Topic: Mob City

Mob City


The true story of a decades-long conflict between the Los Angeles Police Department, under the determined leadership of Police Chief William Parker, and ruthless criminal elements led by Mickey Cohen, a one-time boxer who rose to the top of L.A.’s criminal world. The series is a fast-paced crime drama set in Los Angeles during the 1940s and '50s. It's a world of glamorous movie stars, powerful studio heads, returning war heroes, a powerful and corrupt police force and an even more dangerous criminal network determined to make L.A. its West Coast base.

Anyone? Gonna watch it in the evening. Only checked the intro which is bloody fantastic.


2 (edited by soleron 2013-12-05 16:31:12)

Re: Mob City

Just watched the sneak peek and i started downloading
Seems pretty good. I will watch it tonight.

My Watchlist


Re: Mob City

Not gonna watch it today, sadly. So, people?



Re: Mob City

I dont know, it was a bit too slow for my taste. Its not bad but i just found it a bit boring. They focus too much on the cop. Will give it a few more episode to see if it improves.


Re: Mob City

it was so, so...so far :-)


Re: Mob City

It was OK a bit disjointed jumping backwards and forwards, you need to concentrate. Going to give it a couple more episodes.


Re: Mob City

There are only 4 more left. smile And the ratings are not that good tbh.



Re: Mob City

Yeah, there appears to have been some rethinking of this series. It's actually six one hour eps, but they are being "burned off" in December as three two hour shows. Not very encouraging. But the shows are well done and the cast is competent. In other words, not as bad as some of the dreck that gets released.


Re: Mob City

I like it. It's pretty and interesting enough, plot wise, for me to wait for more episodes. However.

A lot of people on the interwebs compare this with Boardwalk Empire. I can understand why (early XX century mob), but their aim is completely different. Boardwalk is extreme realism, whereas Mob City sacrifices realism for style. It's a romanticized version of a mob story, taking a lot from old classics. That being said, the story isn't really that much fleshed out, and for a supposed gray world only Nosey is gray, everyone else is either black or white. Boardwalk is compelling, Mob is entertaining.



Re: Mob City

I liked episodes 3 and 4 much more ('specially 3). It's still a 'popcorn' show and I still enjoy it. Bring on the last episodes.



Re: Mob City

It's just sooo freakin boring. I couldn't get through the first two eps. Sorry but the peace is killing me, plot ain't anything special niether.

I do drugs.


Re: Mob City




Re: Mob City

Not suprised.
