Topic: The Marvels
Oh dear. The critics are right. There surly will be no more Captain Marvel films after this? Shame as she was delightful in the first one. I only managed 40 minutes. This should finish off the super hero genre
You are not logged in. Please login or register. The MarvelsForums - Next Episode → Movies General Discussion → The Marvels Posts: 81 2023-12-26 07:56:50 (edited by merc 2023-12-26 08:02:14)Topic: The MarvelsOh dear. The critics are right. There surly will be no more Captain Marvel films after this? Shame as she was delightful in the first one. I only managed 40 minutes. This should finish off the super hero genre Re: The MarvelsSadly Hollywood doesn't work like that. Re: The MarvelsJust watched. I found it a much easier watch than most of the recent Marvel things. Could've done without the ▼Spoiler but that's what the skip forward button is for. 5 2024-01-18 14:41:21 (edited by merc 2024-01-18 14:45:46)Re: The MarvelsOne interesting bit was the last few minutes promising future mileage, where ▼Spoiler 6 2024-02-08 17:51:35 (edited by ScreenHead 2024-02-08 17:52:22)Re: The MarvelsWhile I found The Marvels (2023) childish and full of Hollywood's ideals of who and how the upcoming generation should be, I was able to sit thru it is watchable. As for the MCU... IMO, the ONLY modern comic book movie worth watching is Zack Snyder's 4hr Justice League (2021) Re: The MarvelsScreenHead wrote:
I'm with you on disliking the MCU but the Snyder cut as an alternative is like if you dropped a weight on your toe and decided to try and relieve the pain by dropping an anvil on the same toe. Re: The MarvelsWell, LOL, okay... Frankly, I find ALL comic book movies ... COMIC BOOK MOVIES if you know what I mean. I enjoyed the Snyder cut of JL because it was dark. Posts: 8Forums - Next Episode → Movies General Discussion → The Marvels |