Topic: 7x15 Bombshell
Good episode I especially liked this part
Episode made up for the crapfest that was the last 5mins of last weeks episode
You are not logged in. Please login or register. 7x15 BombshellForums - Next Episode → House → 7x15 Bombshell Posts: 10Topic: 7x15 BombshellGood episode I especially liked this part Episode made up for the crapfest that was the last 5mins of last weeks episode Re: 7x15 BombshellI cannot believe how the writers mishandled the Huddy relationship. I feel like most episodes this season have been mediocre at best. They have been very heavy-handed and simplistic in their approach. As much as I loved Candice Bergen as Cuddy's mother (and House drugging her), the episode with her being sick was almost comical with the very obvious saturation increase and color draining as the episode progressed. House ran right into the limitation of being a procedural series with the Huddy relationship. A believable relationship in a TV show needs dangling, unresolved threads at the end of each episode. House writers tried to have an overarching storyline for the relationship - the culmination of which was supposed to be today's episode - while having each episode be a self-contained relationship story as well. It wasn't the typical resetting the status quo at the end of the episode, but it forced the redefinition of previous events (something was positive in the context of the episode's story, but the very next week it was suddenly a bad thing in the context of the season-long story). So now we have House and Cuddy, both of which said at the beginning of the season they want nothing more than for the other person to stay the same. House then makes - for him - remarkable strides in character development and changes a lot, only for Cuddy to dump him because he's the same? I am sorry, but that is some bullshit. At first I thought it might have something to do with the last minutes of last week's episode and his love profession. I thought that what for him was a big change (medicine and saving people wasn't his priority anymore, he gave up with identity for her and his happiness - something he wasn't capable of doing at the beginning of season 2) and romantic gesture, Cuddy could interpret as him being selfish ("you make me happy, which makes people die, so I am not responsible for those deaths, you are"), but the beginning of this week's episode blew that out of the water. (That is what I meant, if they built off of that I would be okay with it, but they made their point last week and this week, because they are a procedural, they forgot what happened last week.) Anyway, it all feels very rushed and yet prolonged, inconsistent and repetitive (how is this not the same as him going off Vicodin at the beginning of season 2 and then getting hooked again?). A big let down - I was hoping for more from the whole Huddy thing. I am afraid House is slowly losing its charm ... Re: 7x15 BombshellFor me I lost most of my interest at the end of the season three finale, with House cutting ties with his team and the fact they stayed gone. The team dynamic was working and the show was doing fine (aside from that stretch with the cop. The storyline was a good idea House finally having to take responsibility for being an ass, but I've always felt the execution of it was done poorly.) The reasoning at the time being that it made sense that internship only last three years yet two of them are still with house seven years later. I admit I did enjoy the season four process of finding people to replace his old team, but after it was done I wanted the old team back and the new team has never interested me. To this day I still care more about Chase, Foremen, and Cameron then I've every cared about Taub and 13. I think the original threes characters were more thought out and interesting and I would be fine if Taub and 13 left. I wouldn't give it a second thought. For me the reason I still tune in every week is because of the House character. (I identify with him a lot mostly because my friend kept referring to me has him which got me to watch the show in the first place.) I like House as a know it all ass whose the best at his job and the antics he pulls on his team. It's what makes his character likeable to me, and I felt recently there's been to many episode were the character doesn't feel like the normal House. What I can't stand though was the Huddy relationship since it never made sense to me. Sure I get them trying it out but in the end, the result of tonight's episode had to happen with the break-up. The biggest problem for me though is that the execution of the relationship never felt right. There was a few episodes were it made sense but to often I felt it was more forced and not believable in the least bit. Then after the crap-fest that was last weeks ending I stopped carrying all together. (This show has so much in common with Bones. Since last weeks ending reminded me so much of the last eight minutes of the episode were Booth broke up with his girlfriend. In both cases the scenes felt out of placed and forced.) So going into tonight episode I just ignored everything to do with the relationship and just focused on how House was acting and going about everything. Which is why I enjoyed this episode personally since it felt more like a House episode from seasons past were it was interesting and the writers stayed true to the House character which at times this season I haven't felt that. Also after reading someones review of the show I didn't think about it at the time but I do think that the dream sequences were nicely done. Huddy dreaming of everything that she knows House will never be and the fact that her mind was trying to tell her House slipped up with his Vicodin, and House's were about "everyone else in it is dead or dying, and House has to wade through the wreckage, fighting back anyone who might come close enough to cause him pain" Plus you can't go wrong with an axe cane/axe shotgun. Re: 7x15 BombshellHuddy was a mess from the start...Cuddy having a kid would have totally dissolved his interest in her, realistically. Plus, the way it ended with the cool detective guy was just horrible...they were practically a family, and when House entered the picture, there's child neglect, and only getting together for sex. Awful. The end of the relationship does actually mean that there's hope yet...he'll backslide to old House, which will be sharper and more badass, but then recoil with the attachment dysfunctions and the warmth that he was flirting with in huddy...hopefully. -Rob Re: 7x15 BombshellI don't know what to think of this episode actually. It has the twist that I like (tho my favorite episode is House's Head) and by twist, I mean the dream sequences. Re: 7x15 BombshellThat was a weird episode... Re: 7x15 BombshellMxyzptlk wrote:
wait that? why ohh why? Re: 7x15 BombshellGodZionu wrote:
Why? Wait? What?! Is this a girly show? Re: 7x15 BombshellMxyzptlk wrote:
Wow. That explains a lot.! DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom". Re: 7x15 BombshellWow, that was such a shit episode. Lately they've all been bad, really. I just rewatched season 1-5 and it got very clear what direction House is taking. Every huddy ep has been some shit plot about House needing to apologise for something with only mildly interesting patients. Hope to god he gets back on the vicadin and the writers pull themselves together. Posts: 10Forums - Next Episode → House → 7x15 Bombshell |