Topic: what is this show like?
whats joey like and how long has it run?
You are not logged in. Please login or register. what is this show like?Forums - Next Episode → Joey → what is this show like? Posts: 23Topic: what is this show like?whats joey like and how long has it run? Re: what is this show like?it's in his 2nd season (6th or 7th episode) Re: what is this show like?oh i see. joey moves to california. hmmm. they should of had a show called chandler... not! dumm! Re: what is this show like?haha Joeys billiant not as good as friends but i like it.. the first episodes are kinda crap then u start gettin into it Re: what is this show like?wow old thread... @wolf207: what made u respond to this 3 years later? lol Re: what is this show like?
...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?
Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves. Re: what is this show like?I believe it's on round 5 or something... Re: what is this show like?Daemonius wrote:
It's the same here.... but I don't watch television.. Re: what is this show like?Mxyzptlk wrote:
Heh, who watches tv anymore? I surely don't. French tv is pure crap. And French dubbing never fails to come up with ways to ruin even the most straightforward of tv shows... Re: what is this show like?draiz wrote:
That is a good point... we usually don't dub stuff in sweden... but still. I did see a american porno dubbed into german the other day. Pretty amusing Re: what is this show like?German dubbing sucks! I can't watch anything that's on German TV. Switzerland -and Austria too sometimes- at least give you the option to watch a show in its original language. And the dubbing with Friends was particularly bad, the managed to get rid of almost every joke... Re: what is this show like?I love Friends... to a point. When they got it right they were excellent, but with 10 years worth of episodes I felt that a lot of it got very old. Joey is stupid, Phoebe is a kook, Chandler is sarcastic, Rachel is selfish, Ross is... dull, and Monica likes to clean. Blah blah blah. Re: what is this show like?Oh I'm not saying it isn't great - the very fact that it lasted 10 years and was still so popular tells you that about the show. I'm just saying that the show could also be a tad formulaic at times to its detriment. Re: what is this show like?nightcrow wrote:
me too! 23 2008-07-04 01:04:08 (edited by John Locke 2008-07-04 01:05:22)Posts: 23Forums - Next Episode → Joey → what is this show like? |