Topic: Season 7 finale

WTH!! yikes

All was prepared to see a great wedding with minor glitches - like the husband lol NICE!!

But the very end was more than a seriously weird cliffhanger. What were the writers thinking?


Of course Castle is not dead or burned in that car crash. He was rather injured or kidnapped.

But that is no way to end a season neutral

So the wait is on to see how this resolves in season 8 wink



Re: Season 7 finale

I can't really see them


killing off Castle when the show is called castle....

not really a cliffhanger at all


Re: Season 7 finale

proteinnerd wrote:

not really a cliffhanger at all

True, since


he wasn't hanging on the cliff, he was all the way down




Re: Season 7 finale

Maybe I should have said the finale was a complete car wreck....


Re: Season 7 finale

What I hate about this show, its that they are still calling each other by their last names.  They are getting married.!

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Season 7 finale

I'm so dissapointed with where this show is going. If it wasn't for the pre finale episode i would call it a crappy season. Finale was really weak and so was this cliffhanger.

My Watchlist

7 (edited by Suasor 2014-10-10 06:08:07)

Re: Season 7 finale

The cliffhanger may have been weak but the Season 7 resolution does not appear to be weak at all. Might be too daring for some fans, but the ratings appear to indicate acceptance.


Re: Season 7 finale

Season 7 premiere was baaad. The writers jumped the shark and I'm out (well, at least until I'll run of other shows to watch wink).



Re: Season 7 finale

Eh, as long as the explanation is decent I'm fine. It's not like I watch it for the conspiracy and season arcs.


10 (edited by xrnzaaas 2014-10-10 08:16:36)

Re: Season 7 finale

Yeah, me too, but imo they messed it up too much. It's not like some previous Beckett's storylines which didn't interfere that deep in the main characters relations and weren't that far fetched. Anyway I heard that episode 2 has a decent resolution so I might give it another chance after all. wink
