Re: Heroes Reborn

Barely remember the first one... probably won't bother about this one.

Myka : You slept with her didn't you ?
Pete : Well... you... you told me to investigate ok ? So... she's unarmed.


Re: Heroes Reborn


I didn't recognize



in that photo at first glance. The show will probably be a pass for me, because I never made it to the end of its original run.



Re: Heroes Reborn

Heroes was great at times so I will definitely give this a go.

2020.  Meh.


Re: Heroes Reborn

Yeah, there's always the chance, no matter how remote, that the show creators learned from the horrible mistakes made the first time around. Worth checking out just to see what happens in that area.


Re: Heroes Reborn

[ Trailer ]

Myka : You slept with her didn't you ?
Pete : Well... you... you told me to investigate ok ? So... she's unarmed.


Re: Heroes Reborn

I do not see why that would not be good. Still must not get hopes up


Re: Heroes Reborn

drizzel wrote:

I do not see why that would not be good. Still must not get hopes up

I had the opposite reaction. To me it looks like a train wreck. I'm still hoping it'll be Season 1 Heroes good. smile


Re: Heroes Reborn


Double episode out and I am not sure what to say. No fireworks from the get go, not that I expected that, but just a slow introduction to some of the people. I did not mind the first episode nor did it get my excited for more.

I have a feeling it will be a solid first season


Re: Heroes Reborn

And if they are smart (and do it right) they will leave it at one season and leave as a winner.


Re: Heroes Reborn

I thought it was fine. The characters were interesting. I found the Katana girl and the gamer fanboy a bit annoying though.


Re: Heroes Reborn

Yeah but the East Asian audience loves that vibe.


Re: Heroes Reborn

A formula that almost didn't work the first time and crashed after the first season... And they go for another attempt.

Almost fell asleep even though it's wasn't that bad. But I was tired.

Myka : You slept with her didn't you ?
Pete : Well... you... you told me to investigate ok ? So... she's unarmed.


Re: Heroes Reborn

i so wanted this show to be good... and i really hope they pick up in future episodes. But the first (two) ep(s) just made me disappointed and came out feeling like there is no chance for this. Its a shame because I really love the concept and love this genre.

Also, it made me feel like I just want the old characters (actors) back and don't have any patience for these 'new' people. Wheres Peter, Claire - and most of all, Sylar!

Brothers! What we do in life...Echoes in Eternity!


39 (edited by Lollie 2015-09-27 13:22:46)

Re: Heroes Reborn

I liked it - Katana Girl must be wielding the original Kensei Sword, so we're already seeing a continuation of the old story. Also spotted Henry Zebrowski (Gary) from Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell (in Heroes Reborn he's the new sidekick for Noah Bennet).

The game world graphics are pretty crap, but I notice games on tv shows always seem to have crap graphics, either they cba doing all the work to make them more realistic and like modern games actually are, or they have no idea what games now look like, or it's a style choice (for some reason).

I won't be judging a new show on not having all the cast from the old show, I'll judge it on its own merits.

Certainly seemed to be interesting enough to keep watching.



Re: Heroes Reborn

I haven't watched this yet because I only started watching the original Heroes on Netflix a couple of months ago. I really liked it at first, but something happened that bugs me which I'd never thought of before:  there is no one to root for! At least, not for me.

Everyone has hidden agendas and is using everyone else.  Characters "switch sides" almost every episode.  I'm in season 3 (ep 8?) and I see no "heroes".  It seems that


everyone's abilities were injected instead of inborn

. That disappointed me.  I'm sure this is all more "true to life", but it's not what I escaped into originally.

I hope the Reborn series gives us some real heroes.


Re: Heroes Reborn

Just watched the first 2 episodes and I was sadly underwhelmed. What ever happened to starting a series strong to lure people in? Did the producers forget they have 3 seasons of crap to make up for, and decide to try and give us another season of boring crap?


Re: Heroes Reborn

Not really sure what everyone expects with TV shows lately...it's always been the same, only ever one to three really awesome shows (if you're really lucky) appear and the rest of the week is made up of filler shows triggering varying degrees of pity in us to keep us watching them.



