Topic: new doctor who movie ?

just found on imdb:


too good to be true ? the fresh approach seems rather troublesom (imho)

thoughts ?


Re: new doctor who movie ?

hebermen wrote:

too good to be true ?

or too true to be bad?


Re: new doctor who movie ?

Please say this is not true sad


Re: new doctor who movie ?

I love this!! so many angered "fans" lol.  Whats the harm in letting them make it? It could be good or have an interesting spin. If reports are that it is crap..don't watch it. Its not like it cost you anything or has any impact on your life whatsoever.


Re: new doctor who movie ?

at least plus side is that it's not part of the Doctor Who series, but stand alone version, so it really don't matter how bad it is, we still got series. and if it's good, then it's a little more Doctor Who fun for us.

and i would actually even watch it if it would be something like this:


Re: new doctor who movie ?

for sure i will watch it but come on an english doktor who raped by an american

you guy seen the last indiana jones ?


Re: new doctor who movie ?

I don't know ... usually the non canon movie versions of Doctor Who are pretty bad, even with good actors. Anyway, here's my 2 cents
The only way I can think of this as being anywhere acceptable is this: Paul McGann plays the Doctor, gets called to Gallifrei so we can have a bit of an origin story with flashbacks of him stealing the Tardis, probably done in animation or using a CGI William Hartnell, then the Time War and end up with him regenerating into Christopher Ecclestone on his way to Earth 2005. This way you can have a great SciFi movie, with lots of action and character development without hurting the continuity like the movies from the sixties did. McGann is a good enough actor to pull this of.
If I were Yates, that's what I'd do. Now, thinking about it, we could have an origin story with a young 1st Doctor also ...
Any way you look at it, it HAS to be a prequell

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