Topic: Travelers

Firstly, I can't believe that there isn't a topic for this show already.!

So, the end of Season 3.  There is a bit of a blooper.


Marcy was talking to David on the Bus quite happily, but at the start of season 1, she was a disabled person with limited skills working in a Library.  How is she now a nurse.?

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Travelers


She was only made that way because of 001 attempting experiments to swap bodies. She discovered him using patients at her hospital and he added her to his test subjects. No traveler 001, no experiments on Marcy

"city morgue, you kill em, we chill em"


Re: Travelers

Really enjoyed this show.


Re: Travelers

Ah, thanks Bamuel, I forgot about that bit.

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Travelers

is it worth watching? stopped watching mid season 1 and thought I'd restart when I saw season 3 aired recently.


Re: Travelers

Really worth watching. With what they have done with season 3 i can see people being split. But personally I thing it's clever. And the character development is second to none. I do hope for a renewal! *cough* Netflix *cough*

"city morgue, you kill em, we chill em"


Re: Travelers

bamuel wrote:

Really worth watching.

+1, just based on S01 + S02. Just started with S03, looking good so far.


Re: Travelers

Really worth watching!


Re: Travelers

Finished season 3 yesterday - still brilliant. Definitely worth watching.


Re: Travelers


Check it out here

bamuel wrote:

i really liked travellers season 3. Just finished it. It's definitely one of the different kind of scifi shows where the scifi is more in the background of the characters.

bamuel wrote:

Really worth watching. With what they have done with season 3 i can see people being split. But personally I thing it's clever. And the character development is second to none. I do hope for a renewal! *cough* Netflix *cough*

I have something to say about that...


I agree, and thanks for the nudge, bamuel. A smack upside the head might have been more appropriate, and I'm still kicking myself over waiting this long to watch it. For someone who just watched all three seasons (for the first time) last week, the conclusion of season three can either be a grand finale to a superb series or the beginning of something even more special. Clever indeed! Whether people agree with the choices that were made by the writers or the characters themselves, there are plenty of questions surrounding what happened in those final moments of Protocol Omega, not to mention some events that occurred as far back as the first season. There are some interesting theories, explanations, and analysis taking place on Reddit for those interested. I have to admit the show became an instant favorite of mines halfway thru the first season. As for similarities, think Quantum Leap meets Continuum, with a splash of POI, which caused a Fringe ripple effect Seven Days ago on 11.22.63.

Although time travel is not a new concept, this approach to time travel was fresh, focusing on the present rather than on the future, and the vehicle for transcending time was unique and intriguing; a great premise to a show that's well written, well acted, well directed, and well produced. One of the best things about this show is that there is not one single episode across all three seasons in which the entire story's divulged to us. Instead, we are given breadcrumbs throughout the series that allows us to build the full picture, with all of the subplots and overarching plots beautifully woven into very detailed personal storylines in our main characters. The writers also give you little glimpses into the future (conversations, interactions, random comments, etc.) which translates to an impressive world-building experience that is slow but interesting enough to make you use your imagination. More importantly, at its core, Travelers champions the good side of humanity, and this is emphasized in how the travelers experience certain pleasures in life for the first time; played for light laughs, these "fish out of water" moments sweetly remind us of what we may take for granted. If you haven't already, I HIGHLY recommend that people watch this series. Is it perfect? Well, that depends on who's watching. Sure it has minor misfires here and there, but overall I can't complain, and as far as I know, some things could have been done intentionally by the writers to leave for the imagination or perhaps, for future seasons to come. Again, keep in mind, breadcrumbs...

For example, I wasn't too fond of the way the story developed the second time around. I felt that certain characters weren't used to their full potential, so the show often seemed to be adding elements out of the blue rather than showing us a progression that lets us experience the journey. Certain core characters stories were so under-developed to the point that the season finale was a big let down for me. Everything felt disconnected, some things didn't even make sense, and specific story arcs were left unexplained. However, after watching the third season, I fully understand the reasons behind the writers' thought process, and it all came together quite well; stunningly well if I may say so myself. I would rank the seasons in this order - 3, 1, 2. The third season is the best but doesn't blow the excellent first season out of the water. The second season wasn't as great but still exceptionally entertaining and very good (mostly in part to some clever reveals and key insights from season three), and it owns two of the top episodes throughout the series IMO, 2x10 "21C", and 2x11 "Simon."

Eric McCormack (Will & Grace, Perception) leads a talented cast, and the writers have given us engaging character developments, dynamic relationships, masterful storytelling, and an impressive world-building experience that's limited only by one's imagination, which IMO makes this show one of the best regardless of the genre. The acting is excellent across the board, with particular nods to Jared Abrahamson, Reilly Dolman, MacKenzie Porter (Hell on Wheels), and Patrick Gilmore. Philip/3326 was the most interesting character to me because of the hardships he had to endure and his perseverance in the face of those obstacles. Carly/3465 is another one who had to deal with some overwhelming challenges; she's as tough as they come. Moreover, the relationship between David & Marcy/3569 was stellar enough to win a SAG Award all on its own. The entire central core of characters were all great and played their roles with extreme precision. What adds a fresh layer to the whole show are the characters with smaller roles. For example, J. Alex Brinson (Jeff) played his part exceptionally well, for the most part, as a disgraceful piece of shit. What an asshole! Then on the other side of the spectrum, you have David who, without a doubt, represents the very best humanity has to offer (his role wasn't small by any means). There were a few FBI agents that were important to the progression of the story, and even Grant's wife (Kat) wasn't your typical "fill in wife character." And since Travelers is produced in Vancouver, it was filled with some of my favorite Canadians, and actors/actresses, throughout; some roles smaller than others - Enrico Colantoni, Amanda Tapping, Ian Tracey, Christopher Heyerdahl, Tasya Teles, Louis Ferreira, Magda Apanowicz, Tom McBeath, Kyra Zagorsky (US), Arnold Pinnock, Laura Mennell, Ben Cotton, Karin Konoval, Vincent Gale, Melissa Roxburgh, David Cubitt, MacKenzie Porter, Stephen Lobo, and Jennifer Spence. Grace/0027 was an absolute force of nature!

