31

Yes, I should have stopped watching early on, but I couldn't believe it could be this bad so I continued. It actually became better, but still was a disappointment. I also expected a strong focus on Section 31.


Re: Star Trek Section 31

lighton wrote:

Yes, I should have stopped watching early on, but I couldn't believe it could be this bad so I continued. It actually became better, but still was a disappointment. I also expected a strong focus on Section 31.

Because of you, I will give it another chance. But this time I will get really baked first.

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8 (edited by TheFizza 2025-02-06 10:22:55)

Re: Star Trek Section 31

I watched Section 31 annnnnd it was dumb fun, not very Trek but not much is nowadays... however it did leave me wondering, is San 129 yrs old or are Georgiou and San both 129 yrs old? Did they explain this and I just missed it?

I'm just confused 'cause in 2259 Discovery jumped into the future and The Guardian of Forever sent her back to the 2320's accidently that's fine but how is San still just chillin'!?

I mean, McCoy was 137 in Encounter at Farpoint but he looked rough wink
