Re: What is wrong with Homeland?
another pretty good season, a bit slow but finally has started to deliver, latest episode was allready pretty good and im pretty sure the Finale next week wont be a letdown
You are not logged in. Please login or register. What is wrong with Homeland? (Page 2 of 2)Forums - Next Episode → Homeland → What is wrong with Homeland? Posts: 26 to 30 of 30Re: What is wrong with Homeland?another pretty good season, a bit slow but finally has started to deliver, latest episode was allready pretty good and im pretty sure the Finale next week wont be a letdown Re: What is wrong with Homeland?Indeed. I've really enjoyed this season of Homeland for the most part, but it really has kicked into overdrive over the course of the last five episodes. It's remarkable how Homeland has managed to completely reinvent itself from the ground up several times over during its seven-season run. Season 8 has long been expected to be its last, and that does feel right, but considering how improbably stellar this season has been, that might actually leave us wanting more. This season imho has been classic Homeland at its best. Re: What is wrong with Homeland?scorpius074 wrote:
Ya, season 7 kinda lost me at the farm house. I just wish they had a longer serialized story arc, instead of the "one off" storylines per season. I'm really enjoying season far. We'll see. Re: What is wrong with Homeland?why is the race card always used I'm sick of it you want to talk racism let's at least be honest I never based a friendship or business partner or if I'm representing someone race never comes into it. I've noticed here in Oregon many little fast stores like 7/11 or circle k are now owned by native people from Iran Iraq all over India I've never been rude or even took a second glance on the other hand I've been told by different store owners and people of our community that they hate the U.S.A especially our godless practices how we have no meaning in our lives we worship money here and then youth and sex! My question is why are they here if we are so rotten. It's scary blinded hatred has always scared me if I have a problem it's with that person or issue not against a whole country or type. I've asked several of these passionately hateful people why are you here then many reasons I've been told but mostly they fled there beloved country and have no choices to go back! I almost can't help myself so I ask them why ! There eyes become sad and they say how much they love there country how sick they are not to be home it's very brutal I've never treated anyone poorly because of race religions or financial issues.I'm so tired of America being called racists I'm of native American blood my people never play the race card even though we are all part of a confederate tribal council because there are not enough of one of us to belong to our own tribe do you even know what that's like we've been wiped out so very sadly believe me yet we never call out race creed or political options but every time I turn around I'm hearing the racist card used makes me so sad. Look at all the stupidity we face false statements out on camera seriously I know opinions are important believe me but never in all my days did I think so many spins would be put on one lie to scare us or baffle is into the new days that are coming. We live in a world of monopoly money the poor up to upper middle class we run this country the wealthiest people in the world need our influence believe that worry about something real like homeless people child abuse racism is played out there's more attacks on amputees than on racial makeup look at how many people are butchered every day it will scare the hell out of you! Doctors can't practice medicine correctly if there scared of loosing there practical licences of your in awful pain and they can't treat it well chop it off then the pains gone nope now you've got a broken person! I mean think about other issues but calling homeland racist is so typical it's pathetic honestly saddens me that people call out this card for what why seriously what's the pay off??! Robcore wrote:
30 2020-03-02 08:55:44 (edited by lighton 2020-03-02 20:37:31)Re: What is wrong with Homeland?Please don't write everything in bold, that makes it harder to read text. I fixed that. Also, using paragraphs would help too. One fat text block makes it look like spam. And it makes more sense to put your reply under the text you're quoting, not on top of it. Some shows you might <3 too: Posts: 26 to 30 of 30Forums - Next Episode → Homeland → What is wrong with Homeland? |