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- lighton
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- From: Fillory (first floor)
- Registered: 2018-03-21
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
scorpius074 wrote:I found this short to be a simple story that used visual storytelling, in combination with the soundtrack, extremely well. This is my favorite short of the second season of Short Treks. Great acting by the two girls with their antagonistic behavior as it's being relayed through a musical montage.
+1 scorpius074 wrote:This does set the tone indeed and it definitely has piqued my interest. It will be interesting to see where Kima and Lil's story picks up in Picard, or if these two characters were one-off appearances simply designed to portray the devastating turn of events. I'm leaning towards the latter.
+1  Yes, I would be surprised if they play a role in Picard. Maybe they can be seen once - as somewhat of an easteregg for Short Treks viewers. 
- Registered: 2019-07-07
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
scorpius074 wrote:I found this short to be a simple story that used visual storytelling, in combination with the soundtrack, extremely well. This is my favorite short of the second season of Short Treks. Great acting by the two girls with their antagonistic behavior as it's being relayed through a musical montage.
It manages to really emphasize how every minor background character has a life with drama of its own, while still showing that the big main-story events also end up having a really deep impact. A lot of shows try to do that these days, but I don't think I have so far seen any succeed at both this well, especially with this little to work with.
- From: South East Kent, UK
- Registered: 2017-10-10
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
Thought you might like to see what was done at Piccadilly Circus. I haven't seen it personally but as I work for LU I just found this on our intranet news page. 

- scorpius074
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- TheFizza
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
If the series makes gives me half the feels of this I will be happy 
32 Reply by merc 2020-01-24 14:35:09 (edited by merc_1 2020-01-24 20:05:06)
- Registered: 2018-09-14
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
I have only watched the first few minutes but he looks real old. He wont be jumping thru any hoops soon?

- graybags
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
Well, I'm not sure what everyone else thought, but I really enjoyed the first episode.
2020. Meh.
34 Reply by Moze 2020-01-24 18:39:32 (edited by Moze 2020-01-24 18:40:05)

- Moze
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
As someone who has not seen ST TNG but have seen Enterprise and the movies (dropped discovery after s1). This was actually a fresh breath of air. Though it had a nice pace, but I still felt some bits were rushed. Really liked the starting scene with the android, it just set the right mood instantly. Even tho i have not seen TNG i felt the importance of the android character in relation to picard. Keep this up!
- Registered: 2018-09-14
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
Now I have seen the 1st episode and the resume of whats to come, looks very promising.

- proteinnerd
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
Glad to hear people are liking it, apparently YouTube reviewers hate it and say its trash, I'll put it on my list.

- graybags
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
Moze wrote:As someone who has not seen ST TNG but have seen Enterprise and the movies (dropped discovery after s1). This was actually a fresh breath of air. Though it had a nice pace, but I still felt some bits were rushed. Really liked the starting scene with the android, it just set the right mood instantly. Even tho i have not seen TNG i felt the importance of the android character in relation to picard. Keep this up!
Out of interest, if you've not watched TNG, why would you even watch this? You won't "get" who Picard is, his relationship with Data, etc. etc. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with what you watch, that's not my business, it just seems a bit odd to me. I have a friend who isn't into Star Wars at all, but watches The Mandalorian - I don't get that either 
2020. Meh.
38 Reply by z1rra_1 2020-01-25 08:45:03 (edited by z1rra_1 2020-01-25 08:45:21)
- Registered: 2016-06-09
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
graybags wrote:Out of interest, if you've not watched TNG, why would you even watch this? You won't "get" who Picard is, his relationship with Data, etc. etc. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with what you watch, that's not my business, it just seems a bit odd to me. I have a friend who isn't into Star Wars at all, but watches The Mandalorian - I don't get that either 
Not knowing the full backstory isn't necessarily a hindrance. I haven't seen any of the older Star Trek shows but Discovery was great and I just look up stuff i didn't understand from the internet. Yeah, I won't get some references and I'm blind to fan service, but it's still great quality TV and I enjoy it. And about not "getting" Picard is maybe even more fun as someone who doesn't know, because we get to find out now. Also, I've seen the sexed generation, that's plenty 

