Topic: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

WOW smile

2 (edited by kirby 2008-06-29 15:38:26)

Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

Unfortunately I believe they are... there have been rumors flying around the web that tenant was leaving the show, though I had thought he was here till the end of 09 but I guess not now...

I have to say that this season finale was probably one of my favorite episodes so far, though I hate being left on such a cliff hanger, it was nice to see all of the franchises tied in so tidily smile


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

The season finale next week is longer as well - 65 mins!  big_smile

I'll go with fiskn's wow though - WOW!!!


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

Damn! that was a great episode ;D

I really hope David Tennant stays, hes brilliant

5 (edited by draiz 2008-06-29 12:37:06)

Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

INCREDIBLE EPISODE!!! I'm still shocked by the whole storyline and the way it built up to the Doctor's regeneration;

WOW, indeed big_smile

proteinnerd : David Tennant has been seen filming the Christmas special apparently; also, he has signed for 4 more episodes in 2009; I personally believe that the hand in the jar will play a part in explaining why the Doctor regenerates into David Tennant once again. Or maybe, we'll end up with two different doctors!!

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one..." Malcom "Mal" Reynolds



Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

You know come to think of it actually....they couldn't swap him out now, that would then tend to destroy the Dr. Riversong story line, I would think, since she said he was much younger at this point when she called him at the library.


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

Yeah kirby I was thinking the same thing.  She had to have met him in his current form otherwise she wouldn't have been surprised when she found out he didn't know her.


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

I just hope the writers of Doctor Who haven't thrown continuity in to the wind and the Doctor stays in his 10th incarnation, at least as far as the actor is concerned.

I agree with draiz, I think the hand will come to play somehow. Just a hunch... I thought they might do something with it the minute it was on the screen.


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

Is it just me or is Rose sounding funny?? She sounds like she has a slight lisp or overly large teeth..

Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone, and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering



Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

I don't know but according to IMDB David is going to be on the finale, and there is nothing there about another Doctor.


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

Took me some time, been busy, but just saw the episode. And damn, what an episode! What does the key do?


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

We'll supposedly find this out in the finale... Although, it could just be another of the clues destined for next season.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one..." Malcom "Mal" Reynolds



Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

Perhaps.. but what would you say it does if you'd guess? I mean, if it's supposed to save humanity, what would be the downside that everyone is so afraid of?


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

I vaguely recall that in the classic Doctor Who series, there was a major plot concerning a key that was supposed to open the doors to time and bring about the Armaggedon or something to that effect... Maybe that's the same key Former PM Harriet Jones was so desperate to have everybody forget about.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one..." Malcom "Mal" Reynolds


15 (edited by kirby 2008-06-30 21:37:47)

Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

I am almost possitive the key you are referring to was the time lord key, or one that belonged to the time lords...not one owned by humans on earth....though my memory is a bit foggy about all that.

I wonder if ever they would touch the fact that the actress that plays Gwen on torchwood was on the third ep of Dr. Who Season 1. It always bothered me that they used someone they had previously used and then just brought her in again as if no one would notice.

Kinda like it used to bother me with catherine bells character in JAG, when they killed her in the very first episode of JAG then brought her on, but at least in that they tried to play it off by saying she looked alike to the dead character.

ah well....


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

yeah, i thirdies that WOW... though i did let out a big 'oh, come on!!!' during the macguffin wave thingy, [when everyone hooked up via that 'wave' thing... wtf???] but that and a few minor plot points playing to cliche aside... WOW!!

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

yea, they missed that one kirby. But its like u apply. Not that important.


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

kirby wrote:

I am almost possitive the key you are referring to was the time lord key, or one that belonged to the time lords...not one owned by humans on earth....though my memory is a bit foggy about all that.

Mine too. But it may very well be that same key since they've tried to gradually insert canon Doctor Who mythology in the new series; Wait and see...

theConundrumm : the episode was written by Davies; it was bound to be cliché and cheesy at times.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one..." Malcom "Mal" Reynolds



Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

Can't wait for the finale tonight!! Last week was a hell of an ep.

Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone, and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering



Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

Jarvo wrote:

Can't wait for the finale tonight!! Last week was a hell of an ep.


21 (edited by Deacon Caine 2008-07-05 20:08:18)

Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

Only two hours or so 'till I'll get to see it! Can hardly wait! Will have to occupy myself with Doctor Who - Pest Control Audio book 'till then...


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

Good but abit disapointing tbh. Good that donna is gone tho.


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

I thought it was a great episode. Everything came together greta. And the fact that they picked up on the martha l'ookalike' from the past. Simply brilliant!

So many questions though..

Roll on Xmas episode!

Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone, and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering



Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

Good (Time)Lord! That was brilliant! The best episode in years, and I mean that in any show!


Re: S04E12 2/3 season finale *spoilers*

kirby wrote:

I am almost possitive the key you are referring to was the time lord key, or one that belonged to the time lords...not one owned by humans on earth....though my memory is a bit foggy about all that.

I wonder if ever they would touch the fact that the actress that plays Gwen on torchwood was on the third ep of Dr. Who Season 1. It always bothered me that they used someone they had previously used and then just brought her in again as if no one would notice.

Kinda like it used to bother me with catherine bells character in JAG, when they killed her in the very first episode of JAG then brought her on, but at least in that they tried to play it off by saying she looked alike to the dead character.

ah well....

Just a side note to this.  Colin Baker (the sixth Doctor) actually played Commander Maxil in the story Arc of Infinity (from the fourth Doctor's reign). He stated jokingly that he got the part of the Doctor by killing the incumbent. Not sure if that's pertinent to the thread, but it's not unheard of for the BBC to reuse a character and never mention the previous character