26 (edited by kirby 2008-07-06 04:58:36)

Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

cyberlord wrote:

Just a side note to this.  Colin Baker (the sixth Doctor) actually played Commander Maxil in the story Arc of Infinity (from the fourth Doctor's reign). He stated jokingly that he got the part of the Doctor by killing the incumbent. Not sure if that's pertinent to the thread, but it's not unheard of for the BBC to reuse a character and never mention the previous character

Yea...I am sure alot of networks do this, however in my case on this particular thread I believe Mr. Davies wanted me to stick my foot in my mouth by writing in that little line towards the end of the ep about Gwen back in the 1800's..an old relative as they said....

It was a good ep, though they had me as soon as the Daleks were flying around speaking german, EXTERMINEREN!

Oh right and that line by the doctor "Well who's bright idea was that.......well actually I suppose someone named Oster Hagen"

Can't wait for the Christmas special, I don't think I wanted Christmas to come this early even when I was a kid....

oh and on a side note my favorite doctor still to this day was Tom Baker...but it's close with Tenant, I do like him alot.

Should do a favorite Doctor Poll....


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

fiskn wrote:

Good that donna is gone tho.

NOOOO!!!  Take that back.  I didn't think I was going to, but I really enjoyed CT as Donna.  In fact probably more than Rose or Martha!


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

I enjoyed this episode quite a lot... It all came together quite well; Now the Doctor's ready to meet Dr. Riversong... Shouldn't be long before this storyline unfolds. I'm a bit disappointed that they're bringing the cybermen once again for the Xmas episode.

What I am really eager to see is where Steven Moffat takes us next year; It should be quite excellent to see;

On another note, I finally got to enjoy Donna ( "Oy, spaceman") in this episode and of course, now she's gone and we have to start all over again with a new companion which I assume won't be coming till the new ( and shorter) season starts next year.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one..." Malcom "Mal" Reynolds



Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

I never really got into donna's character as much as Rose, or Martha.
though I must admit her stock tripled when she was Doctor Donna, seeing her be like the doctor was very entertaining.

30 (edited by Jarvo 2008-07-06 19:45:28)

Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

kirby wrote:

I never really got into donna's character as much as Rose, or Martha.
though I must admit her stock tripled when she was Doctor Donna, seeing her be like the doctor was very entertaining.

Totally agree here. As an actress i couldn't get her previous comedy roles out of my head but this last episode, i really think she came into her own. I only wish that   there had been more than half an episode and Doctor DOnna. It would have been rather interesting to have seen it expanded upon.

Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone, and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering



Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

Damn, that's probably worse than death.. I mean, die with the memories or live without them... that's a close call....


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

OK, I gotta admit I've probably been Donna's biggest critic... disliked her in the bride ep and was so annoyed when she came back ... BUT.... she was brilliant in this episode.....
.... almost feel guilty...



Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

What about the big kiss? Rose got here own doctor.... a bit weird perhaps? tongue


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

kirby wrote:
cyberlord wrote:

Just a side note to this.  Colin Baker (the sixth Doctor) actually played Commander Maxil in the story Arc of Infinity (from the fourth Doctor's reign). He stated jokingly that he got the part of the Doctor by killing the incumbent. Not sure if that's pertinent to the thread, but it's not unheard of for the BBC to reuse a character and never mention the previous character

Yea...I am sure alot of networks do this, however in my case on this particular thread I believe Mr. Davies wanted me to stick my foot in my mouth by writing in that little line towards the end of the ep about Gwen back in the 1800's..an old relative as they said....


Mmmphmpht....POP. Scuse me while I take MY foot out of MY mouth too, lol. 

Good call!

Nice episode, but I kind of feel cheated by the whole 'regeneration in a bottle' thing. They could of at least let Donna remain a TimeLord/Human for a few episodes anyway. hmph.


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

draiz wrote:

Now the Doctor's ready to meet Dr. Riversong... Shouldn't be long before this storyline unfolds.

I don't think we'll see this happen for a long long time.



Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

draiz wrote:

...and we have to start all over again with a new companion which I assume won't be coming till the new ( and shorter) season starts next year.

in this regard, i'm kind of hoping that for the specials next year there be a revolving companion thingy going on, then start the next season proper with a full time companion...

and regarding the last three episodes... what can i say...

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

I just re-watched and something I missed before that I was glad to see make a cameo, but I totally FORGOT that K-9 made an appearance, I used to love that robo dog in the old doc series.

More so than boxy's dog muffet in the old battlestar galactica series