1 (edited by Quinlan 2012-03-19 11:34:04)

Topic: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

Decent Episode. I always get caught by the fact that it's a finale and get annoyed learning the next episode is months away. (Since I'm not completly maniac up to know that stuff)

Hershel becoming a badass with an unlimited supply of ammo
Rick finally changing
T-Dog having 3 lines instead of a grunt


The prison announcing where they will spend entire episodes in season 3 arguing over wich cells is safer.

See you in the fall.

Myka : You slept with her didn't you ?
Pete : Well... you... you told me to investigate ok ? So... she's unarmed.


Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

They probably thought "hey let's add Michonne already, it's gonna be cool and shit," but it's only a one and a half or two months after the start of the apocalypse, her apperance makes no sense.



Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

meh, wont miss it that much. One of the better episodes of the season, though. smile



Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

My guess is that they added Michonne now so that they can have a story line involving T-dog. The man has brought in absolutely nothing this season.



Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

Ah well, at least they're moving on from the farm. I'm hoping for the best smile
Meanwhile I started reading the comics, so that'll reduce the time till fall.


Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

Damn, I've suspected that Michonne's first appearance will look silly in a TV show, but they still surprised me.  lol

As for the rest of the episode, it was decent. The farm fight scene had its good and bad moments (Hershel with unlimited ammo). The second part was also uneven - I like what they're doing with Rick's character, but Lori...  roll ...just die already.



Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

mclame wrote:

My guess is that they added Michonne now so that they can have a story line involving T-dog. The man has brought in absolutely nothing this season.


"Is this about my Myspace page..? Because I can take that down."


Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

I was abouts to ask wtf that thing in the woods was, but i presume you already know its name 'Michonne'?

I'm presuming it's cause you'all read the comics?  smile

I grabbed the comics but just couldn't bring myself to read them.
Ah well i'll stay out of the loop.

Back to the episode, the only problem i had (besides the seemingly never ending ammo) was my god they were accurate from moving cars!   boom headshot! boom headshot! x20 ....  lol


Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

^ This. Their aim has been sick the entire season (Even Ricks kid shooting shane between the eyes over Ricks shoulder, in the dark, with a handgun, while shaking?), but the shooting from the cars with handguns, shotguns from the hip etc all clean headshots was out of this world. I guess you just have to accept it, though, 'cos otherwise they'd all be dead.

Also, why would they fight to defend the farm and waste a shitload of precious ammo to kill like 5% of a herd? It was obvious there were too many zombies. I guess for the same reason the hillbilly wasted one of his three arrows to kill a walker he didn't need to, and then proceeded to let the zombie hang without retrieving it.


Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

xrnzaaas wrote:

Hershel with unlimited ammo

even at the soup they made fun of this scene smile



Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire




Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

http://ewinsidetv.files.wordpress.com/2 … ne_510.jpg



Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

And the Governor:
http://sezon.s3.amazonaws.com/2012/06/g … or-twd.jpg




Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

Haaaahahahahahaa xD



Re: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

Guess who's back (spoiler!):
http://www.spoilertv.co.uk/images/cache … 1_FULL.jpg
