Topic: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Poll was suggested by xrnzaaas.

It seems obvious to me, who should win this (Jessica / True blood), but anyway, who's your pick? smile


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Carrie Wells (unforgettable)

the show sucked though.



Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Haahaaa, Horatio Caine, I love you man. XD

Srsly though, Joan Harris takes the prize.



Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Not really right now (was this summer)... But Amy Pond from Doctor Who... What do you guyd think?


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Went with Other, as in Alice Morgan in Luther. That accent combined with the red hair just makes a man melt! Jessica from True Blood would have been a second pick.

And in general, LOVE redheads. tongue


6 (edited by fredmxm354 2011-10-24 08:30:47)

Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Option "All female options" wasn't available tongue

I selected other, since my current favorite is Allison Scagliotti from Warehouse 13 wink

(I know she's not a natural redhead, but best I have at the moment)



Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

MegaFlash wrote:

Not really right now (was this summer)... But Amy Pond from Doctor Who...



Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Thanks for adding the poll. smile I voted for Alexis, but my heart is ofcoz with Horatio. cool



Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Amy Pond (Dr Who) would have been my choice too, but since it's not there, then the only option left is Alexis Castle (Castle).  Super cute.

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Analeigh tipton in Hung.


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

well since castle is the only show from this list i watch i voted for that option.

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
My Watchlist


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

No Nina from Fringe?

Ageists  wink


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Amanda Righetti as Grace Van Pelt - The Mentalist

Christina Hendricks as Joan Halloway - Mad Men

Poppy Montgomery as Carrie Wells - Unforgettable

Rachelle Lefevre (several shows including guest spots)


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

kaibren wrote:
MegaFlash wrote:

Not really right now (was this summer)... But Amy Pond from Doctor Who...


+2 big_smile

if the apocalypse comes.... beep me!

15 (edited by vonderstock 2011-10-24 13:56:58)

Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

How could you not list KARI BYRON from Myhbusters?! She's the hottest read head on air right now, no doubt!


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

vonderstock wrote:

How could you not list KARI BYRON from Myhbusters?! She's the hottest read head on air right now, no doubt!

that's part of the plan to get new n-e members to forums.


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Alexandra Breckenridge on American Horror Story.


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

santah wrote:

It seems obvious to me, who should win this (Jessica / True blood)


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Mxyzptlk wrote:
santah wrote:

It seems obvious to me, who should win this (Jessica / True blood)

Stop sucking-up to the boss  big_smile

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Amy Pond from doctor who


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

This was tough because "cute" and "hot" are two very different things to me.
I think Alexis Castle & Tessa Altman are cute but Jessica Hamby is HOT!


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Wizard wrote:
Mxyzptlk wrote:
santah wrote:

It seems obvious to me, who should win this (Jessica / True blood)

Stop sucking-up to the boss  big_smile

I will... as soon as he stops being right.. wink


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

Amanda Righetti - The Mentalist.


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

karenbear wrote:

Alexandra Breckenridge on American Horror Story.

+1 altough she is not really a redhead.


Re: Cutest redhead on TV right now?

On the list: Alexis Castle
Off the list: Rachelle Lefevre

"To be born English is to win the lottery of life." Cecil Rhodes 1853-1902
"The man was right." Maccool111 1955-20**