Topic: How often do you visit n-e.net?

I lose count with how many times I check in on next-episode.net in a single day, but I got curious as to how often other people visit.

I don't know if Santah has access to these stats, but this way is more fun.

So is anyone out there as sad as I am with the amount of time they spend online?


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Yes, always waiting for someone to post so i could read and maybe answer. I have nolife.


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Glad to know I'm not the only one.  big_smile


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Several times a day.

Always checking for new posts and why all you people submitting so little.
Don't answer always, but it's still interesting to read what you write, even if i don't know anything about topic(e.g. Teyla haters club, only seen Stargate Atlantis pilot episode. Next month going to start watching and figuring out why you hate Teyla)

5 (edited by xrnzaaas 2008-08-24 18:04:27)

Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Mostly daily, especially in september/october when it's hard to keep up with new shows. smile



Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Always have one tab with n-e open.

How else could I keep track of Teyla haters club and other topics?


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Lol...Our days of Teyla hating are almost done though big_smile


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Always is a choice to watch reruns and hate again:P


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

No no no no no no no!!  Stop spreading your Teyla hate to other topics!! mad


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

every 30min or so..




Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

deacon caine brought it up, i'd blame him big_smile


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

It depends on how much tv I watch. If I've seen a couple of eps, I come back to update my list. big_smile



Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

The only time i dont come in here when they axe good shows till im over it lol, but other then that i come in here least once a day or more.  wink

Never Go To Bed Angry, Stay Awake And Plot Your Revenge!

There are 3 certainties in life, death, taxes, and idiots!


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

IM here every day and more then once, checking for shows and looking in forums and stuff, this is a good site indeed.


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Always keep a tab open with N-E and before I go to work I always check which downloads I have to click smile

No kitty that's a bad kitty!


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Its on my list of must check sites multiple times a day... smile


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

It's my preferred alternative-reality when I'm at work, thus it's always loaded.

I sleep through most or all of these tongue


18 (edited by theConundrumm 2008-08-26 06:32:18)

Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

yeah, six months ago... daily... lately... lucky if i get time once a week...

[oh and btw... i clearly missed the boat... but where do i gets me one of dem there watchlist tag thingys?]

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

theConundrumm >
Main site -> Settings -> Signature code wink

No kitty that's a bad kitty!


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Several times a day when the main US TV season is in full swing. I think I found this site when I Googled some shows name followed by next episode. I guess one of my usual Torrent sites had gone down and I needed to know what to look for elsewhere. Then I realized that not being an actual Torrent site would probably make N-E less likely to be shut down. I now think of it as a valuable tool to help with my habit of watching way too much TV.



Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Normally it's several times a day, but sense I started with this army-shit, I don't have the access... but I'm still here as much as I can smile


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Tabbed and looked at several times a day. I'm even considering having another tab for the hate of Teyla.



Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

donh't have that much time to visit forum every day, but babes i check every day.

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
My Watchlist


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

Unsurprisingly, the 'several times a day' option was in the lead to begin with, but once it had been up for a few days, the 'once a day' options was the clear winner with 35.2%

'Less than once a week' only got 1.3% of the vote, but maybe everyone who only visits once a week didn't visit in time to choose.  Ah well, too late now.  wink

Glad to see that we're still attracting new visitors to n-e.net, with 3.6% of the vote going to those who haven't been around long.


Re: How often do you visit n-e.net?

i try to  lure here more ppl every day with pasting babe link to my friends at Skype chat tongue

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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