Topic: Comic book series

As now I am up to date with all the issues of The Walking Dead (it took me 6 days, and in the weekend I read maybe 5 issues), amazing stuff on all levels. Anyone wants to discuss it, or maybe wants the comic books? I can upload them for those who are interested. smile

Let's now not scare people with spoilers, so please use the spoiler function with adding to which issue you are reffering to.

Comic Book Reader:

The Walking Dead 1-100:
Part 1: http://www.sendspace.com/file/n7xy9c
Part 2: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xbk900
Part 3: http://www.sendspace.com/file/8ftdh4
Part 4: http://www.sendspace.com/file/n7gchg
Part 5: http://www.sendspace.com/file/359i7m
Part 6: http://www.sendspace.com/file/wkjj8j

Very, very important! Do NOT read the wiki, you'll just get spoiled. And if the download links expired and you want to get the comics, let me know.



Re: Comic book series

I'm interested!, I'm watching the TV show and since I really like it I was hoping to check the comics 'cause someone told me it was even better to get to know the whole thing from the comic.


Re: Comic book series

I'll upload them tomorrow.



Re: Comic book series

Something tells me I won't enjoy the show anymore after reading these. Maybe a good reading once this season has ended.



Re: Comic book series

mclame wrote:

Something tells me I won't enjoy the show anymore after reading these. Maybe a good reading once this season has ended.

It's better to enjoy the comic books now, trust me. smile No need to wait.



Re: Comic book series

+1 for uploading them please.

I keep hearing they are amazing...


Re: Comic book series

Added a nice, small program for reading them. smile Easy to use.



Re: Comic book series

Thx for uploading them..

I heard the new season strayed away from the comics, this true?


Re: Comic book series

fathead2k wrote:

Thx for uploading them..

I heard the new season strayed away from the comics, this true?

More yes, than no. You'll see for yourself. wink


10 (edited by xrnzaaas 2011-10-24 21:20:57)

Re: Comic book series

My favorite part of the series starts at Volume 3 aka


the prison. smile Tons of great scenes, the whole governor angle was awesome and veeeery brutal (Michonne, governors daughter etc), plus the ending which left you speechless. I don't see how can they repeat that in the show and get rid of most of the cast in a single episode.



Re: Comic book series

But how will I know which volumes to read before or after any episode?

...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves.


Re: Comic book series

Daemonius wrote:

But how will I know which volumes to read before or after any episode?

They got to the farm in issue #10.



Re: Comic book series

k. thx.

...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves.


Re: Comic book series

Comics are now up. Enjoy! smile
(If I'll make at least one person hooked on the comics I'll feel a great sense of accomplishment. smile)



Re: Comic book series

Damn, I was hoping to get som writing done.. Download finished!

Not just the Spanish maine my love. The entire ocean. The entire world!



Re: Comic book series

If someone doesn't really enjoy the artistic style in the beginning, then just wait, Adlard takes the place of the penciler and inker in issue #7 and onwards, and he's sooo good at it.



Re: Comic book series

Oh, and thanks for the upload! Finished the first one, and so far so good.

Not just the Spanish maine my love. The entire ocean. The entire world!



Re: Comic book series

Thanks man!, I'll read them up to the part where they get to the farm, then I'll just go on watching the series, I was looking for these, thank you very much smile


Re: Comic book series

madafak wrote:

I'll read them up to the part where they get to the farm, then I'll just go on watching the series

We'll see, we'll see.



Re: Comic book series

Yep, the comic is all aces so far.
It sort of reminds me of Y-The Last Man on Earth...I picked up that series just at the end of my comic collecting days...prior to that I read a lot of garbage with great art...

I highly recommend it if you're able to get hold of that series too...



Re: Comic book series

Where you at?



Re: Comic book series

Read the first 3...I totally prefer the way they've handled Shane & Lori in the comic book...subtle tension > forced tension.



Re: Comic book series

Robcore wrote:

Read the first 3...I totally prefer the way they've handled Shane & Lori in the comic book...subtle tension > forced tension.


Ah, you don't even know the half of it. wink By the way, when you'll feel too sad/depressed, just take a brake.


24 (edited by Vana 2011-10-25 22:24:32)

Re: Comic book series

I'm seven issues in, and this is way better than the show.

Not just the Spanish maine my love. The entire ocean. The entire world!



Re: Comic book series

*whistles for now apparent reason*
