1 2012-10-03 05:10:18 (edited by Rwings 2012-10-03 05:12:10)
Re: 5x03 Secret's Safe with Me
is it me or is castle better? Who else on TV could pull of a handshake like that ;-)
4 2012-10-09 20:09:56 (edited by xrnzaaas 2012-10-09 20:10:06)
Re: 5x03 Secret's Safe with Me
Of course it was the butler I should of known! The episode was good and next week looks even better since it's Beckett and Castle going on vacation...of course a dead body happens but I just enjoy seeing them together.
Re: 5x03 Secret's Safe with Me
So relieved it hasn't fallen into the usual trap when the couple finally get together and started sucking