Topic: 5x24 Watershed

So anyone else feel like next season will be it's last (in terms of still being good quality) don't know where they can go after next season.


Re: 5x24 Watershed

Is it just me, or does Beckett look different in this episode..Maybe her hair is a lighter color(?)


Re: 5x24 Watershed


Wow! I did not see that ending coming


Re: 5x24 Watershed


Being a fed can push the show into X-Files territory. She could be assigned to NYC, lots of work for feds there and lots of feds already doing it there.


Re: 5x24 Watershed

Suasor wrote:

Being a fed can push the show into X-Files territory. She could be assigned to NYC, lots of work for feds there and lots of feds already doing it there.

That's what I thought too. The show as it is right now ...


... has reached it's peak and it can only go down from there. On the other hand leaving NY and everything (but eventually not Castle) behind and move the plot to DC will also kill the show.
My guess is, that she will join the feds but at the NY office. There could even be a cross over with 24 Season 9 big_smile
So still based in NY the show can incorporate Castle (obviously) and will have recurring characters of the current show but also many new characters. That could be a win win and a show rejuvenation if not a kick start for many seasons to come wink



Re: 5x24 Watershed

BlackBox wrote:
Suasor wrote:

Being a fed can push the show into X-Files territory. She could be assigned to NYC, lots of work for feds there and lots of feds already doing it there.

That's what I thought too. The show as it is right now ...


... has reached it's peak and it can only go down from there. On the other hand leaving NY and everything (but eventually not Castle) behind and move the plot to DC will also kill the show.
My guess is, that she will join the feds but at the NY office. There could even be a cross over with 24 Season 9 big_smile
So still based in NY the show can incorporate Castle (obviously) and will have recurring characters of the current show but also many new characters. That could be a win win and a show rejuvenation if not a kick start for many seasons to come wink

Let's hope so..


... The show definitely needs a shake-up..If Beckett goes to the FBI NYC office, Castle could still "shadow" Beckett there...Remember, he did have the CIA muse; so, I don't see the leap to the FBI as an issue......It could go like this (including spoiler ideas from above)...

Possibility 1:
Beckett goes to DC for the "summer" for FBI "training"; then, gets assigned/based out of the NYC FBI bureau office in the "fall". Castle joins Beckett as a "consultant" on her cases when she "returns" to NYC. This version would eliminate the rest of the NYPD cast; but, Martha and Alexis stay on. (The marriage proposal is tough here to resolve..if she turns it down, why does he "join" her in the "fall"...if she accepts, would the FBI allow Castle to "consult" with her at the FBI?)... I like the X-Files angle...Can you imagine Castle and his "theories"/"stories" unleashed and be right? (a perfect consultant)

Possibility 2:
Beckett  goes to DC for the "summer" for FBI "training"; then, gets assigned/based to the NYC DHS Fusion Center as an FBI agent. Castle stays with NYPD during the summer and when Beckett returns to NYC in the "fall", the cast of the NYPD including Castle join Beckett as part of the NYC Fusion Center (even though they are still NYPD)...In this version, the entire cast stays (minus maybe the Captain "Iron Gates")...(Resolving, the marriage proposal here is easier...If she turns it down, it creates interesting tension when she "returns". If she accepts, it makes for a good way to wrap-up the series where they get married, she leaves the the FBI and returns to the NYPD to replace "Iron Gates" as Captain.) I don't see much of a X-File angle probability in this version; but, more of an intelligence/terrorism angle.

Possibility 3:
Beckett accepts the marriage proposal and goes to DC. Castle follows as a "consultant". (If she rejects the marriage proposal, this version doesn't work) This eliminates the rest of the NYC cast; except for maybe a few visits by Martha/Alexis (I  think this would be a negative, as I believe those 2 actually add an extra dimension to the show and should stay regulars.)..In this version, they can still do the X-Files angle as in #1.

Possibility 4:
Status quo..She rejects the FBI and stays with NYPD...The marriage proposal is resolved either way...


Re: 5x24 Watershed

No way she's leaving the NYPD... yeah, the show is mostly about Castle & Beckett but I don't see how they'll abandon the rest of the crew, especially since over the course of 5 seasons they had courage to kill off only one regular cast member.

I must however admit I lost of a lot of interest in the show over the last year and if they don't refresh the formula somehow I'm dropping it next season.



Re: 5x24 Watershed

Looks like the producers are thinking the same thing. Apparently they really do read message boards like this (or hire a service that does so and summarizes the "trends").