76 (edited by nightcrow 2022-12-15 13:06:18)

Re: Wednesday

dekelder wrote:

The way the word is used here is really mostly just people noticing that the world moves on without them and digging in their heels in response. Every time a show does something that wouldn't have been done like that 20 years ago, it's perceived as complete deliberate propaganda and clearly a bad thing. It's really more an emotion than it is something factual.

Well this is a pile of crap if I have ever seen one.
Totally inaccurate. I am against the woke agenda in entertainment - because it has no place there.

Wednesday was enjoyable and yes, there were multiple "winks" to the Woke masses. Because, after all, how dare we have a series that is just entertainment without the force-feeding of our children to change them to fit the new "normal" (i used that word lightly)

This is from a previous post that i wrote in a different thread:

nightcrow wrote:

Thank you for your reply. I think I prefer when shows/movies have such good source material that the directors stick to it as much as possible and not try to diversify with a specific agenda.
I dont have any problem with diversification whether by race, religion or sexual orientation etc, but it does bug me when source material is deliberately changed to fit a certain agenda.
For example, it would bother me if Tolkien/the source material describes all elves as tall, white, blond and blue eyed (which I am neither of those - save for the tall part) and then the producers/directors go and assign a short, gay, brown, dark haired chubby transsexual for the role.
I tried to avoid shows with a political agenda when they clearly/deliberately diverge from the source material.

In the case of Wednesday there isn't any "source material" per se, but the argument is to keep the agenda out of our entertainment, its suffocating and bad enough that its at every turn and every corner.

As for Jenna Ortega, I think she played an incredible Wednesday and her tiny facial expressions were phenomenal acting imho. Good on her.

Brothers! What we do in life...Echoes in Eternity!


77 (edited by merc 2022-12-15 15:01:00)

Re: Wednesday

nightcrow wrote:

As for Jenna Ortega, I think she played an incredible Wednesday and her tiny facial expressions were phenomenal acting imho. Good on her.

yes she was made for that part. or the part made for her. And she got great support from the other actors esp Emma Myers/Enid. This will end up as one of favourite shows of the year


Re: Wednesday

Points for scene and camera work, good acting and Wagner style plot. Could have done with a re-write of lines between Addams family members, producer should have picked this up, some lines did not match the scene and others were uncharacteristic of the character portrayed. Yes, the fake hair and sheriff gave away the villain and the CGI monster, even before episode two. Also, Wednesday was out of character at times, but for a modern-day series I thought it was very good. Some shows don't mean to have you surprised at the end of every episode and the Addams Family has often given away the plot at the beginning in homage to the film-makers of the gothic era, who would tell you the ending, with the rest of the show, demonstrating how it came about. Wagner is even mentioned in some Addams family episodes to give a hint to this plot style. This is deliberate Addams family style as opposed to an American hype or build-up series that to keep you watching, needs to have a suspenseful surprise at the end of every episode.
I'm with nightcrow and merc on this one. Wednesday was represented well for the most part. Some of the lines could have been better, especially in the interactions with the larger Addams family. The CGI monster didn't impress me, but otherwise I would also consider Wednesday to be one of my favourite series of the year.
'To get shows approved for air by CBS, they need a homosexual desensitizing scene, so homosexuality becomes accepted as common or normal behavior. In subsequent seasons the appearance of these scenes also needs to be increased.' -anonymous CBS employee
I am not a fan of these rules and no American show will ever get a 10/10 while such conditions are present. For a good example of these rules in action, see Umbrella Academy, which had so much content such as this early on, that the last season was more about homosexuality than anything else, making most of the regular cast look barely present. In comparison, Wednesday was a masterpiece.
Points for scene and camera work, good acting and Wagner style plot. Could have done with a re-write of lines between Addams family members, producer should have picked this up, some lines did not match the scene and others were uncharacteristic of the character portrayed. Overall though a good representation 8/10


Re: Wednesday

Tsyor wrote:

'To get shows approved for air by CBS, they need a homosexual desensitizing scene, so homosexuality becomes accepted as common or normal behavior. In subsequent seasons the appearance of these scenes also needs to be increased.' -anonymous CBS employee

Do you have a reliable source for that quote?

Tsyor wrote:

I am not a fan of these rules and no American show will ever get a 10/10 while such conditions are present. For a good example of these rules in action, see Umbrella Academy, which had so much content such as this early on, that the last season was more about homosexuality than anything else, making most of the regular cast look barely present.

