I'd say Peacekeeper Wars tied it up. Not so sure about 'tied it up nice'.
Having sets torn down... only tied up because of MASSIVE fan outcry and sponsor boycotts... The entire "Crackers do matter" movement to get it back. Stars having moved on that didn't come back. As a recovery effort goes it was a good one, no doubt. But it wasn't the proper final season it should have been.
> And just because they have been renewed does not mean they cannot be cancelled. I have seen this to done to several shows I liked.
That's what was really horrible done to Farscape. Sci-Fi renewed for 2 seasons. But there was some clause that let them back out. And they did. 24 hours before they had no choice. They announced it in a live chat on the sci-fi channel website where David Kemper announced it to the world.
The next day I was back stage of the Chicago cosplay convention with Lani Tupu and asked him:
Well now that David announced it to the world and its not a secret - and I'm not asking for any hints - but can you share if the cast knew about the cancelation with enough time to make a nice ending?
And Lani replied "Pardon? What?" I thought he just didn't know about the public announcement.
Yeah, David announced it last night live on the Sci-Fi channel website.
And he just said, "Well. I guess that's it then. Its all over"
He didn't know. They hadn't been able to reach him while he was touring for the conventions. And they announced it anyway. I felt like such a jerk that he found out like that. But hey, it never in a million years occurred to me that it would have gone wide like that without all the cast and crew knowing before hand.
On the other hand, at least he had some notice before going on stage 10 minutes later and getting ambushed with fan questions; because they all knew too.
Its just really dirty that a company can do that - can greenlight multiple seasons - then just go "Nope, changed our minds"