- graybags
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
z1rra_1 wrote:graybags wrote:Out of interest, if you've not watched TNG, why would you even watch this? You won't "get" who Picard is, his relationship with Data, etc. etc. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with what you watch, that's not my business, it just seems a bit odd to me. I have a friend who isn't into Star Wars at all, but watches The Mandalorian - I don't get that either 
Not knowing the full backstory isn't necessarily a hindrance. I haven't seen any of the older Star Trek shows but Discovery was great and I just look up stuff i didn't understand from the internet. Yeah, I won't get some references and I'm blind to fan service, but it's still great quality TV and I enjoy it. And about not "getting" Picard is maybe even more fun as someone who doesn't know, because we get to find out now. Also, I've seen the sexed generation, that's plenty 
Maybe not seeing TNG is why you think Discovery was great  Discovery just doesn't feel like Star Trek to me, and while Picard is more Discovery than TNG (in such a big way), I still prefer Picard than Discovery.
2020. Meh.
- Registered: 2016-06-09
- Posts: 40
Re: Star Trek: Picard
I've heard the criticism that it doesn't feel like Trek. I usually don't see it as a bad thing if it's still good. If you want a Trek feel, watch Orville, I've heard 
- Registered: 2018-09-14
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
z1rra_1 wrote:I've heard the criticism that it doesn't feel like Trek. I usually don't see it as a bad thing if it's still good. If you want a Trek feel, watch Orville, I've heard 
Certainly the first eps was rather slow setting things up, following an old man around? But the preview section at the end suggests things will warm up a lot

- lighton
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- From: Fillory (first floor)
- Registered: 2018-03-21
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
I've enjoyed 1x1! The action intro was good to counterbalance the quite slow center of the episode. graybags wrote:Moze wrote:As someone who has not seen ST TNG but have seen Enterprise and the movies (dropped discovery after s1). This was actually a fresh breath of air.
Out of interest, if you've not watched TNG, why would you even watch this? [...] I have a friend who isn't into Star Wars at all, but watches The Mandalorian - I don't get that either 
I think it's great that new people can discover a show without having to watch past seasons or prior shows. I've totally enjoyed TNG but didn't like the 60s Star Trek. (I've also (mostly) enjoyed the last season without wanting to watch the prior seasons that were shot 10+ years earlier. ) And The Mandalorian? That's easy to explain, season 1 is better than some Star Wars movies. 

- Moze
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
graybags wrote:Out of interest, if you've not watched TNG, why would you even watch this? You won't "get" who Picard is, his relationship with Data, etc. etc. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with what you watch, that's not my business, it just seems a bit odd to me. I have a friend who isn't into Star Wars at all, but watches The Mandalorian - I don't get that either 
TNG was before my time and for me there was never a question of picking it up since it seemed outdated. And i had my sights on newer sci fi shows like Stargate, Farscape, BSG, Firefly etc. The older shows wouldn't peek my interest in the same way as newer shows arguably because of the updated understanding of space and science not to mention CGI. (need to stress the fact this is no longer necessarily the case) Always loved sci fi and i'm a fan of patrick steward and hungry for a new show to watch. But after the mess of Discovery i was rather sceptical trying a new ST show, but after seeing the first ep it seems very promising to me at least.