Travelers may very well be the time travel show I've been waiting for such a long time. Indeed a work of art.
Welcome to the 21st! smile

I really didn't need to use spoiler tags because I didn't reveal any major spoilers, but for those of you who wish to watch this series without even knowing what it's about, it's safe to pass through this thread. Consider it my Christmas gift to those of you who like to dive in eyes shut. Just make sure to stay away from the show's summary page. I already knew the premise when I started watching this series, and it didn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying it. It usually takes me several tries before falling head over heels, but I have to admit, this show became an instant fav of mines halfway thru the first season. And after completing all three seasons, I can proudly say that it's one of my Top 10 favorite shows of all-time.❤️



Re: Travelers

bamuel wrote:

Really worth watching. With what they have done with season 3 i can see people being split. But personally I thing it's clever. And the character development is second to none. I do hope for a renewal! *cough* Netflix *cough*

Great science fiction isn't always space battles. That said, Travellers won me over when Marcy 'arrived' and kicked a** in the pilot.



Re: Travelers

scorpius074 - How can I follow that haha. I agree with you on every word. The travelers different relationships in their lives is one of my favourite parts. I actually like everyone elses more than Maclaren's. Carly with her kid and Jeff is great in season 2 and Trever with his dad through season 1 was one of my favourites. I still think my favourite episode is 21C. Protecting the young girl on the farm while Marcy tries to remember things (I feel thats not a spoiler) That episode had me hooked.

matrim - My favourite part of most scifi shows is usually the characters and how they deal with the scifi situation they are in.  I guess thats what really drew me to this. My friend who put me onto it isn't even a scifi fan, but she was raving about it when season 1 came out.

"city morgue, you kill em, we chill em"


Re: Travelers

Finished S03. It's still a show I recommend, but I didn't like S03 as much as S01+02. It somehow felt like they suffered a 30% production budget cut after S02.

Now I'm looking forward to positive S04 surprises.


Re: Travelers

I binged on this over the holiday


Initially I though it wasn't for me (the 'Marcy' storyline made me uncomfortable) but I'm glad I persisted as it quickly became quite gripping.

The first 5 minutes of season 2 was jaw-dropping.  It's amazing what even a modestly budgeted tv show can do with CG

The 'sky-diver' episode felt like they’d change the supposed Traveler physics, but I guess they hadn't, it's just that I felt if they could do 'that', then perhaps earlier stories might have looked different ... ?

And I agree the 3rd season seemed less compelling even though it was arguably the most dramatic.  Poor David. Killed at the end of one episodes, resurrected, then killed (horribly) again ...

The ambiguity in the ending was excellent:  If the series ends there it's a satisfying finale and if there is a season four, there's a lot of scope for an interesting reboot.



Re: Travelers


Given the line below you avatar,  I'm hoping you enjoyed the exchange that Grace has with the priest in the episode 'Naomi', as much as I did !


Re: Travelers

GeneralAggregator wrote:


Given the line below you avatar,  I'm hoping you enjoyed the exchange that Grace has with the priest in the episode 'Naomi', as much as I did !


DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Travelers


"Here I brought you some tea, sorry about getting your boyfriend killed."




Re: Travelers

Well, on the bright side, maybe this confirms a new Stargate series... tongue

‘Travelers’ Canceled At Netflix After Three Seasons



Re: Travelers

inkblot wrote:

Why did Netflix continue Travelers just to carry it for one season and then dump it? It deserved more and better.

Yeah, but remember, this is coming from a company whose founder and CEO made a rare television appearance explaining why cancellations are not only healthy for the company but necessary in its aggressive pursuit of unprecedented success. So your guess is about as good as mines. Netflix has more data on the viewing of this show than any network on air or cable, and to make things even more awkward, Travelers currently has an 8.1 rating out of 34,000 votes on IMDb.



Re: Travelers

Ah shit... the Girlfriend is gonna be pissed, was her favourite show.
I thought it was great too, even though I was late to the game (only started watching a few months ago)


Re: Travelers

Ah shit, they cancelled it?!!

Why God, Why?


Re: Travelers

proteinnerd wrote:

Ah shit, they cancelled it?!!

Why God, Why?

I don't think they cancelled it, I think they canceled it smile

2020.  Meh.


Re: Travelers

graybags wrote:
proteinnerd wrote:

Ah shit, they cancelled it?!!

Why God, Why?

I don't think they cancelled it, I think they canceled it smile

Actually no, in England, Australia, Canada its cancelled. Considering you are from England, you are wrong for your own country.

Might wanna check this stuff next time you try to be a grammar nazi


Re: Travelers

proteinnerd wrote:
graybags wrote:
proteinnerd wrote:

Ah shit, they cancelled it?!!

Why God, Why?

I don't think they cancelled it, I think they canceled it smile

Actually no, in England, Australia, Canada its cancelled. Considering you are from England, you are wrong for your own country.

Might wanna check this stuff next time you try to be a grammar nazi

And you might want to calm down and realise I was joking before calling me a Nazi.

2020.  Meh.


Re: Travelers