Re: Teyla haters club

mlin wrote:

the THC code of conduct prohibits me to sweet-talk to an infidel big_smile

The Karenbear code of conduct prohibts me from creating such a heinous poll without it.  tongue


Re: Teyla haters club

Insuborden wrote:

Maybe if you asked like this:
Kb, pretty please with sugar on top?

(God I love that sentence big_smile )

It works, I did it and she said yes... (there was a but, but that's another matter) or are you just copying what I said? tongue



Re: Teyla haters club

mlin wrote:
proteinnerd wrote:
Thierry wrote:

Never liked Teyla, nice to know there are others. big_smile


ROFL I'm sitting here LMFAO at this, I too hate Teyla and love cats but what the hell did I miss to link the two together??? Can anyone fill me in?

you missed my godsent inspiration tongue
(it all started with the caption in my sig)

AHHHHHH now I see LOL, thanks for clearing it up for me ;D


Re: Teyla haters club

proteinnerd wrote:
mlin wrote:
proteinnerd wrote:

ROFL I'm sitting here LMFAO at this, I too hate Teyla and love cats but what the hell did I miss to link the two together??? Can anyone fill me in?

you missed my godsent inspiration tongue
(it all started with the caption in my sig)

AHHHHHH now I see LOL, thanks for clearing it up for me ;D

no prob, my teyla hating brother big_smile




Re: Teyla haters club

Halo2 wrote:
Insuborden wrote:

Maybe if you asked like this:
Kb, pretty please with sugar on top?

(God I love that sentence big_smile )

It works, I did it and she said yes... (there was a but, but that's another matter) or are you just copying what I said? tongue

Yes I've seen it big_smile

No kitty that's a bad kitty!


Re: Teyla haters club

Wow...even santah has mentioned this in his news section...

We are getting big people. Carry on. big_smile

Oh and let us rejoice that there is a 2 week Teyla free period although we pay a hard price. We miss all the others as well.

PS. Man i wish there was a emoticon with a guy holding his hat to his chest and his head bowed atm.


Re: Teyla haters club

oh snap!




Re: Teyla haters club

I also think this is going out of hand here neutral



Re: Teyla haters club

Why do you hate Teyla so badly? Sure I would rather see Jill Wagner in the Atlantis team, but still....


Re: Teyla haters club

I got to agree with Mxyzptlk here. I certainly don't think Teyla is a babe, but it's no reason to hate her. Besides, if you want a real babe in The Stargate Atlantis cast, you can still go with Dr. Jennifer Keller.

Last edited by Mxyzptlk (1 minute ago)


Re: Teyla haters club

I certainly don't think Teyla is a babe, but it's no reason to hate her

We dont hate teyla because she's no babe - we hate her cause of her wooden acting, poor writen character and many others..
And, as a bonus, its more of a stunt than real hate.. keep that in mind wink




Re: Teyla haters club

IMO Atlantis would get along just fine without both Teyla AND Ronin!! Thats right people I'm cranking it up a notch.....

I'm sure he is a nice bloke and all but the writers just havent given him anything to do or say that would make me miss him at all if he disappeared next episode!

Keep Rodney, Shepard and bring back the other irish (scotish) Dr they killed off and give the girl from Firefly more eps and I'd be happy.


Re: Teyla haters club

dem61s wrote:

I got to agree with Mxyzptlk here. I certainly don't think Teyla is a babe, but it's no reason to hate her. Besides, if you want a real babe in The Stargate Atlantis cast, you can still go with Dr. Jennifer Keller.

Don't forget the other hot woman who has a thing for Shepard. I'm sure someone knows her name.

KB, are you sure we can't convince you to have a poll? I could always mention it in the official forum smile But we don't want to spread our hate too far, otherwise it'll become thin and she might comeback :-/



Re: Teyla haters club

Halo2 wrote:

KB, are you sure we can't convince you to have a poll?

I'm still in the contemplating stages at the moment.  Although I'm leaning towards no.

