Topic: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver [Comedy, Politics, News]

https://next-episode.net/last-week-toni … ohn-oliver
Watchlists: 12563


Former Daily Show host and correspondent John Oliver brings his persona to this new weekly news satire program.

This is such a great show, covers a wide variety of topics, and you CAN'T watch an episode without smiling or laughing at least once. smile I look forward to every single episode.

I love the witty and sometimes silly humor. To honor the current episode - this image is NOT showing a duck hunt big_smile :


Trigger warning: don't watch if you believe that Trump is the greatest president of all times.

2 (edited by bvereshagen 2019-11-07 20:32:05)

Re: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver [Comedy, Politics, News]

I used to quite enjoy the show, but it has now turned into an endless tirade against about Bad Orange Man well over 50% of the time. I now find it tedious.


Re: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver [Comedy, Politics, News]

It's 25% at most. cool

The main part of each episode only very rarely has to do with Trump (and is availabe here: https://www.youtube.com/user/LastWeekTonight/videos ).