Re: Most hated tv genre?
Who picked Talk shows? I love talk shows. And Educational is good aswell.
Reality is the wort thing ever.
You are not logged in. Please login or register. Most hated tv genre? (Page 2 of 2)Forums - Next Episode → -- Polls → Most hated tv genre? Posts: 26 to 44 of 44Re: Most hated tv genre?Who picked Talk shows? I love talk shows. And Educational is good aswell. Re: Most hated tv genre?Reality TV is just the most brain numbing crap. I can't believe peoples lives are so boring that they actually sit and watch shows like big brother etc, where people that have nothing of any value to say in the first place sit around and talk drivel for 12 weeks.... Plus to make it worse , the networks air the normal show every night, plus recaps, plus "highlight" episodes, plus specials nights, its all just cheap production, no effort, unimaginative, feed the dumb masses anything crap. I've read some bizarre conspiracy theories of late including one about a group called the "Club of Rome" who are attempting to dumb down the population to make them easier to control, and seeing shows like Big Brother rating like they do makes me a little afraid the theories might not be too far from the truth. Re: Most hated tv genre?hometimenow wrote:
kinda hard to belive you. in a frackin huge australia only 6 channels? Re: Most hated tv genre?z1rra wrote:
you have got it all wrong dude. watching something never makes you anything. if you do something during watching (drink booze, eat fattening food (chips, french fries etc.)) then you may be in a danger of getting fat. but watch olympics and eat healthy food. i do hope they sell healthy food in your country. Re: Most hated tv genre?proteinnerd wrote:
you call it bizarre? i can belive it is true 31 2008-08-20 07:00:06 (edited by hometimenow 2008-08-20 07:01:26)Re: Most hated tv genre?godzionu wrote:
Ok first thing, Yes Australia is a huge-ish country. size difference BUT nobody really lives in the middle Desert parts (there are some) the population is mostly around the edges. Free 2 Air TV: That's only 5 by 'my' count. Re: Most hated tv genre?hometimenow wrote:
You're forgetting Channel 31 in Melbourne That makes 6 And 3 channels when you were a lad? We only had 2 ... ABC and Channel 9 But then again when I was a lad we had imaginations 35 2008-08-22 05:37:17 (edited by hometimenow 2008-08-22 07:34:53)Re: Most hated tv genre?membreya - Opps sorry about that the W.A. 'Access 31' just folded here last week. I wasn't aware of the others around OZ. I thought that 7 was the first TV station here? As a young-un I grew up in the country so ABC was all we/anyone could get (unless you had a 15/20m Booster antenna for a lovely-snowy-triple-ghosted image of 7 & 9) But hey this wasn't to bad as Dr Who has always been on ABC. 36 2008-08-22 19:54:43 (edited by Jpeg 2008-08-22 23:11:13)Re: Most hated tv genre?Big Brother, DocuSoaps, All next Model, MTV, musicals except Hair and Amadeus maybe Yeah, and 24...worst bullshit i ever watched Re: Most hated tv genre?hometimenow wrote:
i was referring it to a comparison to Estonia where i live. 1.3 million people. Re: Most hated tv genre?godzionu wrote:
60+ channels aaaargh the dilemmas which one/s to watch/record. Re: Most hated tv genre?hometimenow wrote:
That's easy choice, watch/record good shows and we don't have lots of good shows. Re: Most hated tv genre?hometimenow wrote:
Actually... All you get with 60 channels is that you take more time to realize there is nothing on. Re: Most hated tv genre?mr_fuzzer wrote:
Reality TV, without a doubt. It's a sign of the immenent downfall of civilization. Re: Most hated tv genre?Turnkeys wrote:
there is civilization out there? Posts: 26 to 44 of 44Forums - Next Episode → -- Polls → Most hated tv genre? |