Your claim has nothing to do with reality.

If you don't stop your anti-gay conspiracy theory posts, your account will not get old here. This is your last warning.

80 (edited by TheFizza 2022-12-16 05:46:16)

Re: Wednesday

Right on, lighton... and lets remember why we are all here, to converse about and share our enjoyment or disappointments with Wednesday. And to the side of, 'sharing our enjoyment of' how about we all take a beat and smile at these silly Behind-The-Scenes Photos From 'Wednesday' Which Deserve Two-Snaps.


81 (edited by merc 2022-12-16 12:01:39)

Re: Wednesday

did any one mention the real star of this show is THING? not bad for just an appendage.


Also I cried when that red paint was dumped on that cute black party dress that Wednesday wore at the Rave'n I hope it could be  cleaned was not fatal  https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FgfRY2hUUAAFAlZ?format=jpg&name=small


Re: Wednesday

Just came up with an idea that the new, next generation of woke (seems it would v3) should be that you are woke if you become aware what stinking pile of crap is woke v2 - people, wake up, see what's right in front of you! big_smile

83 (edited by g371 2022-12-16 14:02:41)

Re: Wednesday

Tsyor wrote:

'To get shows approved for air by CBS, they need a homosexual desensitizing scene, so homosexuality becomes accepted as common or normal behavior. In subsequent seasons the appearance of these scenes also needs to be increased.' -anonymous CBS employee

This is kinda obvious, that's why I said that in some years we will know the details how this shitshow was systematically organized - when people will leave their jobs, retire etc. and nobody will have any leverage over them anymore. Also even more interesting question - why.

84 (edited by TheFizza 2022-12-16 16:10:59)

Re: Wednesday

merc wrote:

did any one mention the real star of this show is THING? not bad for just an appendage.

Not bad, indeed... Not. Bad... Indeed.




Re: Wednesday

nightcrow wrote:

Well this is a pile of crap if I have ever seen one.

No it is not (also, please don't drag dekelder into this, you are quoting me there).

You are not affected by this stuff in any meaningful way whatsoever. All it is to you is an annoyance. Annoyance is, by its nature, primarily an emotion. You lose literally nothing by letting it go, and the whole world actually gets a whole lot less annoying as a result. That's what I eventually did, and do not regret.

Tsyor wrote:

'To get shows approved for air by CBS, they need a homosexual desensitizing scene, so homosexuality becomes accepted as common or normal behavior. In subsequent seasons the appearance of these scenes also needs to be increased.' -anonymous CBS employee

It is never wise to use anonymous sources to convince yourself further of something you already believe. It is even less wise to quote them in an actual discussion.

But even so, let's just assume those policies actually do exist: why do you think that is the case? Ideology? Hardly. All these TV/film studios are, in the end, companies. They do what is best for their bottom line. So if these policies actually exist, there is pretty much only one reason: because the people in charge have reason to believe that it is the best way to reach their customer/viewer base. That, in turn, means that clearly a vast majority of viewers have to be fine/happy with this stuff already.

If you really do have reason to believe that this is all just a big conspiracy instead, feel free to elaborate on that (preferably with verifiable sources). But don't even bother if you do not provide at least a workable theory on how any of it would work out regarding actual economics.


Re: Wednesday

some_one wrote:
nightcrow wrote:

Well this is a pile of crap if I have ever seen one.

No it is not (also, please don't drag dekelder into this, you are quoting me there).

You are not affected by this stuff in any meaningful way whatsoever. All it is to you is an annoyance. Annoyance is, by its nature, primarily an emotion. You lose literally nothing by letting it go, and the whole world actually gets a whole lot less annoying as a result. That's what I eventually did, and do not regret.

unfortunately I am directly affected by it, as we (and our kids) all are - happy to discuss this further 'offline' (?) since it is no longer relevant to this forum/thread.

Brothers! What we do in life...Echoes in Eternity!



Re: Wednesday

nightcrow wrote:

unfortunately I am directly affected by it, as we (and our kids) all are - happy to discuss this further 'offline' (?) since it is no longer relevant to this forum/thread.

My main concern here is with leaving strong opinions unchallenged, so I agree we can and should mostly put it to rest here; if you'd like to discuss it further, feel free to DM me and I'll do my best to respond reasonably.


Re: Wednesday

Gave up partway through episode 3. The cynical imaginativeness was usurped by Nancy Drew Scooby Doo bollocks and it all started to feel a bit too "young adult/teen mystery" for this old git.

