1 (edited by xrnzaaas 2014-05-21 07:28:18)

Topic: 9x23

One of the weakest finales in SPN history. Still, I'm curious to see


Dean as a demon

in S10 (assuming this will be the main story).



Re: 9x23

Might want to put spoilers there?


Re: 9x23

Ok, added the spoiler tags for the unwary fans of the show. wink



Re: 9x23

I don't think it has been the weakest of the finale chiffhangers...remember the car crash from S1 (i think) ...lol how un-supernatural of them...a car crash ;P

Anyway, while I still watch and enjoy the show it has been steadily sliding downhill from its glory days...I just expect less of it and don't come away disappointed.

5 (edited by pablo-pancho 2014-05-21 08:32:12)

Re: 9x23

Well, what do you expect - 9 seasons...

Around season seven I found myself tired of this show. But then I continued watching and I still do. While the show lost its freshness I kinda like the characters and atmosphere. Most shows don't have the potential for 2 seasons and this one managed to get 10, it's impressive.



Re: 9x23

proteinnerd wrote:

I don't think it has been the weakest of the finale chiffhangers...remember the car crash from S1 (i think) ...lol how un-supernatural of them...a car crash ;P

I wasn't talking only about the cliffhanger, because like I said it made my wanna keep the show on the watchlist and see what they'll do with it in season 10. I'm commenting on the entire episode - a lot of it was boring, especially Metatron's "messiah" scenes.



Re: 9x23

I'm just hoping that with the spin off cancelled they put a bit more of a renewed effort into the show now.


Re: 9x23

proteinnerd wrote:

I'm just hoping that with the spin off cancelled they put a bit more of a renewed effort into the show now.

Last I heard CW is not giving up on the idea of doing a spin-off, but they'll probably do something new instead of reworking the script of Bloodlines.



Re: 9x23

The spinoff was cancelled.



Re: 9x23

Orlando wrote:

The spinoff was cancelled.

I know. I was talking about this tweet/rumor:

CW's Pedowitz on #Supernatural: Bloodlines: "It didn't get there." "[EPs] know we want to develop another spinoff next season." #Upfronts



Re: 9x23

Oh, okay. Sorry, I don't follow SPN.



Re: 9x23

oh that was aaawsome ending, next season will be a rocking!

They Call Me The "Jax Lovah!" Machine!


Re: 9x23

Supernatural is one of the shows I follow since almost the beginning. It disappoints me today but I can still keep watching it till S20.
For me the GOOD series ended back in the fifth season. The rest of the seasons after that, is just a new show for me. A new, boring and completely low on budget (compared to the 1st 5 seasons) show.
This was the lamest season ending ever.



Re: 9x23

been going downhill since season 5 agree, just still don't want to give up hope yet...I'll be there to the end!

They Call Me The "Jax Lovah!" Machine!


Re: 9x23

latitude75 wrote:

been going downhill since season 5 agree, just still don't want to give up hope yet...I'll be there to the end!

Me too, I just can't see there being any truly very good episodes in this anymore, and there have been some truly very good ones.

2020.  Meh.