Topic: 1x08 - Phoenix
OMG!!! Maggie Q in so many different super sexy über hot costumes.
what an action packed episode. very nice development of different characters.
the only part i hated was the dog part. yukk, licking everbody.
You are not logged in. Please login or register. 1x08 - PhoenixForums - Next Episode → Nikita → 1x08 - Phoenix Posts: 20Topic: 1x08 - PhoenixOMG!!! Maggie Q in so many different super sexy über hot costumes. Re: 1x08 - PhoenixOrlando wrote:
what he said Re: 1x08 - PhoenixOrlando wrote:
awesome. let me/us know what did you watch and how were they. and links for downloading. Re: 1x08 - PhoenixOrlando wrote:
I recommend this one: ... basically only because it's the only one with her i know besides Die Hard 4 and Mission Impossible 3... If you can't find it anywhere, lemme know... I think I still got it on HDD Re: 1x08 - PhoenixRe: 1x08 - PhoenixMxyzptlk wrote:
i don't even need to be Polish to know that only Poles can speak Polish. Re: 1x08 - Phoenixtry this? Re: 1x08 - Phoenixgodzionu wrote:
Her dad is half polish... or a quarter polish... or something... Re: 1x08 - PhoenixI actually didn't realize it was Polish until the last word an then she switched to other languages 19 2010-11-09 12:54:22 (edited by xrnzaaas 2010-11-09 12:55:49)Re: 1x08 - Phoenixpablo-pancho wrote:
I only realized because I was watching with my brother and there were no Polish subtitles when she was saying this sentence. Orlando wrote:
No. And are you watching Gossip Girl (Polish maid) or Hung (Polish mother in law)? Re: 1x08 - Phoenixxrnzaaas wrote:
GG - no. Hung - yes. Posts: 20Forums - Next Episode → Nikita → 1x08 - Phoenix |