Topic: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]



The Night Agent is a sophisticated, character-based, action-thriller centering on a low-level FBI Agent who works in the basement of the White House, manning a phone that never rings - until the night that it does, propelling him into a fast-moving and dangerous conspiracy that ultimately leads all the way to the Oval Office.


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

Netflix recently positively surprised me with https://next-episode.net/the-recruit - let's hope this one will be good, too! I like the teaser trailer. smile


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

Yes I've just watched the trailer and I hope it will be good too.


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

I hope to be surprised too.
Mind you, I can't help feeling that he could just walk up the stairs to the Oval Office!


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

Watched 1x1. Solid show! Pretty good story, good budget, good acting. And I am not the only one enjoying it. smile


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

I haven't started it yet but I will tomorrow


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

I need to put this one on hold for now. I watched episodes 01&02 and part of 03 before I decided to put it on the shelf. It's not a bad show and does have some entertainment value; but it's really just a new twist on a hundred past spy-secret agency movies. Which would be fine, but I'm not crazy about the acting and the dialogue seems a little predictable and generic. There's no very likable character (for me) and the story struck me pretty low on the "thrill" meter. Perhaps I'll go back to it, but right now I have too many shows to catch up on... smile


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

I've watched the first 2 episodes and it's OK, as kurschnextepisode has said the plot has been seen before


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

I never mind if a plot has been seen before, as long as the new interpretation is good. smile

And many seem to think so, because it just got renewed! smile

Netflix yesterday gave The Night Agent a quick Season 2 pickup only six days after the action-thriller from creator Shawn Ryan and Sony Pictures TV launched with the third-best premiere week of viewing for a new series — only behind Wednesday and Dahmer — putting the series starring Gabriel Basso on track to potentially land in the Top 5 of Netflix’s all-time most popular series.

(From https://deadline.com/2023/03/the-night- … 235312302/)

Very cool. smile


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

I'm struggling on this one and I can't put my finger on why. It's not particularly slow or dull but I'm only on episode 5 and it feels like i've watched like 15 episodes. The season 2 pickup has me thinking I should maybe just drop it.


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

I've now watched the series and I found it watchable. Hopefully S2 will be better


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

Finished it too now. Not perfect, but totally worth watching IMHO. smile


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

I finished it. It got a bit better but I'm up in the air on whether to keep it for next season.


I don't know that I want to follow the boring lead into his next mission even if it does take him to more exotic locales. The only characters I particularly liked were because I liked the actors from other shows, and nothing to do with their characters here.


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

Just watched the season.  I enjoyed it.


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

The Night Agent: Season 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix

Looks gooooooooood! smile <3


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

Looking forward to it

17 (edited by WilliamDrakeMcGregor 2025-01-24 20:30:47)

Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

First episode of Season 2 looks good, apart from...


Roses involvement so early in the season feels forced to me. Especially since it is pretty obvious she was used by the bad guy to find Peter...I don't think she would be that dumb to not realize that herself.

The classic movie approach would've been for him to come to her, when he has nowhere else to go, which I would've been totally fine with.

Shows that deserved more runtime:
Abbys | Dead Like Me | Devs | Firefly | Gangsta. | Jack of all Trades | Kevin (probably) saves the World | Lodge 49 | Mrs. Davis | NYC 22 | Powerless | Roadkill | Special Unit 2 | Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi | Stumptown | Surface | The Brave | The Company You Keep | The Crazy Ones | The Finder | The Middleman | Truth Seekers | Two Weeks to Live | Whiskey Cavalier

18 (edited by WilliamDrakeMcGregor 2025-02-06 19:54:00)

Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

Halway through the second season and it's become a bit underwhelming.
Character development is barely existent (for most) and the story is kinda "just ok", really expected more from this.

Can't help but compare it to https://next-episode.net/the-recruit which has done a way better job with Season 2 than this one.

Up to and including Episode 5...