- scorpius074
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
Moze wrote:TNG was before my time and for me there was never a question of picking it up since it seemed outdated. And i had my sights on newer sci fi shows like Stargate, Farscape, BSG, Firefly etc.
I respect your decision to watch what's relevant to your enjoyment, but with that way of thinking you're going to miss out on a ton of quality classic shows and movies. I guess the question for me is, have you finally decided to one day watch TNG? Also, out of curiosity, have you ever seen DS9 or Voyager? IMHO, Star Trek: TNG never felt dated at all. Even by today's standards. There were episodes from season four and onward that had high production value for a television series of its time, plausible concepts that stimulated the mind, and quality storytelling enriched with grade-A performances. Stargate premiered only a couple of years after TNG ended, and Farscape a couple of more years after that. In some ways, Farscape and Firefly felt more dated to me in comparison to the later seasons of TNG at the time. Moze wrote: The older shows wouldn't peek my interest in the same way as newer shows arguably because of the updated understanding of space and science not to mention CGI. (need to stress the fact this is no longer necessarily the case)
This was never the case for me because what's new isn’t always necessarily better. If you look closely at some of the new sci-fi shows, they are basically portraying the same age old concepts in different ways. Some more plausible than others, but they're (for the most part) entrenched in the same facts, theories, laws, and hypotheses that are rooted in the same science found in previous shows, movies, and works of literature. Star Trek: TNG has had some of the most thought-provoking episodes I've ever witnessed. I'm talking episodes that, to this day, still make the old flash bulb pop. And while I can appreciate eye candy as much as the next person, a lack thereof is never a deal-breaker for me if the quality factor is emphasized elsewhere. Moze wrote:Always loved sci fi and i'm a fan of patrick steward and hungry for a new show to watch.
I understand there are different strokes for different folks, but in your case, you happen to be a fan of an actor who's associated with a franchise within the genre that you're also a fan of. But you were never interested in watching the one series associated with the actor, the franchise, and the genre, that arguably made him famous? Yes, there are some who will argue X-Men, and believe it or not, Family Guy and American Dad ((LOL)), but even most people who have never seen TNG know Patrick Stewart as "The Captain" because of the movies. Again, I'm not knocking your decision to watch what's relevant to your enjoyment. To each his own. However, seeing how you're a fan of Patrick Stewart, I hope you can one day give Star Trek: TNG a shot. Other than that, I must say that "Remembrance" exceeded my expectations, and I'm very much looking forward to the rest of this series. I knew going in that most of the true Star Trek vets were operating behind the scenes, with their fingerprints all over this, and it shows. I also happen to be a fan of Patrick Stewart's on-stage performances, and after watching the premiere, I still found myself in awe. The man can act. That's no revelation. But the strongest moment in the series premiere of Star Trek: Picard for me was simply giving him a moment to emote, to condemn, to express his distress and regret over the state of things. It allowed him to do what he does best and embrace the thematic resonance and introspection that were the hallmarks of Star Trek: TNG.
- fonixshield
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
graybags wrote:Maybe not seeing TNG is why you think Discovery was great  Discovery just doesn't feel like Star Trek to me, and while Picard is more Discovery than TNG (in such a big way), I still prefer Picard than Discovery.
A totally agree. Me too noticed that it is not the real Star Trek universe. Picard said it himself. It is not the real Federation. Therefore it is not the real universe. (Not to mention that peaceful-bright-calm Earth heaven-paradise is now presented as chemical agriculture, big dark city and media circus politics.) I am not yet sure though, that Picard is more Discovery than TNG. The universe is, but I hope the story will turn things around. Though Picard seems too old to make a difference.. ;( And the preview at the end seemed a little cowboy like. I hope he gets a real ship and crew. The borg station seems like a nice touch. 
46 Reply by davejo90 2020-01-26 10:50:07 (edited by davejo90 2020-01-26 10:52:49)
- From: South East Kent, UK
- Registered: 2017-10-10
- Posts: 115
Re: Star Trek: Picard
Being of a certain age I have seen all versions of Star Trek. What you have to remember is that in their day these series were cutting edge and this is why they have the following they do. I think Discovery is great and Picard looks like it's going to go that way too, only time will tell. In one of the trailers we saw Riker, Deanna Troi, 7 of Nine as well as Beverly Crusher...but as some else has pointed out; will they just be pop ins? Rumour has it Guinan might be in it also.
- Registered: 2018-09-14
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- lighton
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- From: Fillory (first floor)
- Registered: 2018-03-21
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Re: Star Trek: Picard
davejo90 wrote:Being of a certain age I have seen all versions of Star Trek. What you have to remember is that in their day these series were cutting edge and this is why they have the following they do.
And it's important to remember that back in the days there were way less shows to compete with.
- From: South East Kent, UK
- Registered: 2017-10-10
- Posts: 115
Re: Star Trek: Picard
lighton wrote:And it's important to remember that back in the days there were way less shows to compete with.
This is very true and being an out and out sci-fi nut I can't get enough of these shows. I realise that the time it takes to produce them is long but I can't help wishing that there were more episdes in a season. 8 episodes is way to short for me 
- Registered: 2016-06-09
- Posts: 40
Re: Star Trek: Picard
Everyone knows Patrick Stewart gained his fame by doing a small but significant role as Richard Lionheart in Robin Hood: Men In Tights.
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