And what do you mean she might come back?  Hate to break it to you, but she hasn't gone anywhere.  tongue


Re: Teyla haters club

Actually I like Ronin, but I would swap Teyla and Ronin both to have Weir back, ohh and Carson too.


Re: Teyla haters club

karenbear wrote:
Halo2 wrote:

KB, are you sure we can't convince you to have a poll?

I'm still in the contemplating stages at the moment.  Although I'm leaning towards no.

What can persuade you to lean the other way? big_smile

karenbear wrote:

And what do you mean she might come back?  Hate to break it to you, but she hasn't gone anywhere.  tongue

For the week she has smile



Re: Teyla haters club

btw - It's Ronon, not Ronin smile




Re: Teyla haters club

Ah, man i thought i was alone!

I've hated that fucking ugly bitch since the day one!
I hate those damn hippie acts, and the crying about her dirty people, the baby and the retard husband!
Can we please get a good looking, and a none crying woman to takeover please!

And i kinda hate Ronon to, he way to stupid, and his damn hippie rashta look, and he doesnt look strong at all, and he never does the right and smart thing.

Teal'C > Ronon in every way!


Re: Teyla haters club

Moze wrote:

Teal'C > Ronon in every way!

Amen brother


Re: Teyla haters club

Moze wrote:

Ah, man i thought i was alone!

I've hated that fucking ugly bitch since the day one!
I hate those damn hippie acts, and the crying about her dirty people, the baby and the retard husband!
Can we please get a good looking, and a none crying woman to takeover please!

And i kinda hate Ronon to, he way to stupid, and his damn hippie rashta look, and he doesnt look strong at all, and he never does the right and smart thing.

Teal'C > Ronon in every way!

I just love people who hate hippies smile

No kitty that's a bad kitty!


Re: Teyla haters club

Insuborden wrote:

Teal'C > Ronon in every way!
I just love people who hate hippies smile

comon Ronon is definately not hippie. he would kick Teal'C-s ass every time of a year. with no problem.  althogh i don't like his rasta hair, but there was a cool episode when they were captured by wraith and he just kept popping out knife blades from his hair big_smile tongue

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Re: Teyla haters club

Ow don't get me wrong, I like Ronon smile
I DO think Teyla is a hippie though!
But I just love it when people hate those goddamn treehugging hippies!

No kitty that's a bad kitty!


Re: Teyla haters club

Are hippies generally pacifists?  Not a word I would use to describe either Teyla or Ronon.  Not that they're violent as such, but they know how to fight and can kick just about anyone's ass!

And Moze, watch the language please!  Feel free to hate Teyla all you want, but please no calling anyone a fucking ugly bitch.  Besides, it just lessens your cause by lowering it to that kind of standard.  Which means I win.  Ha!!



Re: Teyla haters club

Hippies can be aggressive too! Lets not forget Greenpeace!

No kitty that's a bad kitty!

75 (edited by proteinnerd 2008-08-12 22:15:53)

Re: Teyla haters club

Thierry wrote:

We're spreading the word. Just Googled a couple variations of the string Teyla haters club and guess what..! This thread is already in Google's index and it's way up there! big_smile

When typing "Teyla haters club" - Google rank = 1
When typing "Teyla haters" - Google rank = 1
When typing "Teyla club" - Google rank = 2
When typing "Teyla hate" - Google rank = 3

Spread the hate. smile

ROFL thats awesome

hmmm now that we are on google's radar I guess I better clarify my position.

My hate for the both of them steams from the writers lack of effort in developing the two of them, they are just boring as hell and as far as I can see are both just filling a spot to make the official SG Atlantis team  have 4 people.

If I were either of the actors I'd be so pissed at the writers and be trying my hardest to get some decent development and/or storyline going. I'm sure I've seen more than one episode where Ronan doesn't even speak 1 legible word... just a grunt or 2. And Teyla has now just been reduced to the stereotypical TV mother, who gives birth, you have a few episodes where the baby is mentioned , then it is kinda ignored for a while and after a month or two you forget it was ever in the show.

I mean hell, even Woolsey is getting more development than them atm