...Catherines backstory is non-existent, I don't know anything about her. From her first reactions I thought she had a deeper connection to Alice, but so far nothing is really revealed.

I feel like I've seen something similar to Noors story before. A sister wanting to "free" her brother only that the brother is too ignorant (or proud) to his situation to want that help and it goes all to hell....?

Roses involvment stills feels forced to me...and rather convenient with her impromput facial recognition software who is apparently better than everything the american military and clandestine complexes have to offer?

Peter...damn, what did they do to him at the end of Episode 5. The whole point of his character is that he is an annoyingly good guy who rather does the right thing at a higher cost (for himself) than do the wrong thing. Making him lie like that doesn't fit his character at all !

The whole background of the story with Foxglove...an illegal experimental weapon made by the CIA...first the plans get stolen and the CIA does nothing, than the weapon itself gets stolen and the CIA does nothing? No, only Night Action can do it...could've been a lot more interesting imho.

And talking about Night Action...apart from when Peter called the Line at the very beginning, nothing in Season 2 really sets them apart from regular spies so far. Sami could've just been easily been a CIA operative and I wouldn't care either way...

Shows that deserved more runtime:
Abbys | Dead Like Me | Devs | Firefly | Gangsta. | Jack of all Trades | Kevin (probably) saves the World | Lodge 49 | Mrs. Davis | NYC 22 | Powerless | Roadkill | Special Unit 2 | Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi | Stumptown | Surface | The Brave | The Company You Keep | The Crazy Ones | The Finder | The Middleman | Truth Seekers | Two Weeks to Live | Whiskey Cavalier

19 (edited by WilliamDrakeMcGregor 2025-02-16 10:57:20)

Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

Finished Season 2.

While they definitely have the action part down, the story was just "ok".

Rose was way too "overpowered" in this Season...she could practically do anything which became quite annoying towards the end.
Peters character development was horrible, didn't like at all what they did to him in this season.

My favorite character this Season was Solomon. They portrayed him just as a regular guy who came upon an opportunity to better help his sister. And the interactions he had were so normal, loved it.
Just a good written character.


So Rose
- can make facial-recognition software that scans the entire internet for someone and probably access CCTV cameras
- can help produce a chemical weapon without any knowledge whatsoever (I get that Dr. Cole gave her the instructions, but honestly who can just go into a chem-lab and do all that stuff on the highest difficulty possible?)
- is vital in the negotiation with Noor
- takes out at least the three last guys Peter was in a fight in
- can do "Black Magic" with her computer skills, according to the Deputy Director of the FBI...come on...

I think the Drinker would call this "Girlboss" behaviour. By all means I don't want Rose to be a damsel in distress but the balance between Rose and Peter was way off in this Season. Peters job could've been done by anyone, but Rose is a unicorn.

The "Night Agent" angle was non-existent. There was nothing to differentiate Peter and Catherine from a "regular" FBI oder CIA agent...apart from maybe a certain lack of resources?

The ending (with the chemical weapons) felt also kinda anticlimatic. The fact that Season 2 is a setup for Season 3...without a real cliffhanger this feels just weak.

Solomon asking for a raise...that was just awesome smile

Shows that deserved more runtime:
Abbys | Dead Like Me | Devs | Firefly | Gangsta. | Jack of all Trades | Kevin (probably) saves the World | Lodge 49 | Mrs. Davis | NYC 22 | Powerless | Roadkill | Special Unit 2 | Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi | Stumptown | Surface | The Brave | The Company You Keep | The Crazy Ones | The Finder | The Middleman | Truth Seekers | Two Weeks to Live | Whiskey Cavalier


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

I've already cancelled it from my list, I was totally bored with the whole series, and didn't even watch the last episode


Re: The Night Agent [Action, Drama, Thriller]

The Night Agent Season 3 Is Now in Production:

https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/ … -date-news

I still enjoy watching season 2. smile