Re: Heroes Reborn

I was hoping for a great relaunch as well, but this had an almost identical feel to the old show. So I guess that means I'll enjoy it for the first season at least smile Then grind my way through whatever seasons come after with an accept/hate relationship


Re: Heroes Reborn

No improvement with the third episode.

Has anyone found a likable character yet? Cause I haven't, they are all so generic especially the bad guys.



plugging a wire into the back of the neck of an evo to create a poor mans cerebro looked terrible and was so cheesy

I'm getting the feeling this first season is going to turn into a really bad version of x-men 2.


Re: Heroes Reborn

all I'm going to say is that i had up to and including 'company man' from season 1 pf the original series. Me and my friend were meant to be going for a proper out out night out. i mentioned this new series and we watch EVERY episode i had. and after company man, i think we were all yikes. that would not happen with this season. my mate was hooked during episode 1

"city morgue, you kill em, we chill em"


Re: Heroes Reborn

Now after 3 episodes, i give it one more episode to redeem itself.

It feels very "Losty" there is a huge mystery going on but instead of telling me whats going on...well the show keeps it artificially a secret. The whole different people connected via "blablabla" is old, and i dont think its gonna work here. I know the subplots of the individuals wont matter soon once all of em are united and i couldnt care less.

The characters themselfs feel cheesy as cheese can be. The obvious villains being obvious. A world that makes absolutly no sense at all.

A big product launch for a thing only a handful of people gonna use? why??? Also how come that everybody is just ok with rounding up people? And why are they ok with it? because of the terrorattack against the "evo`s" themself...it makes NO SENSE!!!

I am not satisfied with this reboot.

They had a cool universe of people with superpowers. But they fucked it up.

By this point i dont care anymore about the "secret" because i know A: its gonna take at least till the season finale to be revealed and B: its gonna be a twist with a huge letdown and most just create another mystery for season 2.

Argh, i wanted to like this one


Re: Heroes Reborn

Yeah I'm still not clear on the hate towards the evo's from a bunch of them getting nuked. Wouldn't that create sympathy for them rather than hate?


Re: Heroes Reborn

episode 4 is 41:45 mins long. I have skipped roughly 25mins of filler and cringe. Still boring.

The writers make promising characters rather kill themselfs then give the viewer some kind of answers on "why should i continue to watch this mess"

I wont bother anymore. I could have used the time to watch my pizza rise in the oven.


Re: Heroes Reborn

The green screen while in the north pole looked so bad. You would have thought they would at least make some effort and place a few specs of fake snow on the actors, their snow suits looked brand new and finely pressed.

The murdering couple still frustrate me,


able to walk up to a suburban home in the middle of the day and shoot the guy dead on his door step while casually walking into and out of the home with not a care in the world.

Michelle Rodriguez daughter of the evil corp white american mom,


a gun wielding bag & tagger all of a sudden grows a conscience because Noah tells her to question her mom. What did she think her mom was doing with the collected people? She had to have known they weren't being sent of to a bed & breakfast.

I know I shouldn't let these things bother me but they just really stick out when trying to watch the show.

4 episodes in and I still have yet to find a scene I genuinely enjoy, the show so far has simply forced me to question and pick at it because there are so many issues that you just cant ignore them. At least in the original show or at least the first season even if there were some slow moments, each episode always had something fun or interesting to see.

As off right now I wouldn't have a problem if every character we've been introduced to dies. I don't care about any off them enough to want them to survive, we need a likable character to appear.

I'm thinking I might just stop watching until there's mention of someone new and fun who shows up.

Sorry about the negativity I'm sure there are some redeeming factors that i'm to blind to see.


Re: Heroes Reborn

No, you're right. After four episodes this show still sucks big time. You're not being negative; just calling it as it is. The concept of this show was great, but hasn't been after season 1. And let's face it... It will never be again. Especially not if Noah Bennett is gonna be the main character. He sucked big time first time around, so will definitely not get any better... This remake sucks and kills every attempt to ever start this show up again in the future. Pull the plug, so we all can stop hoping for something better. Please!