Topic: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

Well, V is probably winning this one, but still - which one did you think was the worst one?

Did we miss some huge remake disappointment?


Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

Charlie's Angels was horrible.



Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

knight rider, i really wanted its awesomeness


Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

V and Knight Rider are the only two I've seen, and both were pretty bad... the others I really don't want to watch or even give a shot.



Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

Yeah Charlie's Angels was really bad.


Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

Most of the list was horrible.
I have seen the following from the poll list, and the only one worth watching in Nikita, but even now I am thinking of dropping it.

  • Knight Rider

  • 90210

  • V

  • Hawaii Five-O

  • Nikita

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Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

Thanks for adding the poll, santah. I went with Knight Rider... horrible acting & writing + an awful looking car compared to Pontiac Trans Am from the original show.



Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

Has to be Charlies Angels, I was only able to half way though the first episode before I turned it off and deleted the file.



Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

Knight Rider hands down. it was terrible.

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Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

Knight Rider, KITT = Trans Am, period. But wasn't this technically a sequel and not a remake? Wasn't the main character Michael Knights nephew or son or whatever? Well any case it sucked donkey balls big time and deserves to win this poll.



Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

i went  with charlies angels, how Nikita and Hawai five-o can even be on the list i dont understand, boath are great shows.

"The speed of the Ninja, is the speed of the night."


Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

fredmxm354 wrote:

V and Knight Rider are the only two I've seen, and both were pretty bad... the others I really don't want to watch or even give a shot.

same for me

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Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

I never really did follow the original shows... any of them....
But I kind of liked the new version of Knight Raider.... not saying it was great, but I kind of liked it...

My choice in this poll was Charlies Angels, due to the fact that I hardly got through the pilot...


Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

Cant there be an all of the above option, they were all just terrible


Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

Gotta go with Charlies Angels and how the hell can Hawaii Five-0 be on the list??

"To be born English is to win the lottery of life." Cecil Rhodes 1853-1902
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Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

aaaand Knight Rider took first place smile



Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

Knight Rider was imo not bad at all, it diden't had the charm of the original series but who knows if that still would stand well against time


18 (edited by Xhabit 2011-11-25 12:36:14)

Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

BSG !!!!!!

ohhh wait u ment the worst  lol


Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

HomerS wrote:

Knight Rider was imo not bad at all, it diden't had the charm of the original series but who knows if that still would stand well against time

IMO the original Knight Rider didn't stand the test of time at all, BUT it was cool when it was aired in the 80s. smile The new was a joke right from the start and not only because the concept of the show was doomed to fail in modern times. smile



Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

xrnzaaas wrote:

the original Knight Rider didn't stand the test of time at all

You are wrong sir. IT STILL IS COOL!


...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves.

21 (edited by HomerS 2011-11-25 18:54:57)

Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

xrnzaaas wrote:

IMO the original Knight Rider didn't stand the test of time at all, BUT it was cool when it was aired in the 80s. smile The new was a joke right from the start and not only because the concept of the show was doomed to fail in modern times. smile

In the beginning i thought it was meh too and diden't like the choice of car but the episodes got better.


22 (edited by lilma 2011-12-27 01:01:46)

Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

I must adm it that I have only seen the original Beverly Hills 90201, but none of the other... I'm only 20 so don't judge too hard, I've seen a couple of episodes of Havaii 5-0 and Nikita and I didn't dislike them, I just have plenty of other things I'd rather watch for now... maybe later. I also saw couple of episodes of V, I'm not sure if I dislike them or not, didn't get into them all that much.
But I saw the new 90210, my peers love it, I don't. I thought it was rather terrible. And it's the only show I can honestly judge. Anyway, that would be my pick.

23 (edited by TheFizza 2021-04-28 04:02:49)

Re: Worst remake of a classic hit TV show?

Kung Fu (2021) sad
