Re: Burn Notice - The Fall of Sam Axe

And now we saw the origins of 'Chuck Finley ' big_smile




Re: Burn Notice - The Fall of Sam Axe

"Very groovy"!  smile

2020.  Meh.

28 (edited by xrnzaaas 2011-04-28 13:59:39)

Re: Burn Notice - The Fall of Sam Axe

The movie was mehish, but the groovy chainsaw scene cheered me up. smile

PS. Too bad we didn't see more of this - http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3993548800/nm4368989 big_smile



Re: Burn Notice - The Fall of Sam Axe

I treated it as a double episode rather than a standalone movie, so it perfectly met my expectations. In fact, I opened the file after the download finished to see what it was like and to catch a few glimpses of the characters, and I closed it 90 min. later  big_smile

Also, I would very much like to see the younger officer in the interrogation in seriously deep s#!t and in dire need for help from the guys. He so got on my nerves... But slim chance I guess, he was a very minor character.


Re: Burn Notice - The Fall of Sam Axe

I've also treated it as a 2hr episode, but still... could be better. I have to agree with BlackBox that the setting was very similiar to 24: Redemption movie. Problem is that in this case the use of the green screen in many scenes was very obvious to a human eye. wink

I heard that a lot of people are demanding a Fiona prequel now... I don't know if it's a good idea. Bruce Campbell is aging very slowly (almost like Sean Connery wink), but Gabrielle Anwar looks a lot older now than when the show was starting in '07.



Re: Burn Notice - The Fall of Sam Axe

Well, I didn't see the 24 movie, so the setting being similar was not a problem. As for the Fiona prequel, I think it's a good idea, and it would probably have much more Michael Westen in it, far beyond a cameo. So that's good. I agree with you on Gabrielle's aging, but personally,  that kind of discrepancies usually don't bother me much, at least in tv series. Maybe I'm easily satisfied. Movies are a different story, though.


Re: Burn Notice - The Fall of Sam Axe

I didn't really notice any green screen from the movie and I usually catch that stuff...then again I barely even remember the movie and I just watched it...

I would really like to see a pre Fi movie back when she was in Ireland with Micheal and to see what cause Fi and Sam to hate each other so much at the start of the show...I know they said why, but still would be cool to see.


Re: Burn Notice - The Fall of Sam Axe

The Fall of Jeffrey Donovan
lol  lol  lol




Re: Burn Notice - The Fall of Sam Axe

Spyder23 wrote:

The Fall of Jeffrey Donovan
lol  lol  lol


...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves.


Re: Burn Notice - The Fall of Sam Axe

