Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

not as good as first two this season, but solid stuff.
i thought that when he started as a bodyguard, they would make it more funny or crazy, but unfortunately no.

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Who raised an eyebrow when Finch said "Bad code"? Foreshadowing?



Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Someone really needs to give Gloria Votsis her own show.


Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Rwings wrote:

Someone really needs to give Gloria Votsis her own show.

Indeed, she seems a good actress, and she's greek too!

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Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Yeah, I can see that.



Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Should have known Lester is too awesome for just a minor guest role big_smile
Nice twist.




Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01




Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

It was pretty unexpected. And still everyone has a russian name. This Soviet era image is hard to get rid of. Estonian mob must be pretty badass to have this infamy with only 1.3 million people living here tongue


Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

I'm waiting for the Kaliningrad Mob.



Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

I guess we have to learn how to adjust better as eastern europeans and not start new mob families as soon as we hit new york.


Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

End tu zpeak wit fick rrrrrruusian accent.



Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Well, if they have the Estonian mob, can the Finnish mafia be far behind?


Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Suasor wrote:

Well, if they have the Estonian mob, can the Finnish mafia be far behind?

And what they sell? Snow? Drunk people? big_smile



Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Drunk snowmen of course!


Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

hahaaa. I just watched the episode. I was laughing so hard when they mentioned Estonian mob  lol 
Just to mention. that blond chick Irina Kapp could be estonian name. but all those guys just looked wrong.
first of all most mobsters we had here were all russians, and those "mobsters" did not even look remotely estonian/russian.

So everybody fear us! We kill everyone we come in contact with tongue

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Aren't most of the gangsters in the Baltic States ethnic Russians?


Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Suasor wrote:

Aren't most of the gangsters in the Baltic States ethnic Russians?

nope. some people have lived here all their life, yet they refuse to speak estonian, tho their passport is estonian. they whine about estonia a lot, yet they will not leave, since it's much shittier in russia.

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Suasor wrote:

Aren't most of the gangsters in the Baltic States ethnic Russians?

I guess a lot of them are, but let's face it, the criminal element is as bad as it is any country and it doesn't depend on the nationality.

Anyhow, there are like 1.3 million of us and still we only get mentioned as either mobsters, russians or cavemen. Maybe someday we get positive references in shows of fiction tongue


Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

I got the impression that many of the ethnic Russian citizens in the Baltic states were not all that popular since most of them arrived with the Red Army in 1940 (and 1945) and were mainly involved with keeping the natives in line and trying to "Russify" them.  The only difference between a secret policeman and a gangster is the fancy uniform the former would wear on holidays (usually tragic events for the locals, like the day they got turned into citizens of the USSR.)


Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

and now do your math. 2012 - 1940 =?
What do you think how many people are alive who came here in 1940 to do the "Russification"?

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Episode 210 was awesome!
Ended with my favourite stones song as well  smile


Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

GodZionu wrote:

and now do your math. 2012 - 1940 =?
What do you think how many people are alive who came here in 1940 to do the "Russification"?

2012-1991=Recent Resentments

148 (edited by Deke 2013-01-04 20:09:36)

Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01


I enjoyed that, It was nicely written.
It was also different not having you-know-who in the episode much.

As for the end, I'm looking forward to next weeks, wonder what she's going to do smile

GodZionu wrote:

and now do your math. 2012 - 1940 =?

"Math is not punishment"


Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Deke wrote:


I enjoyed that, It was nicely written.
It was also different not having you-know-who in the episode much.

As for the end, I'm looking forward to next weeks, wonder what she's going to do smile

GodZionu wrote:

and now do your math. 2012 - 1940 =?

"Math is not punishment"

got to agree another good episode


Re: Person of Interest 1x01 - 3x01

Wooow, what a wonderful episode. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. smile

PS. Lionel's PoI was hilarious. lol