Maybe I'm not the target market.


Re: Wednesday

some_one wrote:
nightcrow wrote:

unfortunately I am directly affected by it, as we (and our kids) all are - happy to discuss this further 'offline' (?) since it is no longer relevant to this forum/thread.

My main concern here is with leaving strong opinions unchallenged, so I agree we can and should mostly put it to rest here; if you'd like to discuss it further, feel free to DM me and I'll do my best to respond reasonably.

Sure happy to do that.
You’re welcome to as well

Brothers! What we do in life...Echoes in Eternity!



Re: Wednesday

After TheFizza's post I don't understand a word..

91 (edited by merc 2022-12-21 20:16:54)

Re: Wednesday

and Goth is back
Jenna Ortega (L) and Christina Ricci (R)

Jenna Ortega at the World Premiere Of Netflix's "Wednesday"

Christina Ricci at the World Premiere Of Netflix's "Wednesday"

Pinterest reports that searches for “Wednesday Addams costume” are up 50 times year-on-year, while clothing resale app, Depop, claims searches for Wednesday-inspired looks have risen by 1000 per cent since the Netflix drama first aired in November.

Nearly 110 million TikTok users having already searched for Wednesday’s beauty look, and MAC’s Nightmoth lip liner (the shade used on Ortega’s lips) sold out across the globe

says the UK Daily Telegraph

92 (edited by merc 2022-12-26 22:54:35)

Re: Wednesday

seems like the Goo Goo Muck dance as it is being called has gone viral on tik tok

eg https://www.tiktok.com/@love_by_pierree … 6073856261

and even an exercise routine

apparantly Ortega  choreographed it her self

she has got a lot to answer for ---------->


By the way can this discussion be added to the officiall "https://next-episode.net/wednesday" entry under more info for easier access


Re: Wednesday

merc wrote:

By the way can this discussion be added to the officiall "https://next-episode.net/wednesday" entry under more info for easier access

Go ahead. smile


94 (edited by inkblot 2023-01-06 17:45:49)

Re: Wednesday


https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv … 235292285/

--== Warning. This message will self destruct in 24h. ==--


Re: Wednesday

Thanks, I updated https://next-episode.net/wednesday.


Re: Wednesday

it will be a hard act to follow. I wonder whether it would be best to leave it as a one season gem. But given the comments about what motivates Netflix from the Telegraph that they flog things to the death  until few people stay the course who knows

97 (edited by merc 2023-01-09 00:17:17)

Re: Wednesday

a few boo-boos? 1) the mayor got Laurel's death certificate from the UK but if you look closely at it, is from USA 2) more serious - the dna test came back negative or inconclusive so why did Wednesday then go and frame Xavier?  Weems is right about her being inpatient and impulsive ( and not level headed or rational which she claims to be). Why did the sheriff and Weems go along with the Xavier frame? seems a writing fail . As for woke I think here it is like "product placement" of old nothng to do with artistic decisions compared to Supergirl where it is  you are being preached at, in Wednesday to some extent it is played around with eg Enid writing in her voice & speaking her truth with Wednesdays put down in eps one 3) Rowan/Weems going to the station enters the loo with a wheeled suitcase, the man leaves empty handed and Thing looking  into the cubicle sees nothing left behind. This shows the show is not about mystery and suspense but witty dialogue and set pieces  that are amusing or exciting damn any inconsistancy

I do wonder whether it is a good idea to go for a season 2 - no Weems, no Christina Ricci, no Tyler, no Kinbott ( by the way she is Sheldon's groupie from the big bang theory?)Wednesday needs quite a few foils to counteract her manner. By the way I read that Ortega wants Wednesday to be non binary in season 2.... pls no...


Re: Wednesday

Wednesday Season 2 | Theories with Jenna Ortega | Netflix

Fun! smile (Has been out for a while, but I'm happy I discovered it in time before season 2 starts.)


Re: Wednesday

it says the show is on hiatus, but I believe they have started working on it. After listening to the - Talk Vile Podcast. Miles and Alfred frequently call in, and they talk about Wednesday season 2 production.


Re: Wednesday

Sander_er_hot wrote:

it says the show is on hiatus, but I believe they have started working on it. After listening to the - Talk Vile Podcast. Miles and Alfred frequently call in, and they talk about Wednesday season 2 production.

"On hiatus" is the status for shows that are still running but don't have a known date for the next episode AND (if I recall correctly) where the last episode aired more than a year ago.