Topic: Season 9

Renewed http://tvline.com/2012/12/21/how-i-met- … -season-9/

2 (edited by Katy 2012-12-22 13:32:05)

Re: Season 9

was hoping we would find the mother out this season, does this mean we wont now?


Re: Season 9

No idea. Jason Siegal up until yesterday wanted to walk away from the show after this season. My hope is that with him agreeing to come back for a ninth season it had to do at least in some part with the creative direction rather than just the pile of money they probably gave him. Because the show has really sucked last few seasons. This one being it's lowest point.


Re: Season 9

kmorrisuk wrote:

was hoping we would find the mother out this season, does this mean we wont now?

Well, we quite know who the mother will be anyway. Since end of season 6 indeed, and nothing changed so far.
Season 7 & 8 have been useless and, to be honest, quite boring while trying to maintain this show (the Barney - Robin story has really lasted way too long and wasted the show...).

I am getting more and more disappointed about what used to be my favourite show.


Re: Season 9

And the mother is...


noone we know, they were adobted tongue



Re: Season 9

Holy hell this season has sucked since the first two episodes. This weekend idea was worse than I thought, and I thought it was going to be terrible.


Re: Season 9

The writers are probably depressed and are mentally already looking for a new job after the end of the season.



Re: Season 9

I used to watch and am catching up by watching Season 8 on Netflix.  Didn't Lily and Marshall buy a house? When did they return to the apartment?


Re: Season 9

this is the most stupid season I have ever seen ! it seriously sucks !


Re: Season 9

i checked now and noticed that episode 10 is missing. whats goin on ?


Re: Season 9

eti wrote:

i checked now and noticed that episode 10 is missing. whats goin on ?

I don't know what is going on but the last episode was one of the worst. Barney "meets" the Mother in a drug store. The last episode, we were at the wedding venue for Barney and Robin. I'm disappointed yet I want to see the scene when is Ted is married. Do you think that is going to happen?


Re: Season 9

Well the newest episode was better than all the other ones this season, but that's not saying much.


Re: Season 9

it is ridiculous. i remember in an episode of season 8 or 7, when Robin finds out she cant have kids, Ted cheered him up and the narrator said, " kids, aunt Robin became a businesswoman, a successful person,etc. " so, where is it ? it is simply bad. the only reason i keep watchin is i have watched all these series and dont wanna leave it unfinished.


Re: Season 9

I'm thinking that the only way to enjoy this crap fest is to wait until the series is finished and watch the last episodes in a row... I hate this standing still thing, they've got going...


Re: Season 9

I was thinking the same thing a few weeks ago mxxyzpklkltspklskz but then came to the conclusion that watching two or more episodes of this wouldnt be possible for me. Better to handle it in small doses hoping that the breaks between episodes will make one able to survive the season.


Re: Season 9

So far, a confusing disappointment! But, like a train wreck, I keep looking.


Re: Season 9

i dont know why its still trying to make connections between Ted and Robin. although i dont know how the makers gonna explain the legs of them mom ( which are apparently thinner ) with the legs of the girl we see who comes to the rail station. such a big goof ? haha


Re: Season 9

i wonder how much nutella paid for the product placement

No I´m not Tom Hanks - duh!!


Re: Season 9

it definitely sucked. since series 5 it changed into a bunch of crap. it was obvious that they continued makin show just coz it was popular not coz of the storyline. a whole crap !


Re: Season 9

eti wrote:

it definitely sucked. since series 5 it changed into a bunch of crap. it was obvious that they continued makin show just coz it was popular not coz of the storyline. a whole crap !

Of course the plot was dragged along, but each episode was funny in its own way. It was a nice show and very worth watching.
Also the end of the series was filmed in season 2, so at any point it could've ended this way. Actually how it ended was ok, but to see how Ted met the mother of his childs was not the point of watching